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Originally posted by calebmandrake

Thnak you for this. Now you can may continue your trivial life.


last time i checked...attempting to be funny and making useless posts gets filed under trivial life as well......

you are the biggest waste of life i have ever witnessed

now run along child

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Originally posted by calebmandrake


I know you dream of one day becoming an actress/model but unfortunately, they're a dime a dozen. It actually looks very bleak for you. I've seen the pics. You'll probably have to spread your legs twice more than you currently do to even get an audition. It will get so bad that ten years from now you'll be scraping the money together just so you can pay your "Backstage" subscription fees. But, keep your head up, slut.

Actress/Model??? SORRY WRONG AGAIN!

I'm actually going to graduate school for my MBA...with a promising job offer that you could only dream of.... but nice try, really... I will no longer even waste my time or energy on you...

Thank you, have a nice day, and keep playing.....

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Originally posted by calebmandrake


I know you dream of one day becoming an actress/model but unfortunately, they're a dime a dozen. It actually looks very bleak for you. I've seen the pics. You'll probably have to spread your legs twice more than you currently do to even get an audition. It will get so bad that ten years from now you'll be scraping the money together just so you can pay your "Backstage" subscription fees. But, keep your head up, slut.

......this is like the special olympics of posting!......i have yet to see u deliver on one occasion though......i think watching the wheelchair hurdles would probably offer much more entertainment........telling u how stupid u are is like bitchslapping a kid with down syndrome................spare us any further exposure to your weak attempt at .....well...what the fuck are u trying to accomplish here?

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Originally posted by calebmandrake

Hmmmm.....really? I seem to recall you having a discussion in the "fashion" forum with another minion which entailed you and your efforts to retain representaion. I'm probably right. Anyway, kudos on the MBA and the job offer. I'm sure it's all true. Let me leave you off with a bold prediction....You shall continue to spend time and energy responding to my posts because you are a dumb whore. That's all for now. Be gone.

As far as "retaining representation" what teh fuck are you talking about??? I merely said I was broke RIGHT NOW bc I'm in college you retarded asshole.. I have no time to work.. But when I graduate and am done, I have a job waiting for me at a great company in which I interned for over the summer...]

You know nothing -- You are nothing.

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Originally posted by calebmandrake

I must be very weak. I suppose that's why you respond to my posts every chance you get? Maybe I get under your skin and you'd like me to stop? I'm sorry, as this will not happen. Now be a good girl and go clean the stove or something.

....responding to your posts is like looking at a car accident!....don't flatter yourself fucko.......u r here to pass the time....i'm bored........you're like a crossword puzzle.....only not nearly as challenging

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Originally posted by calebmandrake


I know you dream of one day becoming an actress/model but unfortunately, they're a dime a dozen. It actually looks very bleak for you. I've seen the pics. You'll probably have to spread your legs twice more than you currently do to even get an audition. It will get so bad that ten years from now you'll be scraping the money together just so you can pay your "Backstage" subscription fees. But, keep your head up, slut.


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