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Exit Soundfactory Closed Come Join The Family At Arc


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Originally posted by sandman1130

HOLD UP YO!!!!! we dont want no EXIT and SF people in there, tring to ruin our vibe over there, sorry the musically challenged can go else where

first of all alot of people that have frequented soundfactory over the years are at vinyl every friday as well. Please stop all your ranting and raving about the vibe being "ruined" or what not.. its so played out already:nopity: If people are about the music they will end up at vinyl for no other reason..

and hey guess what clubplanet?? I love the soundfactory more then any club in NYC and i go to vinyl every friday too.. na ne na ne poo pooo:bootysha: LOL

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Originally posted by berniec

ya, whats your point?? I made a statement of true fact, there was a drop in the number of cracked out asians taking up half the dance floor because they are all in a human chain leaning all over one another swaying like a tree in a windstorm.

I dont see how that is making any stereotypes??


Originally posted by berniec

there was a drastick drop in the number of asians that were there last week...lets hope it stays the same for the party this week :D


Oh I'm sorry, I didn't know you were seceretively isolating out just those asians "taking up half the dance floor because they are all in a human chain leaning all over one another swaying like a tree in a windstorm."

Then I'm sure everyone else in this thread was only referring to the Sf/Exit crowd that happens to be rude muscleheads who don't know shit about music. I'm sure you'll change your post considering you obviously had nothing to be offended about.

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Originally posted by berniec

hey hey hey, lets not start the generilizations now! I would consider myself to be an exit head, and i been to factory as well and i was at Arc for NYE and again last nite, you trying to tell me that I am musically challenged? Hardly- in fact i would say that i'm sure i'm a lot more versed in the music then some of the other 'regulars' at arc!

At times people on this board can really come out with some fucked up stereotypes that make no sence. Your telling me that A|X or Diesel wearing Juiceheads who chill at Exit or Factory are somehow less capable of appreciating the music then UFO pant wearing raver kids who frequent Arc? You can't always judge a book by its cover...one day maybe some of you will grow up and learn that.

Sorry if i'm ranting, but the last 24 hours have really pissed me off.



slow down there kiddie whats that to say bout ufo raver kids an the music intelligence ur funny man what we are sayin is that we really dun want that kinda kinda crowd at arc u know the same kinda crowd that helped get sf an exit shut down i mean granted im soundin like a hypocrite but still i ve seen the light an yes i do have appciation for the music i dun wanna see a good thing get shut down cause of some bs its been my 2 home from week to week what can i say... vinyl/arc head in me talkin right now :blank:

btw yes i am a club kid that wears ufo but that dun make me a raver an yes not all of us are ravers lets get that straight:blank:

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Originally posted by hitokiri24

what we are sayin is that we really dun want that kinda kinda crowd at arc

and who are you to say what crowd you don't want at arc?? You don't own the fucking place...:blown: some of you people are real idiots let me tell you...i would rather be in a club with someone on a shit load of drugs dancing peacefully next to me then some of you with your "think your better then everyone" and "know it all" attitudes... go away ! LOL

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Originally posted by girly

Originally posted by hitokiri24

...i would rather be in a club with someone on a shit load of drugs dancing peacefully next to me then some of you with your "think your better then everyone" and "know it all" attitudes... go away ! LOL

ha. Well said. But then again, thinking you're better than other people isn't illegal, drugs are.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

me and rizzo r better than anyone on this board :aright:

Yeah.. so fuck all you other pathetic human beings. You deserve to die because you're not as good as we are. And you need to just stay the fuck away from anywhere I'm gonna be cause I don't want your stank ass within 150 meters of my precious self. You're pollution to the well-being of people more worthy than you are to live. :aright:

And while we're on the topic.. I better not see any of you poor excuses for life at Centro Fly cause WE DON'T WANT YOU THERE. :rolleyes:

:blown: :blown:

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u know its funny i never said i was any better than the next person get the facts straight if u knew me u d know what im talkin bout but u dun so shut up... sides u missed the point all together like i said if u knew me ud know what im talkin bout granted i haven t been to sf but ive seen enough of exit to know that as a "club elitist" as u more or less label me i think its safe to ppl passed out oded an whatever don t really need to be at arc but who am i im just a patron that doesn t wanna see his fav club turn to a shit hole now please tie a porkchop to a string an play with it cause im done entertainin u k :aright:

