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Old CP member... where's Blueangel?

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Haven't really looked over the boards in over a year... whatever happened to a Kasey/Casey, a.k.a. blueangel? She organized so many meetups... I tried to make it to a few, but plans fell through. She sent me some sweet and helpful PMs and her posts were always thoughtful... does anyone have her contact info? I'd like to get back in touch... thanks!


~kitten >^.^<

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Originally posted by happykittn

ohmygod... I don't even know what to say right now... :( :( :( :( :( :( I remember she was engaged... is her husband/fiance okay? :( I can't believe it, that's so tragic...


Mitchell is doing better now. Havent talked to him a couple of months, but our paths cross every once in a while.

This is a very heartfelt subject..if you want to PM me or IM me I will fill you in on everything that has happened since then(memorial service we had etc..)

Sorry you had to find out this way :(

Casey is still very much missed by so many people...

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Originally posted by happykittn

Oh, I didn't catch that... :( :( :( Sorry, still in shock... please check your PMs...

check yours...

I sent you basically my whole story of everything that happened :(

and a few links for you to look at.

If you need anything please feel free to contact me.

R.I.P. Casey :(

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