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Rapper 50 cent should kill himself....


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Rapper '50 Cent' Arrested On Weapons Charges In Manhattan


Rapper “50 Cent” was arrested on weapons charges in Manhattan early Tuesday morning.

The hip-hop star, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, was in an SUV with four other men when it was stopped for a traffic violation near the Jacob Javits Convention Center at approximately 2 a.m.

Officers noticed a handgun, which was loaded, on the floor of the truck, according to police. All five men were arrested, and police found a second loaded handgun during a search of the vehicle.

All five were charged with two counts of criminal possession of a weapon.

Jackson was a protégé of Run-DMC DJ Jam Master Jay, who was murdered in Queens in October.

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Originally posted by tony2000

The hip-hop star, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, was in an SUV with four other men when it was stopped for a traffic violation near the Jacob Javits Convention Center at approximately 2 a.m.

Wow thats funny the Javits Center is about 500 feet from the Cococabana! And didn't 50 Cent preform @ the Cococabana late Monday Night/Tuesday Morning! LOL this is too funny:laugh:

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Originally posted by mtv.com

The Queens, New York, rapper, whose real name is Curtis Jackson, had been scheduled to perform at a pre-New Year's Eve event at Copacabana, a Manhattan nightclub, and as a condition of appearing had requested the use of a bulletproof vehicle. Promoter Jay Mangan of C.I.N. Productions said that he arranged the use of a car and driver through a private company, for which he paid $1,700. But when the rented black Jeep Cherokee SUV pulled in front of the club just before 2 a.m., Mangan said, police officers in an unmarked taxi cab prevented the rapper from exiting the vehicle, instructing the driver instead to pull around the corner.

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Good PR move 50. This should put your sales for the new album close

to a million out the gate not bad....Your boy will take the rap for the gun

by the time he gets out of the pen you'll be a millionaire. Take a page

out of Big's book. Don't forget to hit him off with about 3mil...

Hard time is tough these days.

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Originally posted by mattm2o

Wow thats funny the Javits Center is about 500 feet from the Cococabana! And didn't 50 Cent preform @ the Cococabana late Monday Night/Tuesday Morning! LOL this is too funny:laugh:

damn... you have a great memory... lol... and or good detective skills... i remember that thread from a days past...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

yes..keep hatin on the kid..

"i got shit in the jaw..thats why i talk funny..i got shit in the leg..thats why i walk funny".....

unlike 99% of the industry he's for real..he did his dirt and seriously needs to be granted a NYC carrying permit

just a quick serious question... how come the rap industry is the only industry where you have to be "real" and they all worry about whos keeping it "real" and etc... how come actors dont really have to be muderers, doctors, lawyers, to be actors??? do you think all those stories comics tell are real stories are they really living those stories??? are all country singers really depressed, unemployed, divorced and or about to kill themselves??? you think biggie really did all the shit he sang about??? in pure rap form my only response is "nigga please..." its all bullshit... its all bullshit... the rap industry needs to get over it already... an entertainer is an entertainer is an entertainer... i dont care if you were slingin crack or if you came from beverly hills... if you can rap... god bless you and anyone who sounds like you, youre signed... i dont care where you came from what you did... its all about NOW... who you are now... you can put a song together that makes sense, that sounds good... lets hear it... i dont care about your bio, your girlfriend, if shes from the block or not... sing mother fucker thats what you get paid for... and if you do choose to sing about sex and violence and drugs.. .leave it in the songs already... every other type of entertainer leaves it in their songs and movies.. when the fuck did you hear arnold schwarzenegger get arrested for shooting up ppl, or etc... or jet li running around karate kicking the shit out of ppl... just to keep it real... fuck that... grow up... and the fans should adhere to my message as well...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

