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My thoughts on Vinyl and/or Cds

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My point here was about technology and not necessarily which form of spinning is better..........Wake up people, everything changes and if you can't go with it then you'll be left behind! That is a fact that has been proven over time.............cant erase history nor change it and what the future holds for sure in life is CHANGE! As fa as the industry goes I can see where downloading may hurt it but it won't go broke because of it! There are always people out there figuring a new way to make money off of everything...another fact proven over time.

Let me add, that I am not a DJ or do I have any knowledge in the field, but this is more an observation of the way things are, were and will be!

OSB.......yes, I remember reel to reel and 8tracks..........actually, I remember watching my fathers old porn on his reel to reel when I was a kid.......:laugh:

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you know ... everyday we go on this board and argue over music and dj's. "he's good -- he sucks". all the big dj's in jersey (from denny to rydell & santana to kirk lopez). the majority of the music they play is off of a cd. i watch them. i'm not saying that they don't play vinyl ... because they do play alot but to knock someone because he plays cd's (and you know who you are) is obsurd. everybody is doing it ----- and everybody is gonna suffer one day

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This arguement is never gonna end. There is no right answer. Use both. Don't pirate your music. Keep the music alive. If you think that pirating doesn't affect the industry, then look at all the small record companies that made some kick ass music and are now defunct. Anyway, I am surprised no one has brought the subject of Final Scratch into this yet:laugh: :laugh:

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As fa as the industry goes I can see where downloading may hurt it but it won't go broke because of it! There are always people out there figuring a new way to make money off of everything...another fact proven over time.

Let me add, that I am not a DJ or do I have any knowledge in the field, but this is more an observation of the way things are, were and will be!

The industry WONT go broke because of it? What planet do you live on because I want to move in. The industry is laying off executives by the hundreds every week, distributors, record stores and labels are closing there doors all over the country. Turn off your computer for 10 minutes and pick up a newspaper or turn on the news on TV and see how many lives have been affected by this illeagal downloading. And since you admit to not having knowledge in the field be careful of the comments that you make.

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Right here on earth!!!!

People get laid off all the time in all sorts of field of work, but eventually something replaces it(I am not saying thats good) but..........please.......why do you think the unemployment rate goes UP and DOWN from time to time. Its life so get use to it. I am sorry if this subject deeply upsets you, but in reality life is not a bowl of cherris, most of us just end up with the pits! There is always something around the corner waiting to replace it. The servers that support the downloading will become a chargeable service. Unfortunately computers are putting people out of work in a variety of fields and in many ways!! So what to you do...........You either complain or conform and go on with your life. People that spend time complaing may eventually get what they want, but think about the time they loose................Life hands you challenges and it all depends on how you deal with it.....

Sit back and bitch or do something about it..........those are the choices........

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Originally posted by stiffler

Nothing more embarrassing than when I am throwin down a SICK set and my Go-Go's record "Our Lips are Sealed" skips...........just when the place starts jumpin............Oh and of coarse you know I mixin that right into "Safety Dance"

Sounds like my Friday night in the disco room, or purgatory as I like to call it. :vomit2:

All on CD however

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Originally posted by coogs78

First off nothing sounds beter than vinyl on a big system. Thats just fact. Im not gonna bullshit anyone i do also use cd's when i dj but mostly only to playstuff that has not yecome out on vinyl.


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Originally posted by stiffler

Not that it matters but heres how I see it:

With the vast increase in technology in todays world it is only natural that a DJ starting out today will undoubtable learn on cd's and an older skool DJ will be skilled with vinyl but conform to technology and learn Cd's. Isn't this the way of the world?

I mean back in the 80s and early 90s Vinyl was it! When I think of Vinyl I think of my friend makin me tapes off his two techniques kickin "Body Mechanic" into "play at your own risk"...........Or Chicagos w/Franco Ionello or The Hop in Totowa and TKA performing live...........

But today things are different and to be able to do both is great, but technology has shown us that all things change...............and older is not necessarily better................and vice versa. So whats all the drama on DJs who use CD's.....................so what! Do you think Id rather do a tax return by hand or on a computer. I learned on a computer, my father learned by hand and was one of the first among his friends to jump on the computer kick when it started and tax programs came out. Its the way things are. And he would never want to go back to doing a tax return by hand. Maybe thats not the best example but it does relate..........

