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TEAM MANGLE.......................

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ya give em an inch and they try to run a mile...

fuggin slinkies....

First of all.. until you are granted a spot on the Too Mangled Team, and get to ride the train to Mangladesh with the "Great Leaders" of this organization... you all need to learn a valuable lesson....

Its called shut the fugg up and listen slinkies!!!!

Stiffy, as you do show potential to the group.... do not ever make reference to yourself as being a meathead... only brother Digga and Myself can hand out such titles....

Being an avid drug abuser... I can tell you... Its not the drugs that make me the meathead I am today... its a style of living, a new life you must take on... not just a 23 guage pin loaded with the countries finest vet. grade products.....

To be a meathead, you must change your way of life..... You shall be taken neath our lats or wings as some of you say, and we shall teach you the ways and see if there is a meathead within... but dont falsely claim such titles... it only embarress you and cheapens what we have been proud to become... Meatheads...

As for Trewguy....


Life from within the jar... Bro... I like having you around... With guys like you, I can say the following words with full confidence....


Wipe the K-drool from your lip... scrub the k-crumbs out the eyes and look around you... you are far far far from achieving meathead status.... so do not be so quick to aline yourself with the great ones....

Digga... its so hard being perfect and having everyone try to follow in our footsteps....

I feel like Noah..... leading all these beasts to the Arch... Unfortunately.. not all of you will be spared... some of you will be left behind to drown in the 40 days and 40 nights of rain.....

Trewguy, I suggest running to the nearest Walmart and buying a raft...


Digga, once again... excellent idea and most wonderfully conveyed via your post on CP this morning....

I look forward to bringing in some new troops.....


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

I feel like Noah..... leading all these beasts to the Arch... Unfortunately.. not all of you will be spared... some of you will be left behind to drown in the 40 days and 40 nights of rain.....

Trewguy, I suggest running to the nearest Walmart and buying a raft...


:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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stacked.................no need for an aplication for you brotha, you have proven yourself already as a member of "TEAM MANGLE".........METRO FRI i see, hmmmmm......................posibility, nothing beats going out and having ind. like trewguy put a chuckle in my face as they plee to role w/ the big dogs like ourselves.............

HOLLLAAAAA at me fool.................

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


what up baby?????

How is the booty feelin today????

I put a note on Digga's desk to have you and Somegirl24 to be the official escorts for Myself and Digga for the summer beach festivities...

Hope you both accept the position.....


Mr. Bus.....

With dignity and pride, I accept the above mentioned position. I feel privelaged to be given this opportunity.

With sincere appreciation and admiration,

Mystify :D

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the position are very easy to fill b/c there are very few that live up to our standards......................they try and say they live up to be a rockstar w/ the smack talk and drug abuse, but those ind. are the ones that put a smile on my face as they dig there own k-hole and go home w/ there sisters...........HOLLAAA

also a group of females needs to be assembled for those happy ending and warm messages......................

MYSTY, though taken, you can be a part of team mangle anytime, you are officially the diggas, supa dupa rumpshaka twist partner, when the other chics see me shaken my big ol rump with you, there gonna all want a piece o' the action..............

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Originally posted by roddigga

MYSTY, though taken, you can be a part of team mangle anytime, you are officially the diggas, supa dupa rumpshaka twist partner, when the other chics see me shaken my big ol rump with you, there gonna all want a piece o' the action..............


I think this Friday may be THE night for our debut!!!!!!

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


ya give em an inch and they try to run a mile...

fuggin slinkies....

First of all.. until you are granted a spot on the Too Mangled Team, and get to ride the train to Mangladesh with the "Great Leaders" of this organization... you all need to learn a valuable lesson....

Its called shut the fugg up and listen slinkies!!!!

Stiffy, as you do show potential to the group.... do not ever make reference to yourself as being a meathead... only brother Digga and Myself can hand out such titles....


