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No "Smoking Gun" in Iraq


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not really, but you figure that the US government would point them in the right direction since they claim they had intelligence that would prove to the world he was still harboring and producing weapons....at least a trace of something....anything...what about you? no expectations?.....how do you feel about us going to war now?

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Originally posted by underwater

not really, but you figure that the US government would point them in the right direction since they claim they had intelligence that would prove to the world he was still harboring and producing weapons....at least a trace of something....anything...what about you? no expectations?.....how do you feel about us going to war now?

I agree with you 100% - if the govt does have evidence why don't they show it to the rest of the world! Hell, then you wouldn't even NEED inspectors...

however, they're not completely done yet. I just hope it doesn't become a fool's parade like UNSCOM under Butler! :eek:

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Originally posted by underwater

God Bless America.....Going to do what we do best.....crush cultures and steal resources!!..... :laugh:

I would hardly call the way they live a culture..... Its more like lack of culture, but oh well who are we to teach the barbarians how to live?

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My expectations have been met---to me, this weapons inspection shit is just that---bullshit and to me, always was.

The weapons inspectors didn't find everything in 6 years prior to 1998, so what would change now, especially since Iraq had 4 years to "fine-tune" their keepaway game.

Did anyone really believe that inspections were going to work?...

..Join reality---I would confidently suggest that not one Security Council Govt expected inspections to work--this was a farce.

With respects to the U.S. providing the "smoking gun" intelligence....that is a good debate......if they have it, should the U.S. compromise intelligence assets to go public?.....especially on something that foreign governments know already....

Everyone loves to point to Kennedy showing the world satellite photos of missiles in Cuba, but also fail to point out that the Soviets had no idea we had technology that advanced at the time..

Let's be real here---The Iraqi's have chemical and biological weapons---and confirmed arsenals in 1998 before inspectors were kicked out......did they magically disappear?....Are we to believe that Saddam Hussein actually destroyed his weapons without international pressure......

Nuclear weapons--tough call here, but the U.S. was caught off guard during the Gulf War how advanced their nuclear capabilities were, and actually found them by accident....Maybe the inspectors will get lucky and stumble upon something...

I doubt it though---this is a fool's parade

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Originally posted by underwater

God Bless America.....Going to do what we do best.....crush cultures and steal resources!!..... :laugh:

Question: Going back in history, do you think there has ever been an entity with the relative power of the U.S., who has abused it as little as the U.S.?........

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Originally posted by igloo

Question: Going back in history, do you think there has ever been an entity with the relative power of the U.S., who has abused it as little as the U.S.?........

I honestly hope you really are kidding..how can you think this country has not abused its power? Were you raised in a fucking concentration camp that drilled your head with US propoganda? seriously...wake up and see shit for what it really is.

oh, yes, and please do not bring my views or my crusted vagina into this. neither have anything to do with my opinion. thank you.

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there are subtle ways to fuck over people. one is to support organizations which rip these countries off. another way is to do what the US has for its farmers: give them the opportunity to export/import their shit without being taxed or bothering about any kind of tariffs. unfortunately, if a small country wanted to import/export things, they'd have to pay.

i wish we could have a meetup so i could rip you a new asshole. :)

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Originally posted by dnice35


If the US really wanted to they could have terrorised this world, yet we are a civilized society and we exert power only when needed. can you imagine Hitler with the arsenal that we posses? :shake:

Dude, sorry, but the US wouldn't stand a saints chance in hell, if it tried to "terrorize" the world!

C'mon man, even one as brainwashed as you can see that! ;)

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Originally posted by igloo

Question: Going back in history, do you think there has ever been an entity with the relative power of the U.S., who has abused it as little as the U.S.?........

no, i was egging on dnice....i think the US has rarely abused its power....we make mistakes every now and then...but we are one of the most fair countries in the world.....the only thing that comes to mind that i really disagree with is dropping a-bombs on japan....

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Originally posted by sassa

I honestly hope you really are kidding..how can you think this country has not abused its power? Were you raised in a fucking concentration camp that drilled your head with US propoganda? seriously...wake up and see shit for what it really is.


It was a question, a fair one at that, for discussion....

And once again, your answer demonstrates stupidity .....I hope you can provide a better discussion than the usual leftist cries when stumped with thought--" US propoganda"...

What a dumb fuck you are

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Originally posted by dnice35


If the US really wanted to they could have terrorised this world, yet we are a civilized society and we exert power only when needed. can you imagine Hitler with the arsenal that we posses? :shake:

Yeah I can. We have a 21st century Hitler possessing the arsenal now and Hitler is spelled BUSH!

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Originally posted by sassa

there are subtle ways to fuck over people. one is to support organizations which rip these countries off. another way is to do what the US has for its farmers: give them the opportunity to export/import their shit without being taxed or bothering about any kind of tariffs. unfortunately, if a small country wanted to import/export things, they'd have to pay.

i wish we could have a meetup so i could rip you a new asshole. :)

Can I join?

*clutches baseball bat in hand*

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I think we have not used the power that we possess!! We are one of the only countries that is responsible with the power we do have and unfortunatly have not used it when needed.

And for all you tree hugging hippie- give peace a chance-make love not war assholes FUCK OFF !!!!



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Originally posted by ninadd


That's right. We ABUSED OUR POWER!!!!

I think we have not used the power that we possess!!

I think we have not used the power we possess because we are abusing the power we possess!!

We are one of the only countries that is responsible with the power we do have and unfortunatly have not used it when needed.

We are one of the only countries that is responsible with the power we do have and unfortunatly have abused it oftenly for our own personal gain.

And for all you tree hugging hippie- give peace a chance-make love not war assholes FUCK OFF !!!!

Call me a tree hugging hippie- give peace a chance-make love not war asshole and hey, I don't mind. Better than being an ignorant repulsive warmongering gunloon with the mentality of the toilet paper I wiped across the crack of my ass after taking a ripe shit and flushing it down the hopper with the rest of the repulsive, ignorant conservanazi gunloons I secrete daily!

Anyhow, Thanx for the compliment. ;)



"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.

How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

-Julius Caesar

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."

-Benjamin Franklin

By the way, is the word "fuck" defined, "to make love"?

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Originally posted by normalnoises

"Beware the leader who bangs the drums of war in order to whip the citizenry into a patriotic fervor, for patriotism is indeed a double-edged sword. It both emboldens the blood, just as it narrows the mind.

And when the drums of war have reached a fever pitch and the blood boils with hate and the mind has closed, the leader will have no need in seizing the rights of the citizenry. Rather, the citizenry, infused with fear and blinded by patriotism, will offer up all of their rights unto the leader and gladly so.

How do I know? For this is what I have done. And I am Caesar."

-Julius Caesar

'Beware the ides of March"...bla bla bla....thanks for the quote Shakespeare....btw, the Roman Empire was one of the most powerful and long lasting empires of the old world...why not? :tongue:

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Originally posted by ninadd


I think we have not used the power that we possess!! We are one of the only countries that is responsible with the power we do have and unfortunatly have not used it when needed.

And for all you tree hugging hippie- give peace a chance-make love not war assholes FUCK OFF !!!!



I like her.....

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