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DIGGAS temporary leave of absense.......

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SUP FREAKS........................

after pulling myself from the my own trainwreckage after my half ass performance sat. and lettin my supporters down, i ran straight for the GWB and was ready to take the PLUNGE..............as i looked over and saw myself standing next to XJ8MIKEY, i looked at my reflection in the murky waters and said to myself "rod it's not to bad at least your not this guy" so i pushed mikey into the water and ran my mangled self back to the club..............................

so what i have decided to do is take a month long break from CP, the entire club scene, and remain on the other side of the booth where i belong to reflect on myself and to seperate myself from the entire scene for a little for a temporay de-tox period..............

though i am not giving up, with the help of joe giorgio and elite ent, they have rented me a log cabin in Lipshitz Virgina, far in the woods, they have installed my equipment with cow tasors which will send 10,000 volts of electricity throughout my body evertime i mess up, they have also only allowed me to make certain phone calls to family and freinds so i can not have any alcohol and medication sent to me...............................

so today is my LAST DAY of posts and saturday was my LAST DAY for clubs for the month of february, but i'm not done forever......... triple threat will officially have to be DOUBLE TROUBLE till a worthy young buck can fill these small shoes..............

see ya around, oh yeah almost forget


p.s mr. dondeisel is in charge of looking for this months hottie, which will be anouned at 3:00 p.m today, so girl shake em for him, and the bus, stacked, and carguy will be the ones in charge of roundin up TEAM MANGLED..........


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Don't know what happen to you saturday, but I guess it wasn't good:(

Sorry to hear about that friend, but don't give up, don't ever give up!!!!!!

Everybody has bad days.

A break might be good for you, I took one and it was well worth it.

Give me a call for real if you want to play some hoops any night.

Taking a break from the clubscene is a good thing dog,(I know it's hard to do when you got freaks on this board calling you up between 5-10am on the weekends, but shut off your phone, thats what I do) it gives you so many other options to do.

Then the next time you go out, it is so much more better!!!!!!

Stay strong :D

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Originally posted by tempkid

Don't know what happen to you saturday, but I guess it wasn't good:(

Sorry to hear about that friend, but don't give up, don't ever give up!!!!!!

Everybody has bad days.

A break might be good for you, I took one and it was well worth it.

Give me a call for real if you want to play some hoops any night.

Taking a break from the clubscene is a good thing dog, it gives you so many other options to do.

Then the next time you go out, it is so much more better!!!!!!

Stay strong :D

emad, that was a very touching repsonse, almost put a tear in diggs eyes, i had to put a #2 pencil in my eyes to hold back the tear and keep my man hood...............

yeah bro, i had to wipe the dried up calvin and klein off the powdery mirror look myself in the mirror sunday after no sleep, and realized 400 straigh weeks is enough, and dj mangled needs to clean up his image if i want to persue this whole thing ya know.................

hey but def, call mr kirk lopez and seriously will run some ball, i'm serious this time, me and dondeisel vs. you and kirk "rambis" lopez

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Rod, you did fine....The way I look at it, for every 5 mistakes a DJ makes, the crowd only notices one. Just remember that not everyone out there is a DJ and if people had a good time than you did a good job. I thought you did fine anyway, sometimes the nerves get in your head, thats what drinking is for. My prescription is 3 stoli o and clubs before any set!! Can't wait until next triple threat, we got to get together and mix it up until then. i got your #, I'll call. Besides, I may have something for you in the meantime.

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Originally posted by themoo

Rod, you did fine....The way I look at it, for every 5 mistakes a DJ makes, the crowd only notices one. Just remember that not everyone out there is a DJ and if people had a good time than you did a good job. I thought you did fine anyway, sometimes the nerves get in your head, thats what drinking is for. My prescription is 3 stoli o and clubs before any set!! Can't wait until next triple threat, we got to get together and mix it up until then. i got your #, I'll call. Besides, I may have something for you in the meantime.

mr. moussa,

well guess what?? remember what we talked about at joey's??? sunday spinnin session and kegs o beer and medication...............

digga gonna have to take ya up on that offer, but i warn you now i have a short temper and ADHD, ask dondeisel, he was my tutor at FDU, a few black and blues and a mental disorder later and he's still standing today, so if he can teach me to highlite paragraphs and read, you can show me how to turn on the mixer, catch my drift...........

so pad up your little studio, get yourself a cow tasor for when digga goes on his rampages and we'll meet up..........ya heard

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sorry freaks but like i said it's just temporary leave...........hold on for a minute b/c digga is still luaghing do to mr.casta's pic.................................