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Originally posted by hitokiri24

u know its funny i never said i was any better than the next person get the facts straight if u knew me u d know what im talkin bout but u dun so shut up... sides u missed the point all together like i said if u knew me ud know what im talkin bout granted i haven t been to sf but ive seen enough of exit to know that as a "club elitist" as u more or less label me i think its safe to ppl passed out oded an whatever don t really need to be at arc but who am i im just a patron that doesn t wanna see his fav club turn to a shit hole now please tie a porkchop to a string an play with it cause im done entertainin u k :aright:

in your other statement you are judging the "sf and exit crowd" by saying that you don't want them going to "your" club vinyl.. so guess what i go to soundfactory.. You judged me and i will judge you.. ...I think all this ranting and raving about this crap is so old already.. Guess what like i said in one of my previous posts, anyone who ends up in Vinyl is there for the music and no other reason.. cause frankly its very hard to do drugs in there at this point, not that it isn't there because it is but because of the size of the venue and the security drugs can't be done in the open like at other places.. so anyone who is looking to go there to stictly do drugs won't end up goign back ..start harping on something new, THIS IS SOOOOO PLAYED!:nopity: :nopity:

go fetch me that pork chop first;)

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look i was saying if u want to check out a sick place come check out arc its prettty good and cheap some of my fellow archeads read it and did not like it i go to arc 4 times a month weather on a fri or sat i dont care who comes down to arc its a great place and everyone should experience it but alot of people who go there are very sensitive about the crowd dont listen to them. I LOVE ARC AND I WANT EVERYONE TO LOVE IT AS WELL

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I love ARC and i want everyone who loves music to FIND OUT ABOUT IT on their own and go there when they're ready, not because i'ts the latest "thing" or "all their friends are doing it"

i remember once long ago, DT said "DON"T tell all your friends about this place." and for good reason.

too bad nobody listened. Now it's acquiring the atmosphere of an american idol contest.

to those of you who think i'm judging YOU, get over it. I know where i dance and i like where I dance, and just because you don't hold a place in such sacred esteem as I do, does NOT give you the right to shit all over mine, Jay's, Ghhhhost's, or anybody else's opinion when we say we'd rather not have our little home away from home overrun by types of people who WE PERSONALLY do not hold in such high esteem.

Will we stand at the door and ask you to present references on where you've danced in the past? no. We're not that fucking arrogant and it's a shame that some people on this thread seem to expect that we're suggesting that should happen.

We WILL be on the dancefloor dancing and doing our thing however... and it is ON THAT FLOOR that we'll know where you come from. You bump into us and knock us over, then swear at us and threaten to kick our ass, or try and clear everyone out with your big muscles just so you have room to do a guido stomp, or act as if nobody in the place matters except for you.... and we WILL know where you come from, because more than likely it ISN"T vinyl.

THAT is the kind of attitude i don't want to see. You can come from red fucking china for all i care but if you dance and you're courteous of others around you and yoou've got SOUL, then i'm a happy man.

give the drama a break. It's fucking old.

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Originally posted by cintron

I love ARC and i want everyone who loves music to FIND OUT ABOUT IT on their own and go there when they're ready, not because i'ts the latest "thing" or "all their friends are doing it"

i remember once long ago, DT said "DON"T tell all your friends about this place." and for good reason.

too bad nobody listened. Now it's acquiring the atmosphere of an american idol contest.

to those of you who think i'm judging YOU, get over it. I know where i dance and i like where I dance, and just because you don't hold a place in such sacred esteem as I do, does NOT give you the right to shit all over mine, Jay's, Ghhhhost's, or anybody else's opinion when we say we'd rather not have our little home away from home overrun by types of people who WE PERSONALLY do not hold in such high esteem.

Will we stand at the door and ask you to present references on where you've danced in the past? no. We're not that fucking arrogant and it's a shame that some people on this thread seem to expect that we're suggesting that should happen.

We WILL be on the dancefloor dancing and doing our thing however... and it is ON THAT FLOOR that we'll know where you come from. You bump into us and knock us over, then swear at us and threaten to kick our ass, or try and clear everyone out with your big muscles just so you have room to do a guido stomp, or act as if nobody in the place matters except for you.... and we WILL know where you come from, because more than likely it ISN"T vinyl.

THAT is the kind of attitude i don't want to see. You can come from red fucking china for all i care but if you dance and you're courteous of others around you and yoou've got SOUL, then i'm a happy man.

give the drama a break. It's fucking old.


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however... and it is ON THAT FLOOR that we'll know where you come from. You bump into us and knock us over, then swear at us and threaten to kick our ass, or try and clear everyone out with your big muscles just so you have room to do a guido stomp, or act as if nobody in the place matters except for you.... and we WILL know where you come from, because more than likely it ISN"T vinyl.

THAT is the kind of attitude i don't want to see. You can come from red fucking china for all i care but if you dance and you're courteous of others around you and yoou've got SOUL, then i'm a happy man.


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Originally posted by girly

The problem is that you and other people in this thread are saying

Pls. check my post. That is not what i said.

I stated that i can be partying in the midst of those crowds and never know it, but that people who disrespect my space and the atmosphere are MOST LIKELY newbies from somewhere else (or worse, veterans who still don't get it.)

like i said... i ain't gonna be checkin' references, but if you don't feel comfortable to dance in my company, then do whatever makes you happy.

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Originally posted by cintron

Pls. check my post. That is not what i said.