just a quick serious question... how come the rap industry is the only industry where you have to be "real" and they all worry about whos keeping it "real" and etc... how come actors dont really have to be muderers, doctors, lawyers, to be actors??? do you think all those stories comics tell are real stories are they really living those stories??? are all country singers really depressed, unemployed, divorced and or about to kill themselves??? you think biggie really did all the shit he sang about??? in pure rap form my only response is "nigga please..." its all bullshit... its all bullshit... the rap industry needs to get over it already... an entertainer is an entertainer is an entertainer... i dont care if you were slingin crack or if you came from beverly hills... if you can rap... god bless you and anyone who sounds like you, youre signed... i dont care where you came from what you did... its all about NOW... who you are now... you can put a song together that makes sense, that sounds good... lets hear it... i dont care about your bio, your girlfriend, if shes from the block or not... sing mother fucker thats what you get paid for... and if you do choose to sing about sex and violence and drugs.. .leave it in the songs already... every other type of entertainer leaves it in their songs and movies.. when the fuck did you hear arnold schwarzenegger get arrested for shooting up ppl, or etc... or jet li running around karate kicking the shit out of ppl... just to keep it real... fuck that... grow up... and the fans should adhere to my message as well...


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just so you dont get the wrong idea... i am a hip hop fan since day one... kurtis blow, sugar hill gang, planet rock, afrika bambaattaa, run dmc, pete dj jones, kool dj herc, dj hollywood, eddie cheeba, love bug starski, grand master flash listening to bootleg tapes and ish from clubs like savoy manor, ecstasy garage, club 371... breaking in my garage (or at least the whiteboy way of trying to, pretending i was crazy legs, turbo or ozone any one of those mother fuckers) bombing walls, watching style wars, breakin', wild style, till my eyes dried up, and kept with it all the way up through the "gangsta rap" phase and wutang, etc. and all the way up till now... with this whole "bling bling" phase and only as of late has this generation lost focus of how and why this music was created... lost meaning of the message... and etc... hip hop was/is a lifestyle not and a form of communication... the breakin was the physical form, the graf was the visual form, and the freestylin' was the aural... (granted the music/genre was not directed toward me however it was for me and others alike...) and each form conveyed a story and etc... and anytime there was friction, static, beef, problems it was solved within that form... (remember? or is all this forgotten due to deafing/frightful sounds of guns and bullets wizzing passed your head???) you had beef on wax you settle it on wax, you had beef in the club you battle by breakin', you had beef on walls, you settled it on walls... who the fuck introduced guns and all that bullshit??? who the fuck introduced bling bling??? who??? because theyre the ones that everyone should be battling, for turning OUR music into their war zone, into theyre $$$ into their entertainment... eh fuck it... who cares right? well i do, and thats why i really dont care for hip hop anymore... because theres nothing hip nor hopping about it... i had enough... i dont care how much money you have , or made, or how much you spent at a dealership who you fucked and why... until then... i guess we should all just sit back and let them shoot each other until the real artists are only left...

(takes a breathe and steps back for a second... realising that none this might not make sense since it was typed so quickly, and so early in the morning...)

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Originally posted by dgmodel

just so you dont get the wrong idea... i am a hip hop fan since day one... kurtis blow, sugar hill gang, planet rock, afrika bambaattaa, run dmc, pete dj jones, kool dj herc, dj hollywood, eddie cheeba, love bug starski, grand master flash listening to bootleg tapes and ish from clubs like savoy manor, ecstasy garage, club 371... breaking in my garage (or at least the whiteboy way of trying to, pretending i was crazy legs, turbo or ozone any one of those mother fuckers) bombing walls, watching style wars, breakin', wild style, till my eyes dried up, and kept with it all the way up through the "gangsta rap" phase and wutang, etc. and all the way up till now... with this whole "bling bling" phase and only as of late has this generation lost focus of how and why this music was created... lost meaning of the message... and etc... hip hop was/is a lifestyle not and a form of communication... the breakin was the physical form, the graf was the visual form, and the freestylin' was the aural... (granted the music/genre was not directed toward me however it was for me and others alike...) and each form conveyed a story and etc... and anytime there was friction, static, beef, problems it was solved within that form... (remember? or is all this forgotten due to deafing/frightful sounds of guns and bullets wizzing passed your head???) you had beef on wax you settle it on wax, you had beef in the club you battle by breakin', you had beef on walls, you settled it on walls... who the fuck introduced guns and all that bullshit??? who the fuck introduced bling bling??? who??? because theyre the ones that everyone should be battling, for turning OUR music into their war zone, into theyre $$$ into their entertainment... eh fuck it... who cares right? well i do, and thats why i really dont care for hip hop anymore... because theres nothing hip nor hopping about it... i had enough... i dont care how much money you have , or made, or how much you spent at a dealership who you fucked and why... until then... i guess we should all just sit back and let them shoot each other until the real artists are only left...

