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The girl that I'm currently with (lucky as she is JK) had a boyfriend when I met her & wound up breaking up with him. Of course lots of people tell me that she will do the same thing to me etc. etc..... BUT I say that situations are different & a person reacts according to the situation they are in. Am I foolish for thinking that??? I tend to be an honest, loyal, & trustworthy person & assume that most are like me. THANKS..

P.S. has anyone ever met someone or dumped someone for someone else & had a positive experience???

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yeah, i'm in the same boat as you...actually, i could've written that post myself. so far, so good. about 6 months with this girl, and i don't feel threatened at all. unless she started hanging out with some mysterious friends, i trust her, and what we have. i know that i might end up getting hurt, but i'm ready for that. and hurt is a part of nearly any relationship worth working at.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

The girl that I'm currently with (lucky as she is JK) had a boyfriend when I met her & wound up breaking up with him. Of course lots of people tell me that she will do the same thing to me etc. etc..... BUT I say that situations are different & a person reacts according to the situation they are in. Am I foolish for thinking that??? I tend to be an honest, loyal, & trustworthy person & assume that most are like me. THANKS..

P.S. has anyone ever met someone or dumped someone for someone else & had a positive experience???

Me and my ex b/f were in a shitty relationship when I met my current b/f. I ended up dumping him for my new b/f, and we have been together for 2 years, and I would never do that to him. Every situation is different. You should definitely give her the benefit of the doubt

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Originally posted by psychosweetie

Me and my ex b/f were in a shitty relationship when I met my current b/f. I ended up dumping him for my new b/f, and we have been together for 2 years, and I would never do that to him. Every situation is different. You should definitely give her the benefit of the doubt


Her ex probly didn't treat her right, maybe cheated on her or maybe they just weren't right for each other. As long as you treat her good, she'll have no reason to look elswhere and if she does, then it just wasn't meant to be.

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Originally posted by DarrellG


Her ex probly didn't treat her right, maybe cheated on her or maybe they just weren't right for each other. As long as you treat her good, she'll have no reason to look elswhere and if she does, then it just wasn't meant to be.

I agree...you don't walk out of agood relationship with a person you are in love with to be with someone you just met...She was probably stuck in a bad relationship to begin with, and when you came along you gave her the strength and motivation to move on. It absolutely does not mean she'll do it to you because she did it to him :D

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Originally posted by browneyedqt

I agree...you don't walk out of agood relationship with a person you are in love with to be with someone you just met...She was probably stuck in a bad relationship to begin with, and when you came along you gave her the strength and motivation to move on. It absolutely does not mean she'll do it to you because she did it to him :D

exactly what you all said...my gf said it was over for her about a year before she met me...just that she was comfortable with her (now) ex. plus we've talked about it, and she's not that type of person to do that repeatedly, and if she does, it wasnt' meant to be.

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Originally posted by chrishaolin

It depends.. did she cheat on her bf at the time with you? Or did she break up with him before she got with you... a cheater is a cheater is a cheater..

well to be honest, she did cheat on him with me at first. To make matters worse I have been with her numerous times while she was on the phone with him feeding him lies about her whereabouts. I.E. "ohhh, I'm at my friends house now (while she was actually lying in bed with me)" AND to make matters worse she is a dam good liar & he never knew a thing. BUT it still does not worry me because I don't think it will happen to me (us)

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

The girl that I'm currently with (lucky as she is JK) had a boyfriend when I met her & wound up breaking up with him. Of course lots of people tell me that she will do the same thing to me etc. etc..... BUT I say that situations are different & a person reacts according to the situation they are in. Am I foolish for thinking that??? I tend to be an honest, loyal, & trustworthy person & assume that most are like me. THANKS..

P.S. has anyone ever met someone or dumped someone for someone else & had a positive experience???

Be confident, Be a monster .. Destroy , concur , pillage, tear down , demolish.

