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NERVE GETS steve dash/ phil smith "phazon" sound system


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First off, the Funktion-One system in Maze isn't the only type of Funktion one you can have. The system there consists of four Dance Stack arrays, and Resolution 2 monitors in the DJ booth, and I believe a Minibass 212 for DJ low-end monitoring.

The original array in Lola was a partial Funktion-One system of sorts, probably due to the above-mentioned reasons.

The Dance Stack configuration would probably be too big for Lola. A combination of Resolution 4s and the above-mentioned Minibass 212 would probably suffice.

Phazon's been historically known for delivering quality sound, but with huge-ass enclosures...look at crobar's system, the old Twilo rig, and Arc's system. Well, Arc's is tiny by Phazon standards, but still quite large. The Phazon system in Nerve will undoubtedly sound fantastic, but unless their design ethic did a complete 180, it'll be quite noticeable hulking in the corners...though I'm sure Nerve has a top interior decorator on hand to skillfully conceal the system. Designs by Sean comes to mind. Utterly tripped out stuff, and local to boot.

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Originally posted by saleen351

a new eaw? or are they literally taking the one out of space and putting it into the new space...

Not even close, on both parts. There's another sort of system in the works for the new Space. One of those things I'm not at liberty to talk about.

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Originally posted by kismet

that lounge is called coffee shop and it is downstairs. very cool place.

they don't push the sound loud just solid and comfortable.

I'm not talking about Coffee Shop. That place has been there for years. Did you just get off the bus or something?

The new place is called Cielo if you really want to know.

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Dear kismet,

I’m trying to post some accurate info so people can get a handle on what we are doing and what we are all about, it's not about name dropping its about telling people what is going on. Most of your post not to be rude is just plain wrong, and I will briefly try to set the record strait, your definitely entitled to your opinion one way or the other but at least get the facts strait so you can make an intelligent decision.

#1 Steve dash is the designer and Phil smith is the business end of the equation together they = PHAZON SOUND SYSTEMS - these guys were all part of the Richard long family, and when he died they basically continued the legacy where Richard left off.

#2 when we were all clubbing at places like the paradise garage & owning clubs like danceteria, tunnel, am/pm, pizza ago go, inferno etc etc which was probably 20 years ago that would probably land you in about the third grade and packing a superman lunch box..........so before you shower us with your few years of clubbing experience, think before you post

#3 FACT - Lola had Steve dash in to price a system FIRST and when they heard the price tag they elected to go with Dan agney (who is a great guy) to do the Lola system & the upstairs of Crobar. It all came down to dollars and cents and they made a business decision.

#4 if you want to have a small intimate party for 50 people I suggest you have a few of your friends over to watch the super bowl or grab some wings down at the ale house near you. If you think your going to chill and shoot a game of pool I would head to 6th street on Washington ave - NERVE is definitely not going to be for you I would try club deep...

#5 the reason we were not happy with the f1 system because in my humble opinion it was not set up correctly for whatever reason and it did not sound like I wanted it to............like using 3 base bins instead of either two or four..........what is the correct terminology for that, stereo plus one! Or is that tri-phonic? And just like someone buys a Bentley and someone buys a Mercedes its personal preference or choice.... when you buy your own club you can install a jukebox or F1 or phazon or a radio shack system - that’s the beauty of ownership the choice is yours......... and as much as I would like you and your 49 friends to be part of our club and I really do hope you enjoy yourself, if you don't mind can I pick the tweeters and the rest of the equipment, after all it is my money, unless you have a fat check to cut? If you do than we can talk about some type of partnership... and only than would l love to hear about your philosophy on life & sound. On the flip side any and all intelligent comments or opinions are always welcome. Hey anyone can have a great idea and only a moron thinks he knows it all...right!

Hope this clears up a few of your incorrect statements!

And on the lighter side we really hope you and your 49 intimate friends enjoy our club, we are working really hard at trying to make this a fun place!

