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im in for the weekend. noting until R Bar sunday night ( awesome party anyway)

Tonight im staying in and cleaning my house since 4 this after noon not even half way done. If i dont ill be embarrased while getting my ass kicked by a woman

Tomorrow maybe the cafe by my house if not bounce first from club couch then to club bed.

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Originally posted by latinaz



WHAT???? You are going out saturday night cuz I am pickin your ass up!!!!! My man is in Boston and that means party time!!! You know the saying - When the cat is away the mouse shall play!!! - However it goes!!!!! YOU ARE COMING OUT SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!! You have to come out cuz I am actually coming out!!!!!!;)

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Originally posted by jpdd810

WHAT???? You are going out saturday night cuz I am pickin your ass up!!!!! My man is in Boston and that means party time!!! You know the saying - When the cat is away the mouse shall play!!! - However it goes!!!!! YOU ARE COMING OUT SATURDAY NIGHT!!!!!!!! You have to come out cuz I am actually coming out!!!!!!;)

there you are my little sweetness:tongue:

how have you been JP?

and ZEE!!

ok so lets geta thinkg going here for the NOT GOING OUT TONIGHT ppl<><><>]

sound good?

well just hang at a bodies house

- play naked greased up twister

-water polo with electric appliances

-body paint with BOILING HOT WAX and VINYL

....do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200.....

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

there you are my little sweetness:tongue:

how have you been JP?

and ZEE!!

ok so lets geta thinkg going here for the NOT GOING OUT TONIGHT ppl<><><>]

sound good?

well just hang at a bodies house

- play naked greased up twister

-water polo with electric appliances

-body paint with BOILING HOT WAX and VINYL

....do NOT pass go, do NOT collect $200.....

Well hello my little cupcake!!! And how are you? I am always fine and dandy!!!!! I raelly don't get to go on here anymore cuz Iam either at work or I'm not home!!! I promise to try harder to say hi to my precious little cupcake more often!!!!:tongue:

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Originally posted by jpdd810

Well hello my little cupcake!!! And how are you? I am always fine and dandy!!!!! I raelly don't get to go on here anymore cuz Iam either at work or I'm not home!!! I promise to try harder to say hi to my precious little cupcake more often!!!!:tongue:

well get at me NOW NOW NOW online there sweets

djliqid = AIM

or jsut revers that!!!

cause im sittin here at home (STUCK) watchin a rerun of FRIENDS--

boooooring -also finishing a new CD for online use.

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Originally posted by latinaz



wow thats not a good thing zeeee... u gotta come out 2 play 2night... see im finally out and now your not coming out

i think hype and myself are going 2 deko for santanna's bday

well hype still doesn't know cuz he said he might have a football game 2 go 2, but whatever im still there no matter what cuz i finally got a break from work....

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Originally posted by somegirl24

I have a date tonight?? How the hell do I get outta this one??

Isn't there some UNwritten chick rule that there is NO DATING on weekends!!?!?!?!:mad: :mad:

I must've skipped that chapter....:rolleyes:

Accepting excuses...;)

tell em' that u dont feel good and u have a virus :D that should work and u will make it up 2 him next week

wow im bad but what the hell its worth a try.. see if it works and let me know lol

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Originally posted by somegirl24

I have a date tonight?? How the hell do I get outta this one??

Isn't there some UNwritten chick rule that there is NO DATING on weekends!!?!?!?!:mad: :mad:

I must've skipped that chapter....:rolleyes:

Accepting excuses...;)

Girl tell him you have really bad cramps and you need to stay in tonight. Guys usually don't know what to say to that!!!:tongue:

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