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i think anyone who has registered in the past 3 months

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I agree and I know I have been part of some major bullshit lately, but I can't stand when people talk shit and can't back it up with a honest response! And just like "he" won't stop til he gets what he wants(no more promoting on the jersey board), I won't stop until he admits he's full of shit................he only goes after the smaller parties and not the bigger ones.........contradicts his previous statements..............

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Originally posted by carguy19

:laugh: :laugh:

570 since december .... you're not to far behind

boys, be nice - we're all internet geeks at heart, we love/hate all the B.S. & drama, when it comes down to it, its just a message & board & the ppl who should be "banned" are the ones who kept it interesting, & the ppl. who try to flex their internet muscle, well its sad .... but to each his own.

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Originally posted by njangel


. who try to flex their internet muscle, well its sad .... but to each his own.

Listen, if you are refering to me think about it my way for a minute. I try to be nice and ask a serious question. It doesn't get answered for days, then when it does it is immediately contradicted. So I tend to get a little verbose and obnoxious to prove a point or get someone to finally respond. I only do it to the thick-headed individuals who try and hurt good people. I don't call it internet muscles.......I call it internet smarts or brains. when some responds with wanting to fight me, then I know Ive proved my point. I have no problems with anybody on this board, only the pathetic, lying bullshitters................

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Originally posted by njangel

570 since december .... you're not to far behind

boys, be nice - we're all internet geeks at heart, we love/hate all the B.S. & drama, when it comes down to it, its just a message & board & the ppl who should be "banned" are the ones who kept it interesting, & the ppl. who try to flex their internet muscle, well its sad .... but to each his own.

my new manigesto

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Originally posted by stiffler

Listen, if you are refering to me think about it my way for a minute. I try to be nice and ask a serious question. It doesn't get answered for days, then when it does it is immediately contradicted. So I tend to get a little verbose and obnoxious to prove a point or get someone to finally respond. I only do it to the thick-headed individuals who try and hurt good people. I don't call it internet muscles.......I call it internet smarts or brains. when some responds with wanting to fight me, then I know Ive proved my point. I have no problems with anybody on this board, only the pathetic, lying bullshitters................

I know your just defending your friends, but don't you think if you and everyone else just ignored this asshole he'd get bored and go away?

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Originally posted by luvle02

I know your just defending your friends, but don't you think if you and everyone else just ignored this asshole he'd get bored and go away?

I agree with you but what would be the fun in that;) Plus he keeps making up these corny threads downgrading everything they do. I only wanted to know what his problem was with them? He could have just given me an answer that agreed with his actions.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Listen, if you are refering to me think about it my way for a minute. I try to be nice and ask a serious question. It doesn't get answered for days, then when it does it is immediately contradicted. So I tend to get a little verbose and obnoxious to prove a point or get someone to finally respond. I only do it to the thick-headed individuals who try and hurt good people. I don't call it internet muscles.......I call it internet smarts or brains. when some responds with wanting to fight me, then I know Ive proved my point. I have no problems with anybody on this board, only the pathetic, lying bullshitters................

...I wasnt referring to you at all, in fact I have no idea what your talking about :confused: - I was just making a generalization referring to ppl. who make up fake names, or talk shit over the computer & dont back it up, or say things that show they have not one brain cell in their head......not towards anyone personally, just stating the fact that ppl. talk a lot of shit when there is only a computer screen in front of them. - dont think it was meant towards you.

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Originally posted by njangel

...I wasnt referring to you at all, in fact I have no idea what your talking about :confused: - I was just making a generalization referring to ppl. who make up fake names, or talk shit over the computer & dont back it up, or say things that show they have not one brain cell in their head......not towards anyone personally, just stating the fact that ppl. talk a lot of shit when there is only a computer screen in front of them. - dont think it was meant towards you.

Oh, sorry......just lately Ive been flexin the keyboard to get a point across and I think I did a dam good job.....my bad :D

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Originally posted by ibclubbin

should be BANNED


i dunno if i can completely agree with that statement....i registered about a year ago & didn't even start postin til about 3 months ago..i agree with carguy & there are really some nice people that just found CP & he is one of them alone with many others that i am gettin to know...

but then again, there are some newbie's that just came along & all they wanna do is raise hell & start drama...all you have to do is ignore them & i started doin that to caleb & johnholmes & i just don't see their posts anymore...

hope i don't start any drama wit that being said :confused:

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I think people that registered in the past 3 months are simply new comers to the board who registered for whatever reason, whether its to chat or to find out where all the good times are at nite. Those select few losers who get their shitz n giggles from annoying half the members from the board are just pathetic because they choose to start shit over a computer. Whatever their reasons are just let them bitch and be happy, since they are getting more attention than they ever got back in high school. And sticky, even though I only met you once, I know you got more class than to respond to these people. So keep your chin up player and lets give a big :bigfinge: to those new comers who deserve it.

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Originally posted by CuzinMike

I think people that registered in the past 3 months are simply new comers to the board who registered for whatever reason, whether its to chat or to find out where all the good times are at nite. Those select few losers who get their shitz n giggles from annoying half the members from the board are just pathetic because they choose to start shit over a computer. Whatever their reasons are just let them bitch and be happy, since they are getting more attention than they ever got back in high school. And sticky, even though I only met you once, I know you got more class than to respond to these people. So keep your chin up player and lets give a big :bigfinge: to those new comers who deserve it.

:aright: Well said and I hear ya and all, but com'on - it is fun. And my promoter friends can't get away with the same shit that I know they wanna say, so I say it for free. And enjoy it. But It has been getting old and the fact is that idiot will never admit to being either wrong or an assholes so I am just wasting my time. But had a lot of fun doing it:D

How've you been, you comin out again soon?

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It's obvious to me that the "newbies" starting drama aren't that new. I'm certain they're people who post all the time who just don't have the balls to say what's really on their mind. To prove my point...... If they find promoting on the bored so very irritating they wouldn't have even joined. Unless they just joined to let everyone know how irritating they find it, in which case they wouldn't have joined at all.

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Guest hotshit

just because you post something every 5 minutes and your life is obviously based around a fucking messageboard doesn't make you any better than any of the people (the cool ones) that just started posting. I have been around longer than a lot of people who think their old school or something and only recently started posting again, so fuck that --

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