ok i'm better now, so ok maybe i won't leave, i'll just slow down on the doctors medication from 5 grams a night to 0 grams, 12oz to 8 oz nips limit 2 bottles just to be social, 3 pills (tylonol) to breath mints, and stoppin my prescription of pain killers and keep the cow tasors to relief my fix on my road to recovery in the month of february.................

thanks cp your the greatest,

HOLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA to ya all and keep your cp's on this months hottie will be anounced at 3 p.m

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Originally posted by roddigga

sorry freaks but like i said it's just temporary leave...........hold on for a minute b/c digga is still luaghing do to mr.casta's pic.................................

ok i'm better now, so ok maybe i won't leave, i'll just slow down on the doctors medication from 5 grams a night to 0 grams, 12oz to 8 oz nips limit 2 bottles just to be social, 3 pills (tylonol) to breath mints, and stoppin my prescription of pain killers and keep the cow tasors to relief my fix on my road to recovery in the month of february.................

thanks cp your the greatest,

HOLLLAAAAAAAAAAAAA to ya all and keep your cp's on this months hottie will be anounced at 3 p.m

So what exactly happened at Cherri that you think your skillz are lacking? I mean, from how you describe the night, it sounds like a trainwreck, i'm sure it wasn't that bad digga..

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Originally posted by fakesn

So what exactly happened at Cherri that you think your skillz are lacking? I mean, from how you describe the night, it sounds like a trainwreck, i'm sure it wasn't that bad digga..

sup freak.................nahh it wasn't that bad, but it's tough being me, ya know, head of team mangled, ya know...........diggas gotta understand that you can't be m,m,m,mangled and dj at the same time, ya hear me.............

it wasn't bad at all it's just my way of puttin some drama to the whole thing ya know, the night went really well, but it's tough being the crack head and converting myself to DJ mode......

we had a good night, this post is just typical roddigg, i just like to add a little suspense to clubworld, but seriously i'm taking the month of february off just to give my body a rest, i'll still be spinnin.............

so i'll see yall this weekend

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Originally posted by kelly0616

Rod dont go........i didnt notice any mistakes i thought you were marvelous dear;)

rod you could have played a mix of new kids on the block and vanilla ice and kelly would have still said it was awesome.....kelly you are always good for a chuckle........"too many stairs at float" :laugh::D:laugh:

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

tempkid, it's time to earn your colors or retire for good.

Listen to me FuCkFaCe!!!!!!!!

I give 2 shits on how cool you think you are because everbody sweating you ass over your pics!!!!!!

Yes, your the fag with a pic for every thread, it's your only way to make friends.

Go back to the miami board, throw on a speedo and lay on the beach next to all the other queers bragging how your DE won the defensive player pro ball challenge and Ricky Williams a Miami Dolphin won MVP of a pro ball game in wich 1/2 the players selected didn't play, but that's ok, I'll give you your moment becasue that fuckface of a choke team of yours only had the Pro Ball weekend to look foward to.

Hey GA2 can you make me a pic of that ?

As for the bus, I'm sure after he rereads what he typed ,he will edit his terrible mistake and be more concern on what trewguy had to say about him!!!

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Originally posted by kelly0616

lets not forget my requests for nsync all night either!!!! yes to many stairs can be very dangerous when im drunk....ill fall and break my neck:laugh:

kelly my princess................thank you.......

rod's not leaving b/c of saturday's perforance only, but b/c diggas got this twitch that i can not get rid of, doc says to lower the medication, and stop listening to load music, will you come with me to lipshits virgina, my love, i can use your comforting and motivation.......................

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Originally posted by tempkid

Listen to me FuCkFaCe!!!!!!!!

I give 2 shits on how cool you think you are because everbody sweating you ass over your pics!!!!!!

Yes, your the fag with a pic for every thread, it's your only way to make friends.

Go back to the miami board, throw on a speedo and lay on the beach next to all the other queers bragging how your DE won the defensive player pro ball challenge and Ricky Williams a Miami Dolphin won MVP of a pro ball game in wich 1/2 the players selected didn't play, but that's ok, I'll give you your moment becasue that fuckface of a choke team of yours only had the Pro Ball weekend to look foward to.

Hey GA2 can you make me a pic of that ?

:( Sheesh, I was just busting your balls kid. I got respect for the one man show.

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Originally posted by georgeacasta2

:( Sheesh, I was just busting your balls kid. I got respect for the one man show.

I know, but you know how I got to lay down the law sometimes, don't want anybody think I'm getting soft. You know I'm your biggest fan fuckface:D

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Originally posted by kelly0616

im packing my bags now:clap: :party:

my darling kelly, pack as minimal clothes as possible, digga needs inspiration while on my recovery stage............

let me help you pack, the log cabin thermostat is apparently stuck at 95 degrees so no need for too much clothes, you'll only propbneed to pack, cute little nighties, daisly dukes, and wife beeters..........

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