(takes a breathe and steps back for a second... realising that none this might not make sense since it was typed so quickly, and so early in the morning...)

totally agree with this post here.....MC's like B.I.G., Nas, and Jay Z re-invented the NY sound after rappers like Rakim and Big Daddy Kane started to fade out in the late 80's....now u have all these new cats rapping about the same old shit....even Jay Z is starting to get on my nerves with his rhymes about excessive living...it's time to do something else....all the rest of these artists are just carbon copies....i don't give a shit how many times 50 was shot or how many bids he did for his dirt...or how big his guns are...damn...get inventive....his flow is weak....it's just the same recycled garbage.....remember what B.I.G. said in one of his last interviews....he said something about how "the dirt he did was in the past...and now he's got some success...so now it's meaningless to write about it"....that is what these new jacks need to do...get some skills...or keep writing in your notepad till u come up with something different......

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Hold the fuck up.........

u guys r tellin me that u wana hear street stories from motherfuckers who havent lived them???u think its ok to have fuckin suburban long island boys tell us how rough it is out in the projects??

thats like fuckin marky mark shit..when he made WILDSIDE ....his fuckin ass was tryin to school kids from inner city ghettos on how real shit was..u guys wana bring back rap to its roots...well its roots r in the street..in the hustle...in the dirt. and no one..and i repeat NO ONE can talk about this shit if they havent lived it.

when i see rappers get into shit..yes..i agree its sad...i ask myself why the fuck they do it when theyre makin $...but guess what...i then believe in them and what they rap about. The Reason?...they were socialized a certain way..they grew up in certain surroundings..saw certain things...they are products of their environment...and when they do dumb shit it just proves that they actually lived some of the shit they talk about. its hard to break old habits...but these old habits show some of us that they arent Studio gangsters ...

i personally find it a lot easier to believe someone whose been thru it..over someone whose heard about it...so to me...this "KEEPIN IT REAL" expression i hate so much...actually means something...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Hold the fuck up.........

u guys r tellin me that u wana hear street stories from motherfuckers who havent lived them???u think its ok to have fuckin suburban long island boys tell us how rough it is out in the projects??

thats like fuckin marky mark shit..when he made WILDSIDE ....his fuckin ass was tryin to school kids from inner city ghettos on how real shit was..u guys wana bring back rap to its roots...well its roots r in the street..in the hustle...in the dirt. and no one..and i repeat NO ONE can talk about this shit if they havent lived it.

Couldn't agree more :aright:

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Hold the fuck up.........

u guys r tellin me that u wana hear street stories from motherfuckers who havent lived them???u think its ok to have fuckin suburban long island boys tell us how rough it is out in the projects??

thats like fuckin marky mark shit..when he made WILDSIDE ....his fuckin ass was tryin to school kids from inner city ghettos on how real shit was..u guys wana bring back rap to its roots...well its roots r in the street..in the hustle...in the dirt. and no one..and i repeat NO ONE can talk about this shit if they havent lived it.

when i see rappers get into shit..yes..i agree its sad...i ask myself why the fuck they do it when theyre makin $...but guess what...i then believe in them and what they rap about. The Reason?...they were socialized a certain way..they grew up in certain surroundings..saw certain things...they are products of their environment...and when they do dumb shit it just proves that they actually lived some of the shit they talk about. its hard to break old habits...but these old habits show some of us that they arent Studio gangsters ...

i personally find it a lot easier to believe someone whose been thru it..over someone whose heard about it...so to me...this "KEEPIN IT REAL" expression i hate so much...actually means something...

