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What's the one compliment . . .


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my friend came over once and i was wearing like sweats and i hadnt showered or anything and he was like "heather this is the best i've seen you" and he was serious...i had to hold back the vomit, i mean i accepted the compliment but when i go out and get all prettied up thats when i wanna be told 'hey u look nice'

so it pisses me off when boys tell me i look when best when i'm just like so blah...i dunno if that makes much sense...

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Originally posted by marcid21

you're going to vomit at the sound of hearing again???


~ man saying " i like short women" ... translation: shorties can get on their knees fast

:rofl: Ok, lets be serious for a sec here... Who or which guy in his right mind would say or think that being short has anything to do with easier accessabilty to the ram rod?? I think thats a gross misconception. Why not ask WHY they like short women......

You'd be amazed how many guys would pass up a chance with a tall beautiful girl becoz they feel intimidated and not to mention the flak to be caught from buddies.... just a thought.....

Anyhoo, my all time yuckky promo is... "taking it to the next level" What level??? oh pah leeeease !!! Spare me !!! A close second to that would be the cop out girls use to jump ship......" Its not you, its me ":puke:

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>>you're going to vomit at the sound of hearing again???

"i love your hair"

(i got longish hair btw)


men AND women (cause the girls don´t know how to really compliment either), pay compliments that make the person you pay them to feel CLOSER to you not OBSERVED!!!

"you are beautiful" is an OBSERVING compliment (=not good)

"i could talk with you for hours" is a compliment that make the PERSON feel CLOSER to you (=good)

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Originally posted by tastey

how many bfs did you have anyway? the way i see it: big talk

you´re this forward IRL too or do you just play out how you´d LIKE to be online?

actually i dont think it has anything to do with how many 'bfs' i have had or anything along those lines....

Why do i think i'm good at it? because I listen to the person i'm with, i pay attention to body language, to the oohs and aahs, and i'm not afraid to ask what feels good, what doesnt feel good, and what i could do to make it better.... I love to learn!

and just because I said i'm good at it, dont mean i'm going around doing it to every tom dick n harry... I dont remember giving any offers, just answering a question...

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Originally posted by LikmyLipz

actually i dont think it has anything to do with how many 'bfs' i have had or anything along those lines....

Why do i think i'm good at it? because I listen to the person i'm with, i pay attention to body language, to the oohs and aahs, and i'm not afraid to ask what feels good, what doesnt feel good, and what i could do to make it better.... I love to learn!

and just because I said i'm good at it, dont mean i'm going around doing it to every tom dick n harry... I dont remember giving any offers, just answering a question...

okay, sorry for snapping at you. when i posted that i was just fed up cause i just returned from a girl that was all talk and no action, you know big direct words and then shy, girly, giggly and UNSKILLED as fuck when it came to the actual makeout, i didn´t even WANT to go further, blargh... :cuss:

anyway, props to you for being able to communicate when it comes to sex, unfortunately many people aren´t able and confident enough do this! :aright:

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Originally posted by magellanmax

You'd be amazed how many guys would pass up a chance with a tall beautiful girl becoz they feel intimidated and not to mention the flak to be caught from buddies.... just a thought.....

Great... I always thought guys liked us short women because we we're cute and fun to throw around in the bedroom. Now I see it's because we're unintimidating. Greeeeeat, that makes it a whole lot better... :rolleyes:

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