Nerve Nightclub / lounge


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if the guest dj's are good and there is no bullshit on the door, i don't care what kind of system is in there. as long as night in/night out, they hire a sound engineer that knows what he/she is doing. problem is so many venues here hire big name people to come in and set up their systems. only to have the guy leave when he's finished and nobody really knows how to keep the system sounding as good as it did when it was setup. this is an every night issue.

lola had the potential to be so much more than it was. if only they would have spent just a little bit more money on it. now these guys come in and look to have to the pocketbooks. let's hope the music heads are catered to as well.

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Either I came off the wrong way or you didn't understand what I said.

I said steve was the designer and phil is the business end. I also said that lola didn't want to put up the money for a full sound investment system which would be obvious that they didn't want to put up the money for a phazon. I also said that it sounds your team has come in and are willing to invest into a properly

installed and amplified system. I was originally deffending both systems because they are both quality sytems and no one should talk shit about them. I would love to see the setup the places that the people trashing the systems have, exactly. If it sounded a little aggressive I was just still a little angry with this

guy saleen who trashes everthing but himself. and you completely missed the point about small venue, what I meant was intamacy is great because you don't have to worry about catering to the mass you can target your audience which

sounds like your team is doing.


can't wait to be your environment it sound fresh for a change.

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No problem, its all good, thank you for clarifying your orig post


House heads, yes there will be at least one night you can call your own, it will be laid back, and ALL ABOUT THE MUSIC, W/ NO DOOR DRAMA............

I thinks its going to be Thursday night.........this night is not about the vip's its about the house heads, this will be your night and a chance to get everything you every wanted in an intimate club on sobe, the music, the sound system, its going to be great.........I don't care if the club makes a dollar on this night, this is going to be a night for people who just love music!!!!

Were are doing our best to accommodate everyone, and I hope this satisfy the house heads.........I think this will be a very very strong and fun night


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Friday & sat nights

Will be, Crobar main

Meets Mynt VIP

Meets backdoor bambi

Meets fetish factory

Meets space

Basically it is going to be one huge party! House heads meet Rolex, Rolex meet midget drag queens...should be something for the senses!

As far as the sound goes, the entire place with have PLEANTY OF QUAILITY SOUND thanks to mr dash


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Hey Nerve... This post has gotten ridiculous.... I wish you guys luck and I can't wait to see the finished product... in fact everyone should let you get back to work so there can be a finished product delivered when promised.

P.S.- Are you going to use the same glassware as Lola? I really liked the old glasses they used and you guys will fail unless you use the same glasses! Sorry! :blown:

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What's up w/ the snaps about bathrooms and glasses?

maybe we will use the same glasses as bulldog lounge, so you feel at home, you know where you guys play & promote, we will get one glass for every person that that place legally holds (42) this way we will save a few dollars and you will be comfortable about the glassware.......also how come you NEVER PLAY ON SOBE? maybe its the big fish in a small pond syndrome? anyway everyone has always supported you guys and your parties (most of them an hour plus drive north of sobe).........so lighten up....by the way no disrespect to bulldog, its a super cool place, but as anyone knows who has been there it really does hold only a handful of people


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Originally posted by nervemaimi


What's up w/ the snaps about bathrooms and glasses?NerveMiami@aol.com

The "snaps" were actually on your behalf.. I was just getting tired of the ridiculous questions about your new spot! I think people should just let you guys do your thing and they should get back to work. If they don't like the results... THEN they can feel superior by tearing the place apart in their little world here. I'm not busting on anyone here either I just love how heated some of these Jean wearing, why don't they let me in free... I hate that place because the door-guy won't let me and my 30 male friends in... that place sucks because they are packed with eautiful people and they all are buying bottles....

You get it!

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After re-reading your post to me.. I can now understand why some of these guys wanna jump down your throats... Real nice.. The funny part is.. I know who this is to and it all makes sense now!

Have fun!

Oh.. the reason, since you ask... The reason I don't EVER play in South Beach is because for the last 4 years I've ALWAYS maintained a Saturday residency and I NEVER play out during the week because I run my own business and have to babysit 20+ employees... So Michael Storms.. Thanks for asking!

Good luck on yor new venture.. You've definitely got some NERVE!