i agree to a certain extent...but there are things that should not be glorified

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so youre telling me... that in order for me to enjoy a song or be entertained by it somebody had to be killed or shot or fucked up their life with drugs??? or possibly in the same vane, that in order for me to say a movie was good the character would have to have gone through that in real life??? come on now... please... i never ate shit, however i can write you a 10 page thesis telling you it prolly tastes like ass... i never been to alaska however i could prolly tell you a sick story i made up about it... granted the story would be more vivid or possibly have a lil more "life" in it (even though most of these ppl rap about death how ironic) if i for one did eat shit, or been in alaska... however a story is a story... and a song is a song...(or what if i had friends who ate shit, and lived in alaska... then id have first hand accounts, however i myself didnt do it... pretty much same thing... maybe i just had the knowledge or the idea of putting them out for ppl to hear...) from a third party point of view.. us the consumers, us the fans, us the listeners etc... (which face it is primarily white suburban teens, and not that i am one or that you are one, or etc. just saying that, its a major portion of the demographic purchasing these cd's) do you think they really know the difference between a true street story and just story??? do you think they care??? a majority of them dont even know the correct words let alone understand the message... perfect example is commons song "i used to love her..." how many " "real niggas" know what its about??? i dont think to many and those that do know... are the ones that matter... follow??? maybe im just ranting... maybe im just jealous... maybe it shouldve been US in 8 mile, who knows... but i do know this... i dont really care for whats out right now...

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studio gangsters are the equivalent of rockstars... most rockstars where nerds, growing up playing guitars, and just head in the amps... thats it... because they were NERDS and they wanted to make it... same with anyone else in life whos successful... whether rap, country, stockbrokers, actors, doctors, lawyers... the most successful ones where the biggest nerds...right from school straight to the basement, start spinning... look at method man... clifford himself... valedictorian.. not one arrest record.. yet spits out an amazing albulm with an amazing crew... c'mon...

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Heres his most popular song right now:

You said you a gangster But you neva pop nothin You said you a wangster and you need to stop frontin

You ain'ta friend of mine,( huh) You ain't a kin of mine,( nah) What makes you think that Ima run up on you with the nine We do this all the time Right now we on the grind So hurry up and cop and go we selling nicks and dimes Shorty she so fine I gotta make her mine A ass like that gotta be one of kind I crush em' everytime Punch em' with every nine I'm fucking with they mind I make em' press rewind They know they can't shine if I'm around the rhyme Land on paroza's 94 cause I commit the crime I send you my line, I did it 3 to 9 The D's ran up in my crib You know who dropping dimes

You said you a gangster but you neva pop nothin You said you a wankster and you need to stop frontin You go to the dealership but you neva cop nothin You been hustling a long time and you ain't got nothin

Damn Homie, In highschool you was the man homie What the fuck happened to you i got the sickest vandeda when it come to the cheddar And if you play with my paper, you gonna meet my berreta Now shorty think Ima sweat her, sipping on a mereda I'm living once than deta, I know I can do betta She look good but I know she after my cheddar She tryna get in my pockets Homie and I ain't gonna let her Be easy, stop the bullshitting You get your whole crew wet We in the club doing the same ol' two step Gorilla unit cause they say we bugged out Cause we don't go nowhere without toast we thugged out

Me I'm no mobster Me I'm no gangster Me I'm no hitman me I'm just me, me Me I'm no wankster Me I'm no actor But it's me you see on your tv cause I hustle baby This rapping shit is so easy I'm getting what you get for a brick to talk greasy By any means, partner, I got to eat on these streets If you play me close, for sure I'm gonna pop my heat Niggas saying they going murph 50 how We riding round with guns the size of little bow wow What you know about a.k. and a.r.15's Equipped with night vision, shell catchers and dem things, huh


Artist: Foxy Brown

Album: Stylin' 12"

Title: Stylin'


Fever Baby

OK, alright


Uh-Oh Uh-Oh

Yeah Uh Huh

Bitches throw ya drinks up, Style when we be comin' in

Niggas throw ya guns up, Whyle when we be runnin in

And all that ain't nothin, We at the bar frontin

Its necessary, We stays in Burburry (Whooooo)

(-Verse 1-)

You know how it go, Fox and Gav

In a navy blue Rov, Stuttin in Halo

On the I-95, Keepin it live

In the hood, in the 5, Front of Kennedy Fried (Whooooo)

Then slide off with a NBA jump-off

Or a nice lil' rapper, Whoever money stack up

Duke, Cop a little H-Tod shoe

And them little boxer dudes, Get a watch or two (Whoa)

It aint greed, Yall got kids to feed

Fuck it, All he wanna do is kill it and leave

So, Lay low and throw the pussy like the free throw

Brooklyn broad and bet I keep the heat low


Its necessary, We styles in Burburry

And our walk is mean in them Frankie B. jeans bwoy

Its necessary, We stays in Burburry

And a Mark Jacob bag and a H-Tod shoe (Whoo)



(-Verse 2-)

When we walk up in the club, Niggas be like, "OH!"

