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An American's response to the State of the union

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

well igloo...everything bush is doing is being created by advisors....so youre saying he doesnt deserve credit for anything thats going on?

That is not what I am saying at all...I am pointing out your inherent hypocrisy....

You are willing to kill Bush for things you don't agree with, and specifically blame him....yet, when he does something good, you will never give him credit..

That goes with all Presidents of course, but because you and the American left can not deal with the fact that he is President, AND doing a good job, you resort to doing what you did: "brilliant Bush"....

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

how is reaganomics different from what bush is doing?

tax cuts and increased spending...i dont see a difference

The myth that Reagen was responsible for the deficit is false it started with Ford and Carter years. Reagan wanted increased spending in defense and cut in other areas due to the cold war and Star Wars program. The sites below show the positive impact the tax cuts did to the economy.



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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

...as far as pronunciation goes...PLEASE....people from say, Miami say "water", "nuclear" and even phrases (like-- "Forget about it":tongue: ) differently from people from New York...Boston people have a fawked up way of saying things too...whats ur point?? the man is from Texas!!!! he sounds like one of those "Good Ole Boys" from the south...:tongue:

it's not an accent problem, mrmatas, it's simply a misunderstanding of phonetics. this is why "hooked on phonics" was invented. let me illustrate:

correct: noo-clee-ur

"bush" language: noo-cue-lur

do you understand now? he puts the "l" in the wrong place. get it? if you still don't, i feel even sorrier for you than i already do for most of this board.

most of you guys on this forum personify why america as a whole is deemed ignorant :( . rejoice, all, for i find this forum entirely repulsive and won't be around much :aright: !

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Originally posted by weyes

it's not an accent problem, mrmatas, it's simply a misunderstanding of phonetics.

you mean like how the US says "tomato" and the way the English say it??? :rolleyes:

let me put in Bush terms "Its the same Difference"...Enjoy the rest of ur day..or spend the rest of ur day searching the net on the words Mr. Bush doesnt have a handle on...phonetically speaking of course...:rolleyes:

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Originally posted by igloo

You are willing to kill Bush for things you don't agree with, and specifically blame him....yet, when he does something good, you will never give him credit..

and you do the exact opposite

and name me some of the "great" things he has personally done for this country

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Originally posted by bigpoppanils

and you do the exact opposite

and name me some of the "great" things he has personally done for this country

1) Put a 1.7 trillion dollar tax cut ie. 300 check you received last year. Also proposing another tax bill to put money back into the american peoples hands where it belongs.

2) education reform

3) Showed great leadership after the 911 Attacks. Mobilized a 80 country coalition against terrorists

4) Got the United nations to do something about the defiance from the Iraqi regime. It was Cliton in 98 who stood by and watched the inspectors get booted from the country.

The main reason Bush is not liked by Dem's is his adminisration gets things done period. It's almost jealousy

Excellent speaker maybe not but so far a Great President!!!!

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Originally posted by bigmahs

1) Put a 1.7 trillion dollar tax cut ie. 300 check you received last year. Also proposing another tax bill to put money back into the american peoples hands where it belongs.

I never received that money last year, and the tax cut led to a larger deficit.

2) education reform

Education isn't getting any better, and consider the affirmative action thing making it clear that only whites get priority in going to college.

3) Showed great leadership after the 911 Attacks. Mobilized a 80 country coalition against terrorists

Bush started the war in afghanistan with full support of the world and has managed to turn most of the world against the united states now. I have no doubt the world will hold the U.S. administration accountable for war crimes, then the shit will really hit the fan.

4) Got the United nations to do something about the defiance from the Iraqi regime. It was Cliton in 98 who stood by and watched the inspectors get booted from the country.

Iraq is not a threat to the united states.

The main reason Bush is not liked by Dem's is his adminisration gets things done period. It's almost jealousy

Thats just foolish now.

Excellent speaker maybe not but so far a Great President!!!!

Bush seems to be all image and no substance.

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Bush's family "values"

For more than a half century, members of the Bush family have been setting policy and making decisions for all Americans. Let's look at the family that has had such an impact on the lives of human beings worldwide



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Originally posted by t0nythelover

Bush seems to be all image and no substance.

Bro you are crazy!!!

Affirmative action is right????

A black guy can score less on an entry exam and get the city job or go to a college easier then a white kid is just horse shit!!!

This affimative action is bullshit. Blacks and minorities always complain that they don't get enough. I am not racists but just looking at the workforce at many companies has majority of blacks working this is okay if they are qualified for the job but to get hired because they are black is just wrong.

The tax cut went to people who pay taxes did you work??

The deficit is caused by the increase in spending for defense post 911.

And Iraq not being a threat is dellusional seriously you lefties don't get it

about the economy- no clue

about national security- In the dark!

Blame the republicans for democratic feet dragging -

Always on Point!

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Affirmitive action may be bullshit but its theory is right. White people have stolen and oppressed non-whites in horrific ways and continue to benefit from it. Affirmitive action only levels the playing field, and is even a poor excuse at that. If you lived only 40 years ago you would understand where its coming from.

Bush is all image and no substance, all his domestic policies have benefited people like him (affirmitive access, stock tax cut) and what the hell is up with the hydrogen car business? Thats some straight bullshit, the more obvious solution would be to limit oil consumption in the united states. it happened and the 70s and it could happen again, we can deal with it.

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

again i disagree with that comment....(see Sassa's post about Communism)

first of all you back stabber, I said it sounded like a good idea, I am pretty sure everyone knows by now its not. so

"dont ever correct me public again".... what? "you want a fresh one?"

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What does being latino have to do with your beliefs on affirmitive action? Communism sounds good in theory, sure but then again so does religion and vegetarianism. Whatever reasons people don't follow them properly is irrelevant. Affirmitive action deals with a real problem, de facto instututional racism. The Michigan system is unconstitutional because of the way it is done with the 20 points thing, but I still think affirmitive action is needed. No I was not here 40 years ago but I have read history and heard of a thing called the civil rights movement. Everyone takes for granted the fact that they have such freedoms, but without these movements latinos and other non-whites would still be eating at segregated restaurants and riding on the back of the bus. Can you honestly say that their is no more racial preference for whites in EVERY aspect of life.

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Originally posted by t0nythelover

What does being latino have to do with your beliefs on affirmitive action? Communism sounds good in theory, sure but then again so does religion and vegetarianism. Whatever reasons people don't follow them properly is irrelevant. Affirmitive action deals with a real problem, de facto instututional racism. The Michigan system is unconstitutional because of the way it is done with the 20 points thing, but I still think affirmitive action is needed. No I was not here 40 years ago but I have read history and heard of a thing called the civil rights movement. Everyone takes for granted the fact that they have such freedoms, but without these movements latinos and other non-whites would still be eating at segregated restaurants and riding on the back of the bus. Can you honestly say that their is no more racial preference for whites in EVERY aspect of life.

:nopity: :nopity: Dude sing me another sad song, the only thing whites, blacks, yellows, browns care about is MONEY, if I am the right man for the job and can produce, then I'll get the job!

If I can put green in "the mans" pocket, they wont care what color I am, like I said the only color people care about now a days is GREEN!!!

anyways I think its unjust that someone less qualified would get a job over a more qualified candidate just cause of their skin color, thats plain and simple racism in its own form. racism against whites. so lets drop the "have pitty for the brother man" bullshit, EVERYONE has the opportunity to make it in this country, regardless of skin color!

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