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i will try to answer all the wuestions if i can rememner. its late am i am all banged up and i can not even see if i am typing the right letters so bare with me. um i am 22, amd for the hot single question yes i am single, i can't really say if im hot or not because everyones perception of them selves is negative but i am i am a dancer so i gope that i am not complketely but. and at this point i cant remember what the third question was. If anyone on this board is from g toen let me know because no one knows that i ance in gloucester and that would not be cool if they found out. Hey now im telling everyone my life story......i told you i was banged up. Well i think i answered everything. If there are any type os i appologizw because i am typing with out being able to see what im typing it wads hard enough to guess the words that i was reading . oh yea i just remembered another question, i figured out the jk thing because you guys were talking about someone who was an ashole and saying that it was not cool and then saying that other people were thing that i was him. well i hope that i explained enough to let everyone know i am just me. ok this post is way too long so let me know whats up an who everyone else is maybe we know each other.

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i just went back and tried to read the question i missed granted i cant see very well but i don't get the smiley, its not that i am stupid although right now i am its just that i don't know what hes wiping on his face but i guess its making him happy so all in all i give the smiley a high five!:zzz: i wish i could do that right about now!....sleeping pills need to cick in seen as how i need to work tomorrow and its kinda hard to dance in stilettos when you have not sleep, its even worse going strait from an after hours to work thats the worst!

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i am almost embarassed at that post.....what was i on hmmmmm. Well at least it made me laugh im glad you guys enjoyed it maybe i am your dream girl! as for the smiley i have a funny story about that, not to be told on the board though!:devil:

I work at the foxy lady, and who is this friend that lives in gloucester?

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Originally posted by ikkinay

i am almost embarassed at that post.....what was i on hmmmmm. Well at least it made me laugh im glad you guys enjoyed it maybe i am your dream girl! as for the smiley i have a funny story about that, not to be told on the board though!:devil:

I work at the foxy lady, and who is this friend that lives in gloucester?

The Brockton one???

How old are you? I have friends from gloucester.

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