They aint got no dough? Bet we be like, "NO!"

We bout our paper and all that fam

Rollin through Planet Hollywood knockin that Killa Cam (Whoa)

Up in V.I.P. with F.B.

With a nice throw back, Right below a good G

Now, dude is ill, I'm lovin his boys

I'm all, seing he's gangsta, I'm watching him swift now

They wanna see us, Bitches they wanna be us

Fox and Althea in a powder blue two seater

We the truth in our Juicy sweat suits

When we come through ya town, Every'ting shut down

(-Hook 2X-)

(-Verse 3-)

20's with the rims, B-custom kitted Bently

And everything we do, They assist like Jamaal Tinsley

Cocky bastard, I only spits acid

Slept on Broken Silence, Fever bout to smash it

This here's a classic, We keeps it drastic

I'm all engaged engaged to dough and married to plastic

And you know how we do, Fresh pair Air Force 2's

With the toaster, Kobe pull over (Whoo)


"Parking Lot Pimpin'"

(feat. Beanie Sigel, Memphis Bleek)


Yeh, it's that knock right here

You fuck around not have the right speakers in your system

your shit be soundin like this [*funny sounds*]

Big thangs, thick chains, ain't shit changed

Get brain in the four-dot-six Range

Shit mayn, switch lanes

Every town I hit you switch lames, bitch flip big 'caine

I givin 'em whiplash when I'm whippin the whip fast

Which one? Pick one nigga, I got a six stashed

Continental T's, no tense like I got a thick stab

Big cigar, old money, when I drop it it's so funny

Six-four switches, slam doors on 6's

Big trucks when I wanna fuck and it's time to get ass

I turn automobiles to hotels on wheels

I got money for a room it's just the fact that I'm trill

Bitches love when I cruise up the boulevard

They have contests to guess which car I'ma pull out the yard

They know I, come for dolo and pull off with a broad

Spin away, spend a day tryin to pull menage

Just Mac (??) God, the sunlight hit the ice it's flawless

Run lights like I'm the king of New York, I'm lawless

Bitches, they wanna hang like plaques in the office

Cause I push black Porsches, Benz's and Jaguars-es

When the rag's off it, gat on my lap, I'm that cautious

Never trust grimy-ass New Yorkers

'Specially when you're sittin on 20's they get nauseous

Standin in the Azure with white air forces

[Chorus: sung]

You can catch me in the parkin lot

Hollerin at bitches, parkin lot pimpin'

Everyday we be off the chains

Workin with grain, sittin on them thangs

Tryin to find out where dem dollars at (dollars at)

So when I holla at you, holla back (holla back)

Everyday we be off the chains

Ain't nuttin different, parkin lot pimpin'

[beanie Sigel]

Holla at me mami! Sigel..

You can catch Mac in the parkin lot, pimpin crazy

S-5, Navy 'Cedes, sittin on 80

That's four dubs, not S-4 dub

Stash box, push +Hot Wheel+ like +Matchbox+

Bitches wanna push my world, they flash box

160, push my wheel, mash cops

Cause 160 took my wheel to cash drop

Run 60, you Big Will, match cop

Lookin through the rearview and Mac was wylin

New driver, screwdriver, the cracked steering column

Pushin somethin stolen, blastin, picture me rollin

Baghdad, couldn't picture me ??

Now the truth different, Mac come through Coupe roof missin

I'm the truth til my fuckin roof missin

Mac stay stuck in the Coupe to school pigeons

Feathers gettin plucked in the truck from loose chickens, listen


[Memphis Bleek]

Yo, aiyyo I dip dip dive, what can I say?

I can't fit 'em all inside the Escalade

So I called up, murder to further my parkin lot pimpin

Told 'em get the Impala so I can start dippin

Lay back, seat recline, they notice the hand

Car movin slow, driven by the invisible man

Everything on the dash, digital and

I got a fast stashbox don't make me spit at you man

In the parkin lot, where I spark a lot

I come to show my new feet, slide off with a few freaks

Bleek, turn up the beats..

.. turn up the heat then we burn up the streets, bitch!


