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i apologized if you take the internet and this fucking board way to serious. you dont have a life outside of this? is this all you have? personally this board is here to fun and games, shits and giggles. if you took this shit way too serious you have problems.

if you think you should take it serious. and this board is where you live, and this board is not here for shits and giggles...

them im sorry.

you know who you are.

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I log onto this board when I'm bored or have time to kill. I don't see how anyone could possibly take the shit on here seriously unless it's clubbing info.

But when I do log on here, and I see you've filled up the forum with useless banter, it does tend to annoy me. Nothing to do, though, except check out a different forum or site. Do what makes you happy. ;)

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Every person on this board has a story, many of which probably don't match yours as far as situation and socialization are concerned. For a few, this board really is all they've got.. I've met a few that turned here when the framework of their lives changed so drastically that they really didn't have anywhere else to go. One should take that into account before throwing the standard 'its just a messageboard' into the mix.

I find it funny that this argument is given every time someone speaks out against drama. Cuz when you really think about it, thats what this little thread is about. Drama, the acts of belittling other human beings. Yeah, one could say its all in good fun, but whats good fun to one person, aint necessarily good fun to another. Tell you the truth, the drama that I've read on this board since New Years, and boy oh boy has their been alot of it, has quite frankly been piss poor as far as wittiness and execution.

Drama with a flair for entertainment is funny, the base shit I see floating around the Drama board, this board and New York is just lame. No wit, no flair, no nothing. Add the Jersey people into the mix and it becomes a sign of the apocalypse. That breeds bad sentiment , but I digress..

Just because YOU have an outlet and a life that adheres to the 'standard issue mentality' doesn't mean that everyone else does. And for you to stand there and point the finger and say 'waa waa, get over it' is to prove to the world that you have no desire to try to understand where other people are coming from. Yeah, thats your right, but highschool ended years ago for most of us and one could make the case that.. even with a message board.. one should at least make the effort to look a bit deeper.

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you know what. fuck you...

this board is lame. there is only 1-2 reasons why people log on here. either to fucking vent, or cuz they are board and have jackshit to do.

if you think that you come on here cuz you got no friends. thats his/her problem. be social. its not my fault your fucking bored, horny, and have no friends. is it my fault you got cum stains on all your gear? face it

you are a fucking loser...


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That's your opinion and you got a right to it.

Tell me something though, why get angry about it?

Hell, why even vent on here? No one wants to hear it because, again its just a message board and no one fucking cares.

Why even start this thread, pointing out to all the 'losers' here that they're lame and all.. Why bother?

You tell me why.

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Originally posted by atomicapples

is it my fault you got cum stains on all your gear?

...holy shit...i just fell off my chair...lolllllllll....

...simply put...if you wish to compare boards to a microsm of life then please note that you should take NEITHER of the two seriously...


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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

That's your opinion and you got a right to it.

Tell me something though, why get angry about it?

Hell, why even vent on here? No one wants to hear it because, again its just a message board and no one fucking cares.

Why even start this thread, pointing out to all the 'losers' here that they're lame and all.. Why bother?

You tell me why.

well i can give u a reason for starting a thread like this one

so that those morons stop pm'ing and im'ing you

cause quite frankly u dont care

if someone actually gets angry over material on a messageboard they have bigger issues and should seek therapy

i dont think posts should be written with the preconceived notion that there are idiots in the world who might be offended

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Every person on this board has a story, many of which probably don't match yours as far as situation and socialization are concerned. For a few, this board really is all they've got.. I've met a few that turned here when the framework of their lives changed so drastically that they really didn't have anywhere else to go. One should take that into account before throwing the standard 'its just a messageboard' into the mix.

I find it funny that this argument is given every time someone speaks out against drama. Cuz when you really think about it, thats what this little thread is about. Drama, the acts of belittling other human beings. Yeah, one could say its all in good fun, but whats good fun to one person, aint necessarily good fun to another. Tell you the truth, the drama that I've read on this board since New Years, and boy oh boy has their been alot of it, has quite frankly been piss poor as far as wittiness and execution.

Drama with a flair for entertainment is funny, the base shit I see floating around the Drama board, this board and New York is just lame. No wit, no flair, no nothing. Add the Jersey people into the mix and it becomes a sign of the apocalypse. That breeds bad sentiment , but I digress..

