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New Jersey Hospital Story...


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Ok. So who ever has read my past posts. You knew what happened to my brother. I have learned one thing from the whole experience. And that is to never have to be rushed to the hospital in New Jersey.


Ok situation # 1 -

They took a Urine test one day after my brother was in the hospital. Of course they gave him pain killers like Morphine and Demerol because of his pain from dislocating his shoulders and fracturing one of them. To make a long story short the urine test came back possitive for opiates. Opiates are found in Heroin, Weed, Hash, Etc... Etc... They are also found in pain killers. So the Doctor approaches my brother and is like why have you not told us that you were under the influence when you had this seizure. So my brother is all confused and is like what the hell are you talking about. The doctor told him his urine came back possitive for opiates. Well my brother did not put 2 and 2 together. That day they sent up a drug couceler who spoke to my brother and as they were talking he was like wait. you took the urine test after you were administered pain killers... Now my brother is realizing what happened. What happened was the stupid fucking doctor never looked at my brothers emergency room chart and assumed my brother was a drug addict and was ready to put him rehab and was not even going to look into the reason for the seizures because he assumed it was DRUGS...

Situation # 2 -

My brother was taken down I believe for a Cat Scan or MRI I forget which one. And the person administering the test asked when my brother had brain surgery. So my brother again is like what are you talking about. And the administer of the test was like. It says here on your chart that you have previously had brain surgery. My brother was like well the chart is wrong and that he had never had brain surgery.

So the Doctor smiled and said that he had better go over the whole chart with my brother...

Situation # 3 - The first day that I went to visit one of the nurses comes into the room and starts talking. Well 5 minutes knowing this girl I basically learned her whole life story and she is asking me advise on what to do about her boyfriend. That he hadn't spoken to her in 5 days and she says he does this every so often where he just puts a distance between them. So she is like do you ever do that to your girlfriend. So I told her I dont know the situation she is in. But I would not do that to someone. But I mean seriously who starts a conversation with a person that they dont know and 5 minutes into the conversation ask for advice with there love life :confused:

People are wierd.

Well all in all. I hate to stereo type. But I really hope that not all hospitals in New Jersey are like this. It actually scares me that mistakes like this are made... And I would not trust any of these doctors in this one hospital with my life at all...

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Yeah that is screwed up. Especially the first one. Why do they immediately judge people like that? That happened to a friend of mine who tried to seek help for depression... he made the mistake of telling the doctor he drank too much sometime... they immediately assumed he was an alcoholic, and he had to go through all this shit... they even tried to give him some kind of shot???


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im sorry to here that but i think all hospitals have the share of fuck ups.

i had doctors tell my then boyfriend when i was pregnant that i wouldn't have the baby for another couple of hours he was up for about 2days with me already so the doc said go home rest up come back alittle later dont you know it as soon as he left i went into labor and had my daughter:rolleyes:

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next hospital story a couple of months ago i was in the hospital with kidney probs i had to go into surgery now mind you i had a temp of 106 chills shaking uncontrollable do you think they notifyed my family of my condition or that i was going into surgurey nope i had to crawl out of my bed to call my mother and grandmother who was in queens and i was in bk.

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