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Female turn-ons


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I've been reading some internet profiles of women who state what their "turn-ons" are.

You hear a lot of women say that what turns them on in a man is "confidence, but not cockiness"

But I suspect what this really means is "I need to be with someone who will be confident FOR ME, but will not do so in such a way that reminds me that I lack confidence"

When I hear women say this, it tells me that they feel, at the core, "weak." Definitely a sign of weakness.

I tend to think that what people most admire or find attractive in mates are those qualities that they themselves don't possess.

What does everyone think?

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u could have a point, but i think it really depends on the person. sure some people might want someone to compensate for areas that they are lacking in, but i know me personally, i want someone with a confidence cause i cant stand to be around weak willed people, i tend to have little respect for them.

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But what do you think of women who say specifically that they like "confidence but NOT cockiness"

Why is cockiness unappealing? It seems to me that someone who is truky confident wouldn't find cockiness distasteful. When people say they have a dislike for something, it usually means they feel threatened by it in some small way.

Maybe it's like this: People can be beautiful, but they can't TELL people they are beautiful. Most think that's obnoxious. But why is it distasteful if the person is, in fact, beautiful?

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A GOOD example of the 2 is playing basketball.

One guy is real good, and he knows he's good, and proves it on the court. But he doesn't find the need to "trash talk" or "challenge his opponents verbally" That's confidence. (Example - tim duncan)

Another guy is good, but he finds the need to challenge opponents, talk trash and "put them in their place" That's cockiness (ex.: Antoine WAlker)

It happened this weekend when i went to play ball. I don't normally talk trash, but this guy i was guarding was talking the whole game, sayin shit like "hey, pass me tha rock, i got a mismatch here"

However, i played better than him :laugh2:

So i feel that confidence always wins out. Cockiness seems immature and for those who need to be re-assured all the time ....

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There's a difference between cockiness & confidence...IMO..Poeple who CONSTANTLY REMIND you of how woderful they are don;t exactly have high self esteem...They MAKE IT KNOWN how good they are at everything not b/c they think it about themselves but it gives them some sort of satisfaction if they portray themselves as "the shit" having other people think highly of them (when in fact they look like idiots)

When someone is confident, they humble themelves...know their abilities & good qualities but don;'t brag about it...Their actions speak louder than words :D

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confidence is a lot sexier than cockiness. the difference u ask? IMO- confidence means that one is secure with themselves... emotionally... physically... mentally... that shows signs of a strong person in all of these aspects. cockiness is more of an "im god" attitude... "im better than everyone... " "look at my muscles... cant u see that im the hottest thing alive??" that kind of attitude shows more signs of INsecurity when one feels the need to BRAG about themselves.. or make others feel inadequate or in competition... its not attractive.

thats the difference.

so when u hear someone say i want a guy whos confident not cocky.. it has nothing to do with her being weak.. it has to do with the guys attitude and how he portrays himself. a girl who wants a confident guy is usually pretty confident herself and needs someone on the same level.

make sense?

LOL sweetie.. i was posting this as u were posting urs.. :aright:

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Originally posted by linabina

confidence is a lot sexier than cockiness. the difference u ask? IMO- confidence means that one is secure with themselves... emotionally... physically... mentally... that shows signs of a strong person in all of these aspects. cockiness is more of an "im god" attitude... "im better than everyone... " "look at my muscles... cant u see that im the hottest thing alive??" that kind of attitude shows more signs of INsecurity when one feels the need to BRAG about themselves.. or make others feel inadequate or in competition... its not attractive.

thats the difference.

so when u hear someone say i want a guy whos confident not cocky.. it has nothing to do with her being weak.. it has to do with the guys attitude and how he portrays himself. a girl who wants a confident guy is usually pretty confident herself and needs someone on the same level.

make sense?

LOL sweetie.. i was posting this as u were posting urs.. :aright:

exactly. i like confidence, a guy who knows what he wants, knows hes good at what he does, knows hes goodlooking, is confident about where hes going in life but not cockiness where he says he is the best at everything... cocky people tend to push people down to make themselves feel better, confident people want other people to excel.

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Originally posted by somebitch

exactly. i like confidence, a guy who knows what he wants, knows hes good at what he does, knows hes goodlooking, is confident about where hes going in life but not cockiness where he says he is the best at everything... cocky people tend to push people down to make themselves feel better, confident people want other people to excel.

I agree 100% w/ what you said. Thats right on:aright:

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i can be cocky at times, but always confident.

the thing i've noticed about people who don't like cockyness isn't that it annoys them or makes them mad.

It's that deep down, they're afraid that I might be right.

If i talk shit and lose, that reflects badly upon me.

If i talk shit and win, that's a double whammy for whomever i'm around.

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Originally posted by somebitch

cocky people tend to push people down to make themselves feel better, confident people want other people to excel.

That's a good way to put it. Basically, when I think of someone who's cocky, I think of an asshole who needs to get over him/herself. Chances are damn good that cocky people have nothing more than an over-inflated sense of self-worth.

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