So stop all the bullshit and enjoy just going out.............


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Originally posted by djchoopa

you know ... everyday we go on this board and argue over music and dj's. "he's good -- he sucks". all the big dj's in jersey (from denny to rydell & santana to kirk lopez). the majority of the music they play is off of a cd. i watch them. i'm not saying that they don't play vinyl ... because they do play alot but to knock someone because he plays cd's (and you know who you are) is obsurd. everybody is doing it ----- and everybody is gonna suffer one day

U are correct about santana and denny they are majority cd dj's. But you are wrong about rydell he is probably more than 70% vinyl. Not 2 say i dont like the way santana plays. i love his sets. XS past sumer he had friday nights off the hook. The other guy down the block at that tempts place well . . . :blank:

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Ya know i was sitting here and said to myself don't bother but when people like to talk out of there ass and put others down it makes me sick.....I SPIN ONLY CD'S AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN TOUGH....i understand everyone's gripe about the industry and it's true but if you dont know what you are talking about then you should just shut up. i have a huge record collection that sits in my house not cause i cant spin records i just choose to carry my bin of cd's and have a good time i buy records and i buy cd's BUT I ALSO BUY BLANK CD'S AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AMONG OTHER THINGS someone is making money and jobs are being created ( am i wrong) and as far as talent goes come here me play. you have all these non talent bedroom dj's on the fucking bandwagon talking shit so they can feel important (get a clue)( get a residency)(then talk shit) i dont see Manny or Kirk or Richie or any of the other dj's that have a good residency on here bitchen and moaning. i spin every fri & sat you want to continue this talk then i'll put you on my guest list and we can chat at the end of the night face to face.............:mad:

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Originally posted by juicybkny

Ya know i was sitting here and said to myself don't bother but when people like to talk out of there ass and put others down it makes me sick.....I SPIN ONLY CD'S AND IF YOU DONT LIKE IT THEN TOUGH....i understand everyone's gripe about the industry and it's true but if you dont know what you are talking about then you should just shut up. i have a huge record collection that sits in my house not cause i cant spin records i just choose to carry my bin of cd's and have a good time i buy records and i buy cd's BUT I ALSO BUY BLANK CD'S AND COMPUTER EQUIPMENT AMONG OTHER THINGS someone is making money and jobs are being created ( am i wrong) and as far as talent goes come here me play. you have all these non talent bedroom dj's on the fucking bandwagon talking shit so they can feel important (get a clue)( get a residency)(then talk shit) i dont see Manny or Kirk or Richie or any of the other dj's that have a good residency on here bitchen and moaning. i spin every fri & sat you want to continue this talk then i'll put you on my guest list and we can chat at the end of the night face to face.............:mad:

Very well said..........that was a point I tried to make to Indyguy that somewhere somehow someone is still making money, not in the same way, but another. And when a certain job-type diminishes another emerges!!!!!!!!! The economy won't suffer over people downloading music, someone will find away to make money off it to kick back to the industry and If I'm not mistaken that is already happening.

But the point of my thread was cd's are part of the new tech and thats the way the world is, so why complain!!!!!!!!

Where do you spin???

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my only comment on this is i was so against CDs but the more i see what can be done with them the more i like it. Still like vinyl too and probably better. i hear it takes someone who knows vinyl less than an hur or so to pick up on CDs while someone going from CDs to vinyl its like learning all over.Since i learned vinyl and have never even used a deck i dont know first hand.

the best way to put it is what Carl Cox said in the show better living through circuitry for the fist time in history we went backwards to go fowards.

there are more turntables on the market now than ever before.

i think both are good but i honestly lose a little respect for someone who is all CDs. Gotta kinda pay your dues and also be able to use all aspects of media

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Originally posted by osb

sticky, are you OK? Your very fired up the last few days. I thought all you accountant types had your meds adjusted this time of the year! :cool:

Hahaha............actually Im gettin all amped up.......wont be sleepin for the next few months and I get real hyper around now.......shouldn't be wasting that energy on cp, but hey........only one week left til shit really hits the fan and im fired up. To be quite honest i really don't give 2 shits about cds or vinyl, just makin waves over here........j/k:D

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