Big Tymers feat. Lil' Wayne, Juvenile

#1 Stunna


Nigga can't out-stunt me when I come in these fuckin' cars, nigga

Believe that!

You know me - I don't need no introduction and shit

Ride Bentley's 'round the city on buttons, ya bitch

Arm hangin', wrist blingin' - just stun'n and shit

Drop the top, block is hot

Stay bumpin', ya bitch

B. Atrice get it right, don't tangle and twist it

Hit the club every night, drunk - drinkin' that Crissy

Niggas mad - don't like it 'cause I'm bangin' they bitches

When the light hit the ice, it twankle and glistens

Baby, Brian, B., Bubble - you can call me what you feel

Hoppin' out the platinum Hummer with the platinum grill

With the platinum pieces, and the platinum chains

With the platinum watches, and the platinum rings (platinum rings)

Last shit ain't changed

Still doin' my thing

Still do it for the block - nuts hang and swing

You don't know another nigga that can stunt like me (stunt like me)

Big Tymer representin', nigga - the U.P.T.

(Hook [baby + Lil' Wayne])

[baby] I'ma a hard stun'n nigga like Evil Knievel

[Wayne] Jumpin' out Lex's and Hummers - showin' off for my people

[baby] I'm the # 1 stunna!

[Wayne] Wh-what, wh-what, what?

[baby] The # 1 stunna!

[Wayne] Wh-what, wh-what, what?

[baby] James Bond, Jackie Chan, and that bitch, McGiver

[Wayne] Private planes, Jaguars, Bentley's, and Prowlers

[baby] I'm the # 1 stunna!

[Wayne] Wh-what, wh-what, what?

[baby] The # 1 stunna!

[Wayne] Wh-what, wh-what, what?


I put dubs on cars - when I ride, I'm fly

We thugs, not stars, bitch - ride or die

Put bricks on blocks, nigga - cooked and cut

Juvy 'bout to hold the rocks, nigga, hook it up

Diamonds on my hoes' feet - when they walk, they spark

Diamonds in my fuckin' teeth - when I talk, I spark

Don't fuck around with beef - when it start, I spark

Me and my Hot Boy creeps - when it's dark, we spark

Just bought a new car, and I was thinkin' 'bout a million

The motherfuckin' driver seat sittin' in the middle

Me and my son, Wheezy, got a house by the water

I'll be fuckin' bad bitches (bad bitches, bad bitches)

[Lil' Wayne]

I be hittin' they daughters


I like my dick sucked fast

[Lil' Wayne]

I like to play with them rookies


I like to fuck 'em in they ass while he beat up the pussy

I'm the number-one stunna - you don't want my shit

I'ma stunt 'til I die, bitch, the shit don't quit

(Hook [baby + Lil' Wayne])


Baby, pop the Cryst-al, and shine the jew-els

Get the Cadillac from (?) with twenty-inch L's

[Lil' Wayne]

Boss B.,

Slow down in the Jag, you lost me


{tires squeal}

Slow down, Wayne - you know that's all on me

[Lil' Wayne]

But you know how slow the new Rolls Royce be

Come on - you know how slow the new Rolls Royce be


Baby, give me the ki's, give me the weed,

give me the G's, give me the Mack-10

Let me see happenin'

To me, these niggas last in

[Lil' Wayne]

What's up, Boss B.

You ever got beef with a busta, you can call me

You know I keep a "blucka-blucka"

Hit 'em all week

Give me the keys to the bubble

I'm on y'all street

Juvenile (Juvenile)


Baby, let me get the keys to the Rover Truck

Man, let me get this beef shit over, bruh

[Lil' Wayne]

But wait,

My nigga, Baby - he live on chrome

My nigga, Baby - he get his shine on

(Hook2x [baby + Lil' Wayne])

[baby {talking}]

Now, it's plain and simple, nigga

I ain't met a nigga yet

could fuck with these Cash Money Hot Boys with these cars, nigga

See that new Monte Carlo, that's hot and on fire

that my dog, Fresh, had first

We got 'em on dubs

That Lexus - the new one - that come out in 2001 with the frog eyes

I got that bitch on dubs

And that Yu- the new Yukon, that's bubble-eye

I got that bitch on dubs

And that Mercedes Wagon, with the kit, that's kitted out

look like it got frog eyes

That bitch on dubs

And I got that Benz that me and my dog bought for our bitches

We got this shit here on dubs

We all drive Bentley's on dubs

I'm tryin' to put platinum eyebrows on these hoes

I just bought me a platinum football field, nigga

Ya understand?