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Mr. Vaughn

#1 its not Michael, believe what you want but anyway on a go forward basis we at the club have always supported the ft Lauderdale crews ESPECIALLY YOURS, when i told Michael you were responding to the posts he said nothing but nice things about you and your crew! my post was 100% the truth and the truth is you don't play in sobe #1 (not that that is a bad thing) and some of the venues are a little bit small, not one of us has ever cracked on you or your guys on this or any other boards,

how you thought your posts were on our behalf is beyond me, maybe we can help you out and make used glass cracks & bathroom jokes on the clubs your jamming with, in anycase if that was helping us out what can we say but thanks for the great support.

In anycase no was attacking you and you got real touchy real fast, everyone like to fire missiles at the beach but when we send a spitball up to ft Lauderdale you get touchy.

as far as everyone jumping down our throats on the board, LOOK AT ALL THE POSTS ON ALL THE DIFFERENT BOARDS, please give me a break you have been in the biz for years, .......this is just is just a small way to stay in touch with a few local people who are really interested in hearing what we have to say.........AND THE REST IS LIGHT COMEDY, SO DON'T BE SO EMOTIONAL, YOU GUYS ARE GREAT SO DON'T WORRY ABOUT EITHER DEFENDING US OR YOURSELF, JUST HAVE SOME FUN W/ THE POSTS AND CALL IT A NIGHT.........POSTING IS LIKE a TV show its a free world if you don't like what's on THE TUBE change the channel



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i dont care what you say it sounds like mr. michael storms to me or why dont you reveal yourself. by the way hello its david grutman from tantra restaurant & lounge. i wish you all the best at nerve it sounds like you got a winning team. if there is anything i can do for you please let me know or you could find me at tantra which only holds about 50 people. oh and by the way vaughan has played and rocked tanrtra many times.

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Sorry to disappoint you its not Michael but when are the lust guys playing at tantra, we would love to come and I don't remember them playing there, and I assume you meant to say $500.00 per head not 50 people? Anyway we all know tantra holds much more than 50 people and great food does cost some money, so I that note its all good!

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O.K. Nervemiami... let's take this from the top... Only b'cuz I like this channel so let's keep watchin'... And as Absolutv was just saying... is all I was TRYING to say in the following...

Originally posted by vaughanz

Hey Nerve... This post has gotten ridiculous.... I wish you guys luck and I can't wait to see the finished product... in fact everyone should let you get back to work so there can be a finished product delivered when promised.

P.S.- Are you going to use the same glassware as Lola? I really liked the old glasses they used and you guys will fail unless you use the same glasses! Sorry! :blown:

As EVERYONE can clearly see... I was feeling your pain/pleasure fielding some of the questions that we previously posted. Some questions were so specific, it almost became comical. Who would actually take the glassware comment seriously! In it's most serious form, it was obviously a joke! I was merely saying.. and I quote(d):

Originally posted by vaughanz

I wish you guys luck and I can't wait to see the finished product... in fact everyone should let you get back to work so there can be a finished product delivered when promised.

Then, to almost mock some of the other posts, I thought it would be funny to make up my own irrelevant question about the ghosts of Lola, rather than letting you guys do what you are obviously good at or attempting to be good at! So yes.. my post was 1000% in your FAVOR. On your behalf was actually a poor choice of words. And as I also said... you have taken the defense on several other posts with some other members... you immediately came back with a funny yet almost pre-school retort! Funny yes... But I know you are but what am I? That would have been equally as funny! So... Michael Storms... Mario... or Roman... or should I say Mark Leventhal(hmmmmm)... Read these threads in their entirety because you will note that in more posts than one, I was very quick to point out the positive things about your new venture and the people involved, especially Michael and Mark! So on that note... I think you guys are doing a great job thus far... I know you have created a stir and definitely have grabbed the attention of the 30 pale-skinned computer dorks that call this board home(yes that means me!) And the only reason I said it was Michael was because he is the only person involved that I know.. then ML reared his head in my brain so... no harm meant either way... I only know both of them in a positive way which is also why I got a bit defensive!

What do they say... Even bad publicity is good as long as you get the name right?! So what is the name of the club again...


P.S. - Don't get all pissed at me because you ARE using the same glassware and I called you out on it!

*That was a joke too... just in case!

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