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who thinks we should go to war????:confused: is peace the answer??? im sick of people protesting aganist an attack on iraq! these people are nuts...what do they want ? wait until another attack happens to us??? its clear to me that nut job dictator of iraq is willing to release nerve gas and others types of gases onto innocent people ... for sakes he does experiments on his own people(prisoners) Every other nation thinks we are bad guys, but the last time i looked we are the nation that allows other religions and people to enter this nation without them telling us what they should do who we should listen to (example iraq women arent allowed to work and have to wear veils all the time ?):tank: i think we should attack an end this f**kers reign as an ahole:hang: peolpe ask y we have to attack well duh ! who funded the tailban ??? :rolleyes: iraq and other countries..

im sorry if want to keep country the way it is..and if this means attacking another country than so be it.

what do u guys think ??

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i think you need to visit your local library and pick up books based on the economic, political, social, and religious aspects of the middle east and the US. your argument is comparing two contrasting points, makes no sense.

yes, we should defend ourselves, but that does not mean we abuse that right in the name of making irrational choices.

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I agree, and if not mistaken I think the women are allowed to work. IMO I think we need to mind our our business and stick with our own countries issues. We can clone babies, yet we can't seem to find a cure for AIDS......ah yeah. We need medical for those who can't afford it. Do you think that is right? To allow people to suffer because they can not get the proper treatment? Kick people (elders) out of there homes because the rent is too high? The list can go on. I think our own country needs to look at itself before it judges others.

Originally posted by sassa

i think you need to visit your local library and pick up books based on the economic, political, social, and religious aspects of the middle east and the US. your argument is comparing two contrasting points, makes no sense.

yes, we should defend ourselves, but that does not mean we abuse that right in the name of making irrational choices.

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Originally posted by crowina

I agree, and if not mistaken I think the women are allowed to work. IMO I think we need to mind our our business and stick with our own countries issues. We can clone babies, yet we can't seem to find a cure for AIDS......ah yeah. We need medical for those who can't afford it. Do you think that is right? To allow people to suffer because they can not get the proper treatment? Kick people (elders) out of there homes because the rent is too high? The list can go on. I think our own country needs to look at itself before it judges others.


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Honestly, I am someone that has ALWAYS been against war. In the past, it has been something that we have got involved in for the wrong reasons. In my heart of hearts, I do not want us to go to war. I have two good friends that are headed over there as i type.

However, when a regime is manufacturing chemical weapons that have the intended use of killing thousands upon thousands of people, and we are those people that are targeted by these people, we have to do something about it. If we just sit on our collective asses and do nothing, we are going to feel the brunt of this. it is either hit, or be hit.

Just my $0.02

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