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Congrats GA2 - NJ CP Awards!!


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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

ahh thanks lola :D I've been neglecting the miami board though. I'm not the funny guy here anymore. Funketeer is following in my footsteps. My username should get retired to the miami board hall of fame along with beyondo and djducauvney (I can't spell it!)

Hall of Fame for sure... man I wonder if that Beyondo character ever ghost reads? I'm sure he does - hello Beyondo by the way:tongue:

DjDuchovney gets hall of SHAME.. he was an asshole.. :rolleyes:

I guess I will have to follow you around on the jersey board then eh? j/k :laugh::eek:

You'll always be my funny guy GA2;)

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Originally posted by vipnerd

Congratuations Lee ........ well deserved ........ and if you get to the Hall of Fame ....... I'll break Funketeer's fingers .... foreva...


Congratulations GA2!!! My favorite of your pics is the one with Notallthere and his moving eyes boyfriend...freaky...hilarious...I almost fell of my chair!


Funk :cool:



ps. Yo Vip...I hope you don't mean that thing about breaking my fingers...you are kidding...right?


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