Just because YOU have an outlet and a life that adheres to the 'standard issue mentality' doesn't mean that everyone else does. And for you to stand there and point the finger and say 'waa waa, get over it' is to prove to the world that you have no desire to try to understand where other people are coming from. Yeah, thats your right, but highschool ended years ago for most of us and one could make the case that.. even with a message board.. one should at least make the effort to look a bit deeper.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I totally agree ... people start drama... say things about someones personal life or appearnce or what have you and when that person comes back to defend themselves they get that " its just a message board .. dont take it sooo seriously " .... i hate that shit !

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Originally posted by atomicapples

but tell you the truth...

the only reason why i wrote that shit is cuz she kept on IMing me and telling me the die. calling me a dick smack, saying she hopes i catch herpies from gay animal sex.



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Originally posted by jennijugs

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

I totally agree ... people start drama... say things about someones personal life or appearnce or what have you and when that person comes back to defend themselves they get that " its just a message board .. dont take it sooo seriously " .... i hate that shit !

you dont even know what its all about how can you comment?

i find that all her comments got really annoying.

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

Dude, I don't know where you're getting all the anger from, but it seems to me like you need to pick up the phone and make a call to this person. Seems like it'd be more effective than posting it on this messageboard, no?

...tony doesnt have a phone...him and marko use walkie talkies...


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Originally posted by timetraveler69



This is what I'm talking about. Any pipe hitting crackmonkey on the Grand Concourse could think shit like that up. Where's the wit? Where's the 'drama' in it?

I certainly don't see it. All I see is a bunch of neanderthal retards who can differentiate that elbow from that asshole just enough to hunt and peck on that keyboard.



Idiot 3: JP RULEZ!!!

Idiot 4: I m a 1337 HaX0r

And so on..

We're doomed.

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

And so on..

oh would you just shut the fuck up already...i mean really...these are public forums not scholastic websites where you post dissertations...stop fucking whining and complaining...either start some juicy cornbread drama of your own or clam up already...anyone can complain but only a few can lead by example....i am so tired of people complaining about the boards...if you dont have something nice to say or have a serious contribution youre just as wasteful as the poor posters you're pointing at...

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

This is what I'm talking about. Any pipe hitting crackmonkey on the Grand Concourse could think shit like that up. Where's the wit? Where's the 'drama' in it?

I certainly don't see it. All I see is a bunch of neanderthal retards who can differentiate that elbow from that asshole just enough to hunt and peck on that keyboard.



Idiot 3: JP RULEZ!!!

Idiot 4: I m a 1337 HaX0r

And so on..

We're doomed.

So I guess I am Idiot 1? That's fine, but where's your wit, Dr. Seuss? All I see you doing is complaining.

This is a stupid message board. There should be a disclaimer on the login page, "For Entertainment Purposes Only."

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Originally posted by phatman

oh would you just shut the fuck up already...i mean really...these are public forums not scholastic websites where you post dissertations...stop fucking whining and complaining...either start some juicy cornbread drama of your own or clam up already...anyone can complain but only a few can lead by example....i am so tired of people complaining about the boards...if you dont have something nice to say or have a serious contribution youre just as wasteful as the poor posters you're pointing at...

Hey hey now, its just a message board. Why are you getting all upset?

And its just a message board, so why do you care if I point out that the drama bringers are piss poor?

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...upset to what degree would be a better question...will i threaten your life after this...would i pm or im you with threats...will i lose sleep over any of this...

Not a chance

But...someone such as yourself tries to come off with a mature eruditious post about the boards and society and then ends up trying to play mind-fucking games...you know what...i am going to get upset...

I could go on and on about your intent here...your credibility...you're leaving yourself wide open...i just dont have the time right now...and you dont seem to be worth it...perhaps at a later date after i read some more of your posts...

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Originally posted by LogiKandReasoN

And its just a message board, so why do you care if I point out that the drama bringers are piss poor?

..nothing personal on that one...i just hate complainers...i was brought up in a different way...you dont complain you do something about it...i've told quite a few people both in text and in voice to shut the fuck up if they were complaining too much...the world has enough negativity in it...let alone these boards...

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