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Federal Government

Launches Anti-Rave


by Raves.com

In New Orleans this week, a well-known rave promoter, James "Donnie"

Estopinal, 32, of New Orleans club owner Robert J. Brunet, 37, of Metairie, and

his brother Brian Brunet, 33, of Tampa, Fla. will turn themselves in to a federal

court after having been indicted under a 1986 federal "anti-crack house" law.

The indictments represent the beginning of what federal authorities have

indicated will be a nationwide effort to shut down the rave scene in an effort to

reduce drug use among young people. By equating raves with crackhouses, the

government is asserting that drug use is the primary purpose for holding the

events, and, in fact, is the central focus of the rave culture itself. If they are

successful, it will be de facto illegal to hold or promote an electronic music event

anywhere in America.

The defendants, who are not accused of any direct involvement with illicit drugs,

are nevertheless facing 20 years in prison and $500,000 fines SIMPLY FOR


The case has received widespread media coverage since the indictments were

announced last week, as, for the first time in a generation, government forces

have essentially declared war on an entire youth culture. The outcome of this

case carries serious implications, not only for the rave community, but for young

people everywhere. Eddie Jordan, the federal prosecutor who brought the case,

told ABC News that he has already heard from US Attorneys around the country

who are hoping to use this same strategy to arrest rave promoters in their own


You can read the local New Orleans coverage of the case at:


As shocking as they seem, however, the arrests in New Orleans do not come as

a complete surprise. Nearly one year ago, the National Institute on Drug Abuse

(NIDA) launched an intensive anti-rave media campaign, which has resulted in

enormous coverage of raves and ecstasy by the national media. Six months

ago, the DEA held a conference on "raves and club drugs" in Washington DC,

during which numerous speakers claimed that raves were "nothing more than

crack houses." The seeds for this crackdown, then, have been sown for some


You can read a report on the DEA Ecstasy Conference at:


The final justification, it seems, for this offensive came less than one month ago

when the results of the latest National Household Survey on Drug Abuse showed

that ecstasy use among young people had skyrocketed. Availability of the drug

was also shown to have risen sharply. Thus, armed with enough statistics and

rhetoric to frighten American parents, and enough media hype to push

politicians to feed their budgets, the federal drug war bureaucracy swung into


But the chosen strategy - trying to equate raves with crackhouses - presents

significant hurdles for the DEA. According to the 1986 law against crack house

operators, a "crack house" is a place "created or maintained for the purpose of"

conducting illegal drug activity. This may be difficult for federal prosecutors to

show in any case. In New Orleans, it seems that the promoter and club in

question took standard measures to prevent drug use from occurring. All

patrons were searched upon entering, and those found with illegal drugs inside

the club, or even suspected of having illegal drugs on them, were either ejected

or arrested by the club’s security. These are standard practices within

the music industry, and hardly the actions of someone whose purpose was to

provide a venue for people to use illegal drugs.

In singling out the electronic music events from other music events where drug

use takes place, this indictment constitutes a serious violation of the First

Amendment rights of a community’s free expression and right to

assemble. Music is a constitutionally protected form of free speech, and

banning or"cracking down" upon the gatherings of one form of music culture is

something that can and must be opposed.

Banning raves is unlikely to prevent youth drug use, but such a move IS likely to

increase the risks of the use that does occur. In Florida, for example, six young

people died last Spring when a batch of fake ecstasy tablets containing PMA

passed through the state. None of these individuals who died purchased their

pills at raves. In fact, the deaths occurred in the wake of "Operation Heat Rave,"

a concerted effort by Florida law enforcement and the state’s drug

czar’s office to close down the rave scene there.

Perhaps if the rave scene had been allowed to continue, and the State of

Florida worked with the industry to implement safe settings protocols and harm

reduction measures, one or more of these young people who died would have

come across a DanceSafe booth and learned to identify and avoid the deadly

PMA Mitsubishi tablets going around.

Banning raves will not stop drug use, nor will it prevent deaths from misuse and

abuse, but it will make it much harder for public health organizations who do

outreach to drug users to get potentially life-saving information into the hands of

those who need it.

Check the DanceSafe website very soon for more information.

DanceSafe, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union and a number

of promoters around the country, have been working intensely during the last

week to put together a plan of action, which we will be launching shortly.


Contact Info:




"Work like you don't need the money

Love like you've never been hurt

Dance like nobody is watching"

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Did the government ever call a Dead or a Phish show a crackhouse? The government is just pissed off because we are having more fun then they are.

I do think that the people selling bonk pills that kill should be strung up by their toes and beaten.

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Originally posted by dr.goodhead:

Federal Government

Launches Anti-Rave


by Raves.com

In New Orleans this week, a well-known rave promoter, James "Donnie"

Estopinal, 32, of New Orleans club owner Robert J. Brunet, 37, of Metairie, and

his brother Brian Brunet, 33, of Tampa, Fla. will turn themselves in to a federal

court after having been indicted under a 1986 federal "anti-crack house" law.

