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weyes' wisdom of the day - 1/13


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sorry i'm late :( !

as promised, some earthquake safety, seeing as most of the people on this forum are not from cali :worry:(ummm... well, if you visit, then you'll have a better idea of what to do.) .

things everyone should always have on hand:

- flashlights with operational batteries (see yesterday's column :D )

- extra gallons of drinking water

- a portable radio

safety tips:

- when an earthquake hits, stand away from any glass.

- get under a table or stand in a doorway.

- do not leave a buiding until the shaking stops.

- know how to turn off the gas, electricity, and water in your own home.

- if you're outside, move away from any buildings, tall trees, or electrical lines till the shaking stops.

- if you're in a car, move away from bridges or elevated highways till the shaking stops; these can collapse.

- don't use any candles or open flames inside; earthquakes sometimes break gas lines, which can catch fire easily.

please add on to this list :D !

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Holy shit...thank goodness I live in NYC. Sure, we have the occasional terrorist attack, but no natural disasters. Earthquakes, tornadoes, hurricanes, tsunamis, and other freakish shit of that kind, scare me to the core. The last time I was in FL I was shopping at Publix or Winndixie and I picked up one of their hurricane survival pamphlets. It had a bunch of funny illustrations reminiscent of those in-flight safety pamphlets. Perhaps I'll scan it one day and post it. On the other hand, natural disasters sort of excite and intrigue me. (Just as long as I'm far away from them.) I love watching those specials on the TLC and the Discovery Channel. I am awed that someone actually sits there and tapes this shit instead of running for cover and sobbing like a little girl. Surely that is what I would do. :blank:

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Originally posted by mala

...On the other hand, natural disasters sort of excite and intrigue me. (Just as long as I'm far away from them.) I love watching those specials on the TLC and the Discovery Channel. I am awed that someone actually sits there and tapes this shit instead of running for cover and sobbing like a little girl. Surely that is what I would do. :blank:

i actually like earthquakes; they're fun. but i've only been in minor ones, so i can easily say that. i missed the '94 northridge quake - which was very major - by a year. and they give people a new look at life for a bit, sort of like near-death experiences, and i think a lot of people need grounding ;) every once in a while.

and i'm totally with you on those weirdos who film tornados and such. i guess they really want that $50 from the local news.

but i lived in new york when there was that big storm... i'm trying to remember which cat i owned then to see how little i was... was that hurricane annie? was it a tropical storm? does anyone remember? anyway, there was once something major in nyc that was so rare it blew ;) everyone's mind. it also broke one of our windows.

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Originally posted by joeygk

Weyes - I thinks it's about time you gave Vic back his crackpipe --> :bong:

crack is wack! and i know it's true, 'cause the [federally funded ;) ] "cool kids" painted a mural saying so :worry: .

and hey, joey wave2.gif , good to see ya!

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