Don't fuck with me with these cars, nigga (at all, playboy)

We the number-one stunnas, nigga (Nigga, we don't give a fuck)

Got that Viper with them rattlin stripes, with that kit

Ya understand?

We ain't playin'

TV's in all our shit

Believe that, playboy

(Fuck your whole hood up)


if i bought an issue of robb report, gq/cosmo, guns and ammo i couldve written the exact same songs... and most of these "gangstas" get high watch movies and rhyme about what they saw in the movie, shit even steal their names from them, fill up their songs with quotes from them, i can go on and on and on...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

so youre telling me... that in order for me to enjoy a song or be entertained by it somebody had to be killed or shot or fucked up their life with drugs??? or possibly in the same vane, that in order for me to say a movie was good the character would have to have gone through that in real life??? come on now... please... i never ate shit, however i can write you a 10 page thesis telling you it prolly tastes like ass... i never been to alaska however i could prolly tell you a sick story i made up about it... granted the story would be more vivid or possibly have a lil more "life" in it (even though most of these ppl rap about death how ironic) if i for one did eat shit, or been in alaska... however a story is a story... and a song is a song...(or what if i had friends who ate shit, and lived in alaska... then id have first hand accounts, however i myself didnt do it... pretty much same thing... maybe i just had the knowledge or the idea of putting them out for ppl to hear...) from a third party point of view.. us the consumers, us the fans, us the listeners etc... (which face it is primarily white suburban teens, and not that i am one or that you are one, or etc. just saying that, its a major portion of the demographic purchasing these cd's) do you think they really know the difference between a true street story and just story??? do you think they care??? a majority of them dont even know the correct words let alone understand the message... perfect example is commons song "i used to love her..." how many " "real niggas" know what its about??? i dont think to many and those that do know... are the ones that matter... follow??? maybe im just ranting... maybe im just jealous... maybe it shouldve been US in 8 mile, who knows... but i do know this... i dont really care for whats out right now...

No offense bro - but you just contradicted yourself there...you say that consumers don't understand the message...they why are hundreds of millions of rap CD's being sold each year? There's gotta be a reason besides the hook no?

When was the last time you been to a hip-hop club? And I'm not talking about some room in Roxy and Exit where hip-hop is being played - I mean some straight up raw, gully, thugged out shit like Cheetah or Speed? I went with my little bro to Speed 2 weeks ago and had the time of life...Kats there were singing the words to every song and it was the best vibe I've been to in YEARS. Believe me, I know - I went to Tunnel on Sunday nights to hear Flex whenever I had the chance back in the day, but because of fights and yes, a shooting I swore not to go back. But going back and hearing some good old and new school shit along with seeing an ENTIRE CLUB dancing their asses off (no one sitting at all) - it made me realize what I've missed out all these years...and I can't wait to go back!

What I'm saying (and I honestly don't know what "entertains" you) you can love the music, the beat, the message...but shit has changed from the 80's and you just have to accept it...just because "dgmodel doesn't like the lifestyle" the whole industry is gonna start rapping about ska8ter boys and chillin on the beach?? Ya know! Hip-hop, like with all genre's of music, change and adapt with time. Personally - I like it, and that's all that matters to me. If you don't like it - so be it...but it's not going to change anytime soon and if you have rail on it so much on here the way you do...you might want to try listening to something else.

On a side note....Cop a CD of Jurassic 5...good shit right there!

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Originally posted by spragga25

No offense bro - but you just contradicted yourself there...you say that consumers don't understand the message...they why are hundreds of millions of rap CD's being sold each year? There's gotta be a reason besides the hook no?

i never said they werent selling... and they dont get the message because there isnt a message anymore...

When was the last time you been to a hip-hop club? And I'm not talking about some room in Roxy and Exit where hip-hop is being played - I mean some straight up raw, gully, thugged out shit like Cheetah or Speed? I went with my little bro to Speed 2 weeks ago and had the time of life...Kats there were singing the words to every song and it was the best vibe I've been to in YEARS.