Bus, I understand what you are saying and as a good diciple I must point out that I was one of the first to buy a timeshare in Mangledesh. Also, NYE Digga made me an honorary meathead..............but I am aware of my shortcomings and that is why I requested a more appropriate title "mini-meathead"

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Originally posted by stiffler

Bus, I understand what you are saying and as a good diciple I must point out that I was one of the first to buy a timeshare in Mangledesh. Also, NYE Digga made me an honorary meathead..............but I am aware of my shortcomings and that is why I requested a more appropriate title "mini-meathead"

:laugh: :laugh:

Once they know how many frequent flyer miles you have for your trips to Mangledesh, it's a no-brainer.


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Originally posted by princess1028

:laugh: :laugh: whatz wrong w/u people

princess, i am sorry we have not met, please introduce yourself and do not hide behind the keyboard, me and the bus are always in search of adding a nice fem to our spanky list..............

are we not ammusing in our honosty to weed out those ind that slow us down and our search for the ultimate spooning partner............

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Originally posted by roddigga

also a group of females needs to be assembled for those happy ending and warm messages......................

i am officially offering my contribution to Team Mangle.

m0chi's "me love you long time house of oriental massages" will be offering free yankee crankies to all male members of Team Mangle for the next two weeks.

hollllla ;)

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

You ability to ride the train for the long haul is not being questioned rush stiffler...

its the meathead part we need to work on....

The haters will have you think its the drugs that make us as we are, meatheads...

its only part of it....

You shall learn the ways...

I understand and that is why I mentioned my "shortcomings" but I also realize that Digga said something about a "third-grade reading level" and that has become apparent:laugh: :laugh: j/k

I know I have work to do, and I will try my best so bear with me.......


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Originally posted by roddigga


as winner of "CRACK HEAD OF THE YEAR" it is my duty to find those ind. who are not willing to take the early plunge, and join in the festivities to bring in the summer of 2003

me and bus are designing "TEAM MANGLE" for those individuals who would like to join an elite group of jar collecting, pill poppin, evil beat listening, female neckbreaking, hoddiga female collecting meatheads, .... to weed out those week hearted ind. that slow the digga down, ex. dondeisel26, who has now been added to my list of slinkies............it appears dondeisel26 has found a new life in long helicopter rides around the city w/ his fam. and weekend shopping at IKEA, good luck davey your pink slip is in the mail!!!!

now back to "TEAM MANGLE" this weekend and everyweekend leading to memorial day we are selecting those ind. who are ready to join in to bring in the summer of 2003, applications will be accepted through PM or formal interview at clubs

there are no specific recomandations, just hard nose rock star image, "TEAM MANGLE" will be announced by mid february early march


"YOU BRING DA ASS, WE BRING DA WHUPPIN............!!!!!!!!

p.s. ---- more info on "TEAM MANGLE" soon to follow

I thik that is the best inspirational speech I have seen on here in a long time. Knowing the people on here, I can only imagine what the time will be made of....!!!!!!! :laugh::D

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Originally posted by mystify82281


I think this Friday may be THE night for our debut!!!!!!

oh HOLLAAA, you name the dance floor, i will request the song..........we will start it off like the scene from dirty dancing...........i'll have the light guy shine a light on me, you come running at me and i'll lift ya in the air, na mean, put ya down and have the DJ drop a heavy base and it's own, stricky rump twisitin and jerzee fist pumps and keep smilin it'll drive the girls nuts..............

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I think we also remember two more ladies who have not been out and about lately...

The Solargirls....

We have Mystify and Somegirl as our escorts Digga...

I say we put the Solargirls on as our Massage Therapists.... and give them a duel role as our escorts escorts....

What's better than bein escorted around the club scene with two tasty bitches....

Bein brought around by FOUR tasty bitches...


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Mystify, you will recieve four jerzee fist pumps up for the guest appearance Friday...

Digga and Myself will be donning the popular baby bibs so we do not drool on our new Versace threads...


I am def. looking forward to meeting the infamous Shortbus......

Oh and Rod.....:bounce: :bounce: :bounce:

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the jumpin, i don't understand, me and the bus are know to get girls to jump for us at clubs ask the bus he'll tell ya..............i had this one girl jumpin, no names, but she jumped and jumped and jumped, sorry got caught up in the moment..................

mysty just to me a favor polish dem dancin shoes and find your best neckbreakin outfit...............

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