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Trying hard not to post(subject Cherri)

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Since I do have a lunch I will take a moment to post..........

Why does everyone keep hatin on Cherri when every week all the haters get proven wrong. Just like every other club out there in the world it is not flawless and neither are any of us. So just stop the petti bs.

Hey Johnny: Question: Were you wearing a white Turtleneck with a black coat over it, standing at the beginning of the dance floor by the cage with a pissed off look on your face that the place was actually doing better than u expected. I know your thinking hard of a bad review, but alot more cp people were there and gave it mostly thumbs up. A few knock downs on the place but overall good reviews.

Hey Wakeup: Wakeup

Hey Whateverman: Whatever

Hey Godisadj: Who are u really? I smell a Fsn............

The same four people keep bashing and yet they say they are sick of the same people posting how much fun they have............well just guess how the rest of cp is getting sick of your redundant posts.

Bottom line here once again: Doesnt matter what you do or where you are as long as you have fun!

Suck it easy:laugh:

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Originally posted by stiffler

Since I do have a lunch I will take a moment to post..........

Why does everyone keep hatin on Cherri when every week all the haters get proven wrong. Just like every other club out there in the world it is not flawless and neither are any of us. So just stop the petti bs.

Hey Johnny: Question: Were you wearing a white Turtleneck with a black coat over it, standing at the beginning of the dance floor by the cage with a pissed off look on your face that the place was actually doing better than u expected. I know your thinking hard of a bad review, but alot more cp people were there and gave it mostly thumbs up. A few knock downs on the place but overall good reviews.

Hey Wakeup: Wakeup

Hey Whateverman: Whatever

Hey Godisadj: Who are u really? I smell a Fsn............

The same four people keep bashing and yet they say they are sick of the same people posting how much fun they have............well just guess how the rest of cp is getting sick of your redundant posts.

Bottom line here once again: Doesnt matter what you do or where you are as long as you have fun!

Suck it easy:laugh:

thats why I tellyou guys you gotta come to taste!!!!! KTU next saturday !!

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

It doesnt matter to me what people think because since the numbers increased by more than 50% then obviously people think the place is good

i like cherri, seriously and i dont know why anyone wants to knock it, if you dont like it dont go.

I'm gonna stop in maybe next Saturday......

not this week

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

You always get haters when a party is successful.... Carl let me know if you stop by

Im trying to get outta Taste by like 11:45 on Feb 15th I guess it is. I'll PM you and let you know after this weekend....

Stop by taste early before Cherri Saturday and Visit.....

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when have i recently bashed cherri personaly or the dj's as of late??? i just make comments like lmfao when you guys post shit like there was not one comercial track from 12-2am which we know is not the truth at all. i can care less about the place and i hope they are sold out every fucking week for all i care. my beef with joe gio has been squashed and he speaks to my brother pretty often right now. you guys just can't take constructive crticism and that is a fact. and when it comes to muzik you are even more clueless. but hey if you guys love cheese and that is what the cherri crowd caters to and if that is what people want then have a fucking blast. but please dont post how there wasn't one comercial track when i have friends who went who tell me what is being played. you are only lying to yourselves. thank you and have a nice day. i don't feel like arguing with chalupa, stiffler, badass, pscho and the rest of you because you guys are all rookies and will NEVER get it.

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Actually, I didnt even post a review so dont get all hostile. I just pmd someone and said how you and Muzikman at least have a point and that Johhny was the pointless one. I was only stating that on all the threads the same 3 or 4 people laugh or hate on the club. Its really not a bad place, Also, i didnt say much to you other than whatever and that was just a play on your screenname. you read into it too much.......

These posts are getting a little too sickkkkkkkkkkk for me..

peace out....

And honestly, understand that the promoters are my friends and I just stick up for them because I can get away with saying things that they shouldnt as promoters.

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Originally posted by godisadj

i'm not a dj. just a club goer. i like the music i like & cherri just doesn't play it. so whatever!!! if i still go i have no-one to blame but myself.


Im not a dj or a promoter, I just like people....so when I go somewher its for that. Of coarse the music and the DJ are a plus, but I am not concerned with the underground shit. Id rather just get fucked up and dance with my friends and meet new people.

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Originally posted by stiffler


Im not a dj or a promoter, I just like people....so when I go somewher its for that. Of coarse the music and the DJ are a plus, but I am not concerned with the underground shit. Id rather just get fucked up and dance with my friends and meet new people.

well said Sticky!!!

How's all those 1099's & w2's???? :D

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