Not for a while... i said i dont enjoy it as much as i did back in the day...

Believe me, I know - I went to Tunnel on Sunday nights to hear Flex whenever I had the chance back in the day, but because of fights and yes, a shooting I swore not to go back. But going back and hearing some good old and new school shit along with seeing an ENTIRE CLUB dancing their asses off (no one sitting at all)

okay so here you go, everyone is having a good time then all of a sudden this guy decides he needs lyrics for a new song and pulls out a gun and bucks of shots... congrats you just made the albulm...

What I'm saying (and I honestly don't know what "entertains" you) you can love the music, the beat, the message...but shit has changed from the 80's and you just have to accept it...just because "dgmodel doesn't like the lifestyle" the whole industry is gonna start rapping about ska8ter boys and chillin on the beach?? Ya know! Hip-hop, like with all genre's of music, change and adapt with time. Personally - I like it, and that's all that matters to me. If you don't like it - so be it...but it's not going to change anytime soon and if you have rail on it so much on here the way you do...you might want to try listening to something else.

see this were it gets crazy and everyone loses perspective of whats really at hand here... i have accepted it, doesnt mean i have to like... but im saying its become ridiculous... and youre miscontrewing my entire meaning/message of my post... and im not even going to bother writing any further to convey my point... as for being a skaterboy/surfer etc... dont judge a book by its cover... before you knew me as dgmodel, i was a totally different person... you see an avatar, you read a post you think you know who i am.. right? wrong... im not going to post my life story on a msg board, for everyone to read, b/c one im not proud of some of things in the past, 2. thats just what it is the past... i didnt do it to brag, i didnt do it to rap about, i didnt do it to prove points on a msg board...

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

Hold the fuck up.........

u guys r tellin me that u wana hear street stories from motherfuckers who havent lived them???u think its ok to have fuckin suburban long island boys tell us how rough it is out in the projects??

thats like fuckin marky mark shit..when he made WILDSIDE ....his fuckin ass was tryin to school kids from inner city ghettos on how real shit was..u guys wana bring back rap to its roots...well its roots r in the street..in the hustle...in the dirt. and no one..and i repeat NO ONE can talk about this shit if they havent lived it.

when i see rappers get into shit..yes..i agree its sad...i ask myself why the fuck they do it when theyre makin $...but guess what...i then believe in them and what they rap about. The Reason?...they were socialized a certain way..they grew up in certain surroundings..saw certain things...they are products of their environment...and when they do dumb shit it just proves that they actually lived some of the shit they talk about. its hard to break old habits...but these old habits show some of us that they arent Studio gangsters ...

i personally find it a lot easier to believe someone whose been thru it..over someone whose heard about it...so to me...this "KEEPIN IT REAL" expression i hate so much...actually means something...

:clap: even though some of these rapper are studio thugs and never even seen a gun,however 50 cent raps the truth everything hes talking about has happen in Queens.And even if other rappers havent lived it it stems from their envoirment or there surroundings hell i can write a rap about pushing weight holding keys and who would know if I was lying or not .In rap some things that might sound outrageous to one person i.e.some one who has never been to the hood and could never understand the story being told to them thru the song.Its also funny that we always talk negative about these rapper but no one ever talks about the good that they do.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

see this were it gets crazy and everyone loses perspective of whats really at hand here... i have accepted it, doesnt mean i have to like... but im saying its become ridiculous... and youre miscontrewing my entire meaning/message of my post... and im not even going to bother writing any further to convey my point... as for being a skaterboy/surfer etc... dont judge a book by its cover... before you knew me as dgmodel, i was a totally different person... you see an avatar, you read a post you think you know who i am.. right? wrong... im not going to post my life story on a msg board, for everyone to read, b/c one im not proud of some of things in the past, 2. thats just what it is the past... i didnt do it to brag, i didnt do it to rap about, i didnt do it to prove points on a msg board...

You're missing MY point...I'm not dissing you at all...I have zero idea what you were in you pre CP life...nor you have any idea on my past. I picked skater boy and beach life because I heard them as rock songs. Not looking to diss you personally at all. I'm just saying that most of the rock song I hear cater to that crowd - the same crowd that you say likes hip-hop....that's all....I just can't see 50 cent or Memphis Bleek bling blinging on the halfpipe! :laugh:

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