I stated that i can be partying in the midst of those crowds and never know it, but that people who disrespect my space and the atmosphere are MOST LIKELY newbies from somewhere else (or worse, veterans who still don't get it.)

like i said... i ain't gonna be checkin' references, but if you don't feel comfortable to dance in my company, then do whatever makes you happy.


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Assholes are assholes, whatever club they like to hang out at. I get the impression that everyone has this idea of what a kid who goes to SF or Exit is like. Like I said, there are assholes all over. But stereotyping kids who hang out at Exit or SF as being all shirtless guidos with an attitude is not just uncool, it's untrue. Last night a lot of kids who frequent Exit showed up at Arc. You'd be hard pressed to pick them out, because they're all friendly, cool kids, who love music. These were all kids who went to Exit every Friday, and now they can't go anymore. And they've accepted that, and are looking for somewhere else to have fun, be around friends, dance, and listen to good music. What the hell is so wrong with that?

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Originally posted by cintron

I love ARC and i want everyone who loves music to FIND OUT ABOUT IT on their own and go there when they're ready, not because i'ts the latest "thing" or "all their friends are doing it"

i remember once long ago, DT said "DON"T tell all your friends about this place." and for good reason.

too bad nobody listened. Now it's acquiring the atmosphere of an american idol contest.

to those of you who think i'm judging YOU, get over it. I know where i dance and i like where I dance, and just because you don't hold a place in such sacred esteem as I do, does NOT give you the right to shit all over mine, Jay's, Ghhhhost's, or anybody else's opinion when we say we'd rather not have our little home away from home overrun by types of people who WE PERSONALLY do not hold in such high esteem.

Will we stand at the door and ask you to present references on where you've danced in the past? no. We're not that fucking arrogant and it's a shame that some people on this thread seem to expect that we're suggesting that should happen.

We WILL be on the dancefloor dancing and doing our thing however... and it is ON THAT FLOOR that we'll know where you come from. You bump into us and knock us over, then swear at us and threaten to kick our ass, or try and clear everyone out with your big muscles just so you have room to do a guido stomp, or act as if nobody in the place matters except for you.... and we WILL know where you come from, because more than likely it ISN"T vinyl.

THAT is the kind of attitude i don't want to see. You can come from red fucking china for all i care but if you dance and you're courteous of others around you and yoou've got SOUL, then i'm a happy man.

give the drama a break. It's fucking old.

just curious--do you work for Arc?:confused:

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Originally posted by cintron

I love ARC and i want everyone who loves music to FIND OUT ABOUT IT on their own and go there when they're ready, not because i'ts the latest "thing" or "all their friends are doing it"

i remember once long ago, DT said "DON"T tell all your friends about this place." and for good reason.

too bad nobody listened. Now it's acquiring the atmosphere of an american idol contest.

to those of you who think i'm judging YOU, get over it. I know where i dance and i like where I dance, and just because you don't hold a place in such sacred esteem as I do, does NOT give you the right to shit all over mine, Jay's, Ghhhhost's, or anybody else's opinion when we say we'd rather not have our little home away from home overrun by types of people who WE PERSONALLY do not hold in such high esteem.

Will we stand at the door and ask you to present references on where you've danced in the past? no. We're not that fucking arrogant and it's a shame that some people on this thread seem to expect that we're suggesting that should happen.

We WILL be on the dancefloor dancing and doing our thing however... and it is ON THAT FLOOR that we'll know where you come from. You bump into us and knock us over, then swear at us and threaten to kick our ass, or try and clear everyone out with your big muscles just so you have room to do a guido stomp, or act as if nobody in the place matters except for you.... and we WILL know where you come from, because more than likely it ISN"T vinyl.

THAT is the kind of attitude i don't want to see. You can come from red fucking china for all i care but if you dance and you're courteous of others around you and yoou've got SOUL, then i'm a happy man.

give the drama a break. It's fucking old.

nicely put amigo an to coin the phrase LETS ROCK!!! he just about sums what i meant to say
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Originally posted by zeeker

Assholes are assholes, whatever club they like to hang out at. I get the impression that everyone has this idea of what a kid who goes to SF or Exit is like. Like I said, there are assholes all over. But stereotyping kids who hang out at Exit or SF as being all shirtless guidos with an attitude is not just uncool, it's untrue. Last night a lot of kids who frequent Exit showed up at Arc. You'd be hard pressed to pick them out, because they're all friendly, cool kids, who love music. These were all kids who went to Exit every Friday, and now they can't go anymore. And they've accepted that, and are looking for somewhere else to have fun, be around friends, dance, and listen to good music. What the hell is so wrong with that?

finally someone who gets the point!!! I was there on friday nite, had my shirt on the whole time, and as far as i can tell i didnt start any drama- except when i was accused by one of the security staff of doin bumps in the bathroom stall (i wasnt). Actually i had a really good time!



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