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I Think Something's Wrong with Me..


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Originally posted by Codica3

No there are no weird things about it, that's how much it is.

I have Cingular and I got locked into a plan with them because my cell phone was stolen and they didn't add the insurance on to it like I had originally requested and I bitched and said that wasn't fair cause I had requested it because my phone had been stolen once before that and they said too bad cause I hadn't been paying monthly for it (which I hadn't cause they hadn't been billing me properly) so I had to buy a new $265.95 phone WITH a 2 year plan attached to it.. fucking company. Now I'm stuck with them for another year and a half. The reception is good and all but their plans and rates suck.

I dunno what to do, I can't pay all that money right now. I'm gonna call them later and see if I can pay in $50 installments or something. I got other bills to pay, I can't fork out $200 outta nowhere.

I don't like Cingular...They always fucked up my sister bill....Hence why I got her a new phone....

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Originally posted by Codica3

I don't feel like whoring.. and I haven't really felt up to it since after Friday nite.

:( :(

I'm gonna go to bed now I think.. all I've been doing lately is sleeping.

:( :(

same here all i do is sleep:zzz: i can barely make it past 10 pm

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