The indictments represent the beginning of what federal authorities have

indicated will be a nationwide effort to shut down the rave scene in an effort to

reduce drug use among young people. By equating raves with crackhouses, the

government is asserting that drug use is the primary purpose for holding the

events, and, in fact, is the central focus of the rave culture itself. If they are

successful, it will be de facto illegal to hold or promote an electronic music event

anywhere in America.

The defendants, who are not accused of any direct involvement with illicit drugs,

are nevertheless facing 20 years in prison and $500,000 fines SIMPLY FOR


The case has received widespread media coverage since the indictments were

announced last week, as, for the first time in a generation, government forces

have essentially declared war on an entire youth culture. The outcome of this

case carries serious implications, not only for the rave community, but for young

people everywhere. Eddie Jordan, the federal prosecutor who brought the case,

told ABC News that he has already heard from US Attorneys around the country

who are hoping to use this same strategy to arrest rave promoters in their own


You can read the local New Orleans coverage of the case at:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01/n076/a07.html?7132" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.mapinc.org/drugnews/v01/n076/a07.html?7132</A>

As shocking as they seem, however, the arrests in New Orleans do not come as

a complete surprise. Nearly one year ago, the National Institute on Drug Abuse

(NIDA) launched an intensive anti-rave media campaign, which has resulted in

enormous coverage of raves and ecstasy by the national media. Six months

ago, the DEA held a conference on "raves and club drugs" in Washington DC,

during which numerous speakers claimed that raves were "nothing more than

crack houses." The seeds for this crackdown, then, have been sown for some


You can read a report on the DEA Ecstasy Conference at:

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/reports/DEAconf.htm" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.cognitiveliberty.org/reports/DEAconf.htm</A>

The final justification, it seems, for this offensive came less than one month ago

when the results of the latest National Household Survey on Drug Abuse showed

that ecstasy use among young people had skyrocketed. Availability of the drug

was also shown to have risen sharply. Thus, armed with enough statistics and

rhetoric to frighten American parents, and enough media hype to push

politicians to feed their budgets, the federal drug war bureaucracy swung into


But the chosen strategy - trying to equate raves with crackhouses - presents

significant hurdles for the DEA. According to the 1986 law against crack house

operators, a "crack house" is a place "created or maintained for the purpose of"

conducting illegal drug activity. This may be difficult for federal prosecutors to

show in any case. In New Orleans, it seems that the promoter and club in

question took standard measures to prevent drug use from occurring. All

patrons were searched upon entering, and those found with illegal drugs inside

the club, or even suspected of having illegal drugs on them, were either ejected

or arrested by the club’s security. These are standard practices within

the music industry, and hardly the actions of someone whose purpose was to

provide a venue for people to use illegal drugs.

In singling out the electronic music events from other music events where drug

use takes place, this indictment constitutes a serious violation of the First

Amendment rights of a community’s free expression and right to

assemble. Music is a constitutionally protected form of free speech, and

banning or"cracking down" upon the gatherings of one form of music culture is

something that can and must be opposed.

Banning raves is unlikely to prevent youth drug use, but such a move IS likely to

increase the risks of the use that does occur. In Florida, for example, six young

people died last Spring when a batch of fake ecstasy tablets containing PMA

passed through the state. None of these individuals who died purchased their

pills at raves. In fact, the deaths occurred in the wake of "Operation Heat Rave,"

a concerted effort by Florida law enforcement and the state’s drug

czar’s office to close down the rave scene there.

Perhaps if the rave scene had been allowed to continue, and the State of

Florida worked with the industry to implement safe settings protocols and harm

reduction measures, one or more of these young people who died would have

come across a DanceSafe booth and learned to identify and avoid the deadly

PMA Mitsubishi tablets going around.

Banning raves will not stop drug use, nor will it prevent deaths from misuse and

abuse, but it will make it much harder for public health organizations who do

outreach to drug users to get potentially life-saving information into the hands of

those who need it.

Check the DanceSafe website very soon for more information.

DanceSafe, in conjunction with the American Civil Liberties Union and a number

of promoters around the country, have been working intensely during the last

week to put together a plan of action, which we will be launching shortly.

<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.dancesafe.org" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.dancesafe.org</A>

Contact Info:


<A HREF="/cgi-bin/redir.cgi?url=http://www.raves.com" TARGET=_blank&gt;http://www.raves.com</A>

so does that make me a crackhead for going to see djs spin and dancing to the music?

if so then im a HUGE F-CKIN crackhead.




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It's always good to know that our fine government has our *best interests* at heart, instead of being irrational rabid conservatives. cwm21.gif


"the decision

to hear the song

or to be the song - "

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This type of offensive from the US Gov. has been happening for quite some time, across the country. PLEASE, PLEASE visit the Dancesafe website or the San Francisco Late Night Coalition, and get the information you need to write your representatives in Congress, in the State Assembly, and in local City Councils. Only through informed, INTELLIGENT dialogue can things be alleviated enough to allow the "subculture" we are a part of to continue to exist and flourish. If you DO NOT take action, dont dare to complain!!



Method acting is like masturbating. It's lots of fun, but you don't accomplish much. - Charlton Heston

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