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european man are the most romantic


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a friend of mine who is a standup comedian gave me a paper with a story that he uses in all of his sets. it´s hysterical haha, enjoy :laugh:

it´s a long read but well worth it ;)

from a woman travelling to europe:

european men are so much more romantic than american men. i just got back from a semester abroad in europe and let me tell you, it truly was the most magical amazing exerience of my entire life. the french countryside was like something out of a storybook, the roman ruins were magnificent, and the men... well, european men are by far the most romantical in the world.

you american man think you´re so suave and sophisticated, well think again! european men make you look like the immature inexperienced little children you are. they really know how to make woman feel special over there. unlike the so called "men" here in the states, european men know how treat a woman right. for one thing, european men aren´t afraid to come up and talk to you, and they know how to start slowly, with a nice cup of italian espresso or long walk on some historic street.

they know the places you can´t find in any tourist guides, they know the whole history of the cities in which they live, who the fourtains are named after, who the statues are. i remember one unforgettable night in athen, i sat and listened to a greek sailor for hours as he told me about the countless man that fought over helen back in ancient times. afterward he told me loved his homeland even more now that he´d seen it through my eyes.

i ask you, would an american man ever say something as deep and beautiful like that?

european men know the most romantic little cafees and bistros, candle-lit places where you can be alone and drink the most fantastic wine. they tell you whats on the menu and why you should try it. if it wasn´t for a certain young man in milan i´d never discovered fusclili a spinaci et scampi. and the whole time

they´re looking deep into your eyes, like you´re the only woman on the entire planet. what women could resist a man like that?

then, after a moonlight strawl along the waterfront and a kiss in the doorway of his artist loft... well, i´ll leave the rest to your imagination.

from a european carpenter living in rome:

american women studying in europe are unblievably easy. :laugh:

i´m 25 y.o. carpenter living in rome, and i don´t mind telling you that i get all the action i can handle. i´m not all that handsome or welldressed and i´m certainly not rich. in fact, my italian country-women could take me or leave me but that´s just fine because rome gets lots of tourist traffic and american coeds travelling through europe are without the doubts the easiest lays in the world.

being european gives me a hell of an advantage, something about the accent opens a lot of doors. all you have to do is walk up to them, act a little shy and say "would you like to go with me sinora for a cafe?". i actually have to thicken up my accent a little but they NEVER ever catch on. after a cheap coffee, which to them always tastes better than anything they´ve ever had, because they´re in europe, it´s time to WALK them. :laugh:

now, all they know about rome is what they read on "let´s go" so you pretty much just make up a whole bunch of shit, it´s fun to see how they´ll swallow. as long as i refer to italy as my home land and to other italians as "my people" they´ll believe pretty much anything. i don´t know who most of the local statues are so i tell the muffins that they are all great artists and poets and lovers. once just for the hell of it i told a psychology major from the univesity of maryland that a public staircase was part of the "spanish steps", which she never even heard of ;).

for dinner i usually take them to them to some cheap little whole in the wall, some place deserted where not even the cops eat. american girls think candle-light means romance, not deterioating public utilities, so they just poke their nipples through their GQ sweaters and never notice that there is no electricity.

just as well because roman restaurants aren´t exactly the cleanest, after a bunch of fast talk about the menu i get them the special, which is usually some anonymous pasta with spinace and a day old shrimp and whatever cheap generic chianti at the bottom of the list. by this time they´re usually standing on a slippery little puddle... :laugh:

going in for the kill i walk them past one of rome´s famous 2000 year old open sess-pools, then as we open the doors to my shitty officiancy i kiss them on the eye-lids so they don´t see the roaches, making sure the first thing they see is the strategically artist utilities i bought at some church sale. that´s usually all they need to see and like clockwork they fall backwards on my bed with their birkenstocks in the air.

i mean, they´re hardly italian women, but we have a saying in europe. why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free

:laugh: :laugh:

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there is some truth to ur story though

while i was in italy all the men would approach us saying shit like

che bella, etc etc

however i was not falling for that stupid shit they use on every chick

actually i have a perfect example

one guy i met in a cafe, he approached me asked if i wanted to go out sometime

well i was used to this routine so i told him right away

non sono facile

im not easy, and that it would be just as friends

well the next day we go out its him and his friend and me and one of my girls

well my girl fits the description of being the niave american girl

and she falls for all the bs and loves the attention

so next thing u know they are making out

later on she's like i hope ur not mad,

of course not, i told him straight up i wanted to be friends, etc

shes like, oh thats probably why he started talkign to me....

man shit like that happened every day

one guy after 5 min of talking asked if i would have sex, lol

bottom line they're not romantic

and they think american women are easy

and maybe they're right....

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Fuck the mother Fucken faggot fuck Europeans. They all hate us and our country. Come up to me and tell me your European ill nock you the fuck out. Every single fucken piece of euro trash i met did nothing but brag about how much better there shit hole country is. Yet they came here to make money ...fucking dickless brainless mooching monkeys...

IF girls like European men then they are probably bi-sexual because all men form Europe are the closet thing to a girl you can get.

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Originally posted by notallthere

Fuck the mother Fucken faggot fuck Europeans. They all hate us and our country. Come up to me and tell me your European ill nock you the fuck out. Every single fucken piece of euro trash i met did nothing but brag about how much better there shit hole country is. Yet they came here to make money ...fucking dickless brainless mooching monkeys...

IF girls like European men then they are probably bi-sexual because all men form Europe are the closet thing to a girl you can get.

:laugh: :laugh:

yeah a lot of them wear tighter jeans then me

no one works out over there too

i need a man with at least some muscle...

plus the euro BO is just lethal man

every get on public transportation there and ull want to shoot urself, horrid

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