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Exit Last Nite (1/3)

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Last night again wasnt as bad as we first expected--the weather was horrible and we didnt think we would do well at all.

Thanks to everyone who came to support the Midnight Room. Unfortunately, exit had turned the midnight room into a coat check room for NYE and didnt convert it back (like with coat racks screwed into the floor) so we had to move to the Red Room for the night. DJ Drag laid down a nice set from 11-1 then I played 1-3 before the usual red room guys came on.

The imp't thing is that I got a nice look at the room (game room). I think next week will be off the hook in there. It has its own door and we all agreed that other than the white room, this room has the best ability to become its own party (seperate from the rest of the club).

To keep it real tho, b/c i know all you guys think I just say all the positive things on here I wanna send a big KISS MY ASS to the red room staff (security) and a big THANKS FOR REGULATING to Bobby G. First they give me shit about hooking up an effects box to the system, saying Ill blow the system. I tried to explain I know my levels and i wont blow it. He didnt care. System cant handle it. I say, "isnt it kinda sad that we're in NYC's biggest club and one of the room's systems cant handle a puny efx box?" He shrugged. Anyway. This next thing was hysterical tho.

I was accompanied by the Lovely Ms. Cody who planned on chillin with me in the booth during my set. Bouncers immediately rush the booth to kick her out. No girls in the booth. Why? Some girl was sexually assualted in that booth so now management sez no girls. I say thats BS (the red room dj says that "Im BS" --nice comeback dick) So cody goes and gets bobby and PooooF! Like that shes in the booth with me. Needless to say some things still need fixing over there, but next week we wont be in that room, we'll be in our OWN room.

Denny on the main was awesome from the parts I heard. Ojeda had to cancel b/c of the weather so Denny played for an extra hour :) then Dom Capello started the afterhours at 5am. Thats when I left to beat the weather...

Nice seeing Gary (xtcgspot) and ur boys, ZEEKER, dj dekan and everyone else who came through despite the rough weather. Next week should be the best week yet. Vicious on the main with afterhours by Nero. and in the midnight room

DJ Jon Stephen followed by a tag team set from Myself and Mark Amatucci. Use the Midnight list to get stamped to come in the room and join us.

Mike Bugout

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Really short night for me. I was with two friends who are way too tight assed to have fun in a club and thus made my night kind of short. Got there at exactly 1, threw a little support to the Midnight party, and headed on in. I was definitely feeling Tsettos and I really wasn't expecting to. I think the crowd, for the most part, was too. he definitely brought a different vibe then what I'm used to in there. Hung out mostly on the second floor, ventured up to the Red Room for a bit, but like I said, I was there with two kids who just didn't want to be there. So, we left around 3. Only thing that did annoy the fuck out of me was that 3 times throughout the night I got stopped by bouncers while walking to see if I was old enough to be carrying the drink in my hand. But in all fairness, I do look 12, and it is their job, so as annoyed as I was, I really had no right to be. Other than that, Security was cool, no fondelling of my balls in line or anything. Numbers were thin, obviously due to the weather, but I have a feeling next week might be just a little more packed for Vicious. Next week should be a good indicator of where the party is at thus far.

And not to jump the gun, but who is lined up for the next weekend, the 17th I believe?

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I was in that room for about 2 hours, got there at about 2:30 or so and must have asked about 20 people if they knew anything about a CP meetup and everyone looked at me like I had 3 heads!!

Music was great tho- definately worth checking it out if your there on a Friday nite!


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Friday nite.. hmm..

How bout that weather. The weather fucking sucked. I know down in Jersey we didn't get it so bad until the drive home but the weather all around the tri-state area was shitty and there were storm advisories and all that crap so a lot of people weren't able to make it out or didn't want to take the chance of coming out in the bad weather. So already it was kinda upsetting. But despite the weather conditions, a decent amount of people ended up making it out and it was nice to see all those faces. :D

Ok so me and Mikey walk in the club to be greeted by Domenick who immediately pulls us upstairs to show us the wonderful little "portable" walls and coat check racks that they decided to install two days earlier. Isn't that wonderful. :blown:

Anyways.. so the party got moved to the Red Room for the nite. Some people weren't so happy about that but too fucking bad. :laugh: :laugh: DraG was doing his thing, had his people up in there representing, it was nice to finally meet him and hear him spin. Mikey came on at 1 and laid down some niice tribal beats.. fucking crazy drums *yum yum* :drool: and got the place moving. Very nice work, as always.

At 3 we had to bounce around and take care of some business but we got to listen to some of Tsettos' set.. laying down some beats that the crowd was really feelin'.. got the snow machines going during Mariah.. niice spectacle.

Domenick came on at 5 to close the place up.. heard everything with that went well, Domenick dropping THE SONG to open the nite and to close it. ;)

Besides the stupid coat check thing, my only complaint was the bouncers in the red room telling me I'm not allowed to (1) put my coat in the booth with Mikey and (2) stand up there with him while he's laying down his set. WTF. Seriously.. "NO WOMEN IN THE BOOTH" --> what kinda fucking statement is that? Me and DraG thought he was kidding when he first said it but then he came up and threw me out when Mikey was spinning. What the hell is that all about. :rolleyes:

Big shoutout of the week goes to BOBBY G. for taking care of all the little glitches that are still floating around at Exit. The place needs some work but Bobby is doing everything he can to set things staight. Once again, security when you walked in was conservative.. no molestation occuring. They were polite. Bobby took care of my whole coat-in-the-booth thing as well as getting a head security to radio up to the red room security that I was "allowed" in the booth. Had a nice conversation with Bob, and thanks again for the drink and the cig hun. :)

Next week should be interesting.. there's Johnny and Nero on the main floor and our Jon Stephan, Mikey Bugout, and Mark Amatucci in the midnite room.. I expect to see mad heads out to support the talent. :D Hopefully the weather will be much nicer so everyone is able to make it there safely with no worries of problems. We all gotta stay on top of these changes in order for them to work out. Hope to see you all next week. Come see and be part of the changes for yourself. :aright:

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Originally posted by fjb2k1

Did you get a chance to check out the hip-hop room?

BTW --> no I didn't get a chance to check out the hip-hop again this week.. just been hanging around the main floor and the side rooms but I'm gonna put it on my list of things-to-do for next week.. I wanna see how it's looking in there now that they are being more selective with the crowd and who gets in by how they're dressed, etc..

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