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Somethin' Good To Read....


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i have the same problem. I would probably read more if there was better stuff to read....

if you haven't already, pick up:

DiscoBloodbath (this was a topic on the NY board for a minute)

Valley of the Dolls (oldie but goodie) couldnt put it down -whipped through it in like 2 days

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heyyy guys... huge bookworm here and i love to recommend...:)

David Sedaris - Naked & Me Talk Pretty One Day

- essays/memoirs... hilarious stuff... danger of looking crazy when you laugh out loud on the morning commute but sooo worth it...

Jennifer Weiner - Good in Bed

- fiction... girly type of book but not corny and sooo funny and something you can def. relate to... i read it in one night and it was a little over 400 pages... so you know i could not put it down... :)


those are my two newest books... here are some old school favorites...

whoever hasn't read the YaYa books... get on that! the movie sucked but the books are incredible...


if you haven't read A Tree Grows in Brooklyn then please do yourself a favor... To Kill A Mockingbird... same thing...

i dunno... some might not enjoy fantasy, but Lord of the Rings is soo soo good...

Nicholas Sparks - The Notebook ... anyone who is a total romantic at heart... YOU MUST READ THIS BOOK! :love2:

Wally Lamb - She's Come Undone & I Know This Much is True ... i know there are some people who don't like Wally, but i thought these books were both excellent, esp. the second one...

for anyone who likes Harry Potter and doesn't mind picking up a "childrens" book (even tho i cringe to say that cause it's sooooooo more then that) but The Phantom Tollbooth is one of my all time favorite books ever! i totally recommend it to everyone~!!! :grin:

.... guys.... as you can see, i could go on and on... if you want any more suggestions, just say it and i'll let myself go... :D

happy reading! :rock:

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Originally posted by sweetie029

I haven't read a good book in a while...I went to B&N..they have crap....So....has anyone read a good book lately thats worth picking up ??

Master Swing Trader: Alan Farley

Stocks for the long run:

Den Of Thieves:

Trading For A Living: Alexander Elder

Flowers For Algernon:

Mysterious Stranger: David Blaine

Kissing in Manhattan: David Shickler

The go go years by???

the ones in italic are ones you might want to read the rest are just finance hoooplah...

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