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what could a friend do that would make u never want 2..


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what could a friend do that would make you never want to see him/her again :( ?

i was watching alias tonight (don't know if there are any fans here), and seeing dixon tell sidney (jennifer garner) that he never wanted to see her again after they'd been partners for over 2 years almost made me cry. he felt she had betrayed his trust, and there was nothing she could do to regain that, or the lost time.

and i was thinking about a friend who had been seemingly avoiding me, and how i had been afraid that i had done something to drive him away, although i didn't know what it was i had done. "we had history," i told myself. "how could he throw all of that away so easily - over something that he couldn't even talk to me about?" it turned out i was just freaking out over nothing.

but all of this did raise the question in me: what could a good friend (in a friendship that's lasted a couple of years) do that would make me never want to see him/her again, and vice versa? that just seems so major. of course, alias is a tv show, but i've heard this happen to other people in real life. can anyone shed some light on this?

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Originally posted by weyes

what could a friend do that would make you never want to see him/her again :( ?

and i was thinking about a friend who had been seemingly avoiding me, and how i had been afraid that i had done something to drive him away, although i didn't know what it was i had done. "we had history," i told myself. "how could he throw all of that away so easily - over something that he couldn't even talk to me about?" it turned out i was just freaking out over nothing.

but all of this did raise the question in me: what could a good friend (in a friendship that's lasted a couple of years) do that would make me never want to see him/her again, and vice versa? that just seems so major. of course, alias is a tv show, but i've heard this happen to other people in real life. can anyone shed some light on this?

You know that i'm going thru the same thing with smurfette right now, and i've been through it at least a dozen times :blank:

I think it matters upon how much you care for the person, and how much patience u have. It just so happens that i feel the both for her, but lately, after her telling me she loves me and then not calling me for over a week, i feel the flame fizzling out -

It's really sad, and it's a shame to see all that history and good times be over, but i've done all i can.

If you believe that you did nothing wrong, went out of your way for them, and they are acting illogically, then you shouldn't feel bad, or that u did something wrong. If anything, you're the better person :)

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I have never ended a friendship over a certain single occurence or fight.... However, I have been let down by a couple of my very close friends, (actually quite a few times). One of my biggest flaws is I am too quick and willing to forgive, and I kick myself in the ass for it....

Thus far, no one has done anything so horrible that I couldn't bear to talk to them again..... So I'm not sure :confused: I guess it's easier in romantic relationships - because if someone ever cheated on me, that would be it.... But for friendship, I find it so much hard to draw a line ......

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thanks, you two :) .

it seems that you both are with me in that it just doesn't make sense that one could just drop a friend over a single incident; everything that's happened in the past also needs to be taken into account - maybe even "averaged", in a way.

and i remember now that this friend i just now thought was avoiding me really let me down and hurt me once, but it was just once. it might've hurt more even because it was just once and i had come to expect only the best from him, but dropping him as a friend never crossed my mind at all. even that day that he hurt me i was thinking of what a great time we could've been having - the great time we pretty much always had had and still have.

i think my only worry just now was that he wouldn't be the same way, but i think we are friends 'cause we have so much in common, and the way we feel about each other is part of that common ground :) . i just need to move past the friends i've lost in the past and live in my successful relationships in the present and future :D .

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I've gone through what you're going through right now, except I'm on the ignoring end :P

So yes, there are things/ incidents that can happen that can ruin a friendship or relationship. And talk about history - her and I go waaaaaaaaaaay back, and have shared and gone through a lot together. In the end I was devastated by what she did. The only comfort I can find is by not being in touch with her, and getting on with my life. Maybe I'm too stubborn...but I just don't know how I can get over the situation. Now you're probably asking what it is that happened to lead to my reactions...

Wel for now I'm just gonna have to say..its classified :P

Originally posted by weyes

thanks, you two :) .

it seems that you both are with me in that it just doesn't make sense that one could just drop a friend over a single incident; everything that's happened in the past also needs to be taken into account - maybe even "averaged", in a way.

and i remember now that this friend i just now thought was avoiding me really let me down and hurt me once, but it was just once. it might've hurt more even because it was just once and i had come to expect only the best from him, but dropping him as a friend never crossed my mind at all. even that day that he hurt me i was thinking of what a great time we could've been having - the great time we pretty much always had had and still have.

i think my only worry just now was that he wouldn't be the same way, but i think we are friends 'cause we have so much in common, and the way we feel about each other is part of that common ground :) . i just need to move past the friends i've lost in the past and live in my successful relationships in the present and future :D .

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fuck with me mentally...i had a very jealous brazilian bitch of a roommate 2 years ago who did nothing but dog me every day...it got really tiring. so i told her to fuck off and haven't talked to her since...was a shame, especially since we had gotten to the point where we could walk around naked and it wouldn't phase the other person...oh well...some friends are just meant to come and go in your life...not your fault, just the way some people are....

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