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is anyone else scared - north korea information


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SEOUL, South Korea -- North Korea warned Thursday that any pre-emptive attack by the United States on its nuclear facilities will spark a "full-scale war" on the Korean Peninsula.

The statement, made in North Korea's state-run media and monitored by South Korea's Yonhap news agency, comes one day after Pyongyang reported it had reactivated its nuclear facilities, including its main Yongbyon plant.

Several nations fear Yongbyon will be used to extract weapons-grade plutonium, but so far no government has publicly verified the plant is back in operation.

"If the United States launches a surprise attack on our peaceful nuclear facilities, it will spark a full-scale war," said Rodong Sinmun, North Korea's main state-run newspaper, in a commentary carried by Radio Pyongyang.

The commentary accused Washington of planning to beef up its military presence in the region and launch pre-emptive strikes.

Pyongyang insists its nuclear program is designed for peaceful purposes and says it reactivated its main nuclear complex to generate much needed electricity.

The Yongbyon facility has been dormant since a 1994 deal with the United States, but the North announced in December that it would revive it, amid a dispute with Washington over its nuclear program.

'Terrorist regime'

Thursday's warning from North Korea also comes after comments by U.S. Defense Secretary Donald H. Rumsfeld labeling Pyongyang as a "terrorist regime."

Though the United States has denied it is planning an attack on North Korea, Washington says it is taking the current developments "very seriously."

The Bush administration fears that a restarting of its nuclear program gives North Korea a troubling option.

"They could either make additional nuclear weapons for themselves or they can sell the nuclear materials and/or the nuclear material inside a warhead to another country -- any country," Rumsfeld said.

"And that is something the world has to take very seriously."

Rumsfeld called the reports of the Yongbyon reactivation, along with Pyongyang's continued defiance of international treaties, a "worrisome thing."

"It's a regime that's a terrorist regime. It's a regime that has been involved in things that are harmful to other countries," Rumsfeld said.

Although North Korea has never admitted to developing a nuclear weapon, Rumsfeld said the United States has "assessed that they have one or two nuclear weapons."

N. Korea, U.S. 'will talk'

A satellite image of the Yongbyon nuclear facility in North Korea

Earlier this week there were signs that Washington was willing to engage Pyongyang in face to face talks in an attempt to resolve the crisis -- a demand North Korea has constantly repeated.

U.S. Deputy Secretary of State Richard Armitage announced on Tuesday that meetings between both nations would take place, but no timeline had been set.

As the impasse drags into its four month, and amid signs of escalation, Armitage reiterated he considers Iraq to be a more immediate threat than communist North Korea.

But North Korea continues to defy growing international pressure to abandon its nuclear ambitions.

Alongside reactivating mothballed nuclear reactors, in recent months Pyongyang has also ejected U.N. nuclear inspectors, and pulled out of a global nuclear non-proliferation treaty.

The Yongbyon facility was the center of a suspected nuclear weapons program in the 1990s. It includes a building that stores 8,000 spent fuel rods and a reprocessing laboratory, where the North Koreans can extract weapons-grade plutonium from the spent fuel rods.

Last week, U.S. officials said spy satellites had detected covered trucks apparently taking on cargo at the storage facility where spent nuclear fuel rods are stored.

If the rods are processed, enough plutonium can be extracted to make several nuclear weapons, U.S. officials have said.

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it's comments like this from people with mentalities like yours that has fucked up the world for the rest of us. there was no reason why hiroshima and nagasaki had to happen, but the US had to test their bombs and why not bomb the hell out of the japanese..they were own "enemies" after all....ironically, they are doing business and become financial "allies" in the next 50 years...

how can you be so blind.

north korea is like a ticking bomb, kim jong il is a madman, and he's definitely not playing around with his threats. he's mad enough to actually do it if the US tries anything. i only hope that the government knows this or a lot of people are going to wake up screwed here in the western hemisphere one day..or not at all.

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Originally posted by sassa

it's comments like this from people with mentalities like yours that has fucked up the world for the rest of us. there was no reason why hiroshima and nagasaki had to happen, but the US had to test their bombs and why not bomb the hell out of the japanese..they were own "enemies" after all....ironically, they are doing business and become financial "allies" in the next 50 years...

how can you be so blind.

north korea is like a ticking bomb, kim jong il is a madman, and he's definitely not playing around with his threats. he's mad enough to actually do it if the US tries anything. i only hope that the government knows this or a lot of people are going to wake up screwed here in the western hemisphere one day..or not at all.

Serious question: Where have you recived education

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Originally posted by sassa

To answer your question, Igloo, I have been to over 20 different schools throughout my life in 4 countries.

I was being serious.....

How history is presented is always interesting based on country of origin

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you guys need to shut up. she was stating a serious point and you cant even read it and appreciate the truth in it. north korea IS like a ticking bomb. what is your opinion on this matter? does it scare you? it scares the shit out of me. the thread isnt to bust on sassa for your differences in opinion but to state your own opinion on the matter at hand.

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Originally posted by somebitch

you guys need to shut up. she was stating a serious point and you cant even read it and appreciate the truth in it. north korea IS like a ticking bomb. what is your opinion on this matter? does it scare you? it scares the shit out of me. the thread isnt to bust on sassa for your differences in opinion but to state your own opinion on the matter at hand.

Exactly. :aright:

those two are only on this board for entertainment purposes...

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