No but really,

She did it to him if she's tiers of you she wont break up with you she will do the same to you. People like this do not have the confidence to be alone so they will stay with someone till they have someone else to move on to. The scary thing about people like this is that if there with you, You can not be sure if they are because they want to be or because they didn't find someone better yet.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

well to be honest, she did cheat on him with me at first. To make matters worse I have been with her numerous times while she was on the phone with him feeding him lies about her whereabouts. I.E. "ohhh, I'm at my friends house now (while she was actually lying in bed with me)" AND to make matters worse she is a dam good liar & he never knew a thing. BUT it still does not worry me because I don't think it will happen to me (us)

Personally, I get upset when I watch my gf lie to her friends over the phone, because I feel like if she can lie to them that easily, what makes me any different.. but I get over it pretty quickly... If I were you, I might second guess that the same thing that happeend to him could happen to me, but I wouldn't let that ruin the relationship if you really feel for this girl.. just be cautious.

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

well to be honest, she did cheat on him with me at first. To make matters worse I have been with her numerous times while she was on the phone with him feeding him lies about her whereabouts. I.E. "ohhh, I'm at my friends house now (while she was actually lying in bed with me)" AND to make matters worse she is a dam good liar & he never knew a thing. BUT it still does not worry me because I don't think it will happen to me (us)

I dunno... I was agreeing with everyone else up till this point. This is kind of sketchy though.

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Nothing to worry about.....Meeting you was your gf's escape from her shitty relationship....Some girls need to meet someone else in order to let go of bad relationships (opening their eyes & showing them they can do better) Of course it makes her look bad due to the fact that she lied & is a good liar...But since she did break up w/ her bf & is now with you shows she didn't play games keeping both of you around.....

IMO situations like this always turn out good...If you find someone who is worth walking away from a current relationship..chances are you met someone special

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Originally posted by DarrellG


Her ex probly didn't treat her right, maybe cheated on her or maybe they just weren't right for each other. As long as you treat her good, she'll have no reason to look elswhere and if she does, then it just wasn't meant to be.

That was exactly my situation. My ex had cheated on me

Also, I never cheated on my ex when I met my new b/f...as soon as I met my new b/f, I knew there was something there, and the 1st time he called me, I broke up w/ my ex that nite

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

well to be honest, she did cheat on him with me at first. To make matters worse I have been with her numerous times while she was on the phone with him feeding him lies about her whereabouts. I.E. "ohhh, I'm at my friends house now (while she was actually lying in bed with me)" AND to make matters worse she is a dam good liar & he never knew a thing. BUT it still does not worry me because I don't think it will happen to me (us)

i was gonna ask in response to your fist post exactly that... but well, you answered it yourself. yes, she will do it again when the next guy comes she is attracted to. she obviously knows how to handle it and got away with it a few times already too... what makes you think she´s not gonna do it with the next hot piece?

somewhere most men don't like women for what they are. regardless of your success with women, you are still at the beginning, because you believe in ideal non cheating, not bullshiting, non shittesting special girl.

learn to like those pitiful pathetic creatures named women for what they are. pathetic, attention seeking, lying whores, uttering idiotic chick logic statement and who you have always to keep under control. find something good about them you can like and that´s worth it all the shit coming along.

don't love them with endless confidence like 3years old loves his mum.

love her like lion tamer loves his lions. he knows they are dangerous and he has to control them.

you have to get used to being a man and you have to lead and have responsibility.

you know i´m not pessimistic and i no way a misoginist, just gotta look at it the way it is, no one is perfect :)!

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Originally posted by tastey

i was gonna ask in response to your fist post exactly that... but well, you answered it yourself. yes, she will do it again when the next guy comes she is attracted to. she obviously knows how to handle it and got away with it a few times already too... what makes you think she´s not gonna do it with the next hot piece?

somewhere most men don't like women for what they are. regardless of your success with women, you are still at the beginning, because you believe in ideal non cheating, not bullshiting, non shittesting special girl.

learn to like those pitiful pathetic creatures named women for what they are. pathetic, attention seeking, lying whores, uttering idiotic chick logic statement and who you have always to keep under control. find something good about them you can like and that´s worth it all the shit coming along.

don't love them with endless confidence like 3years old loves his mum.

love her like lion tamer loves his lions. he knows they are dangerous and he has to control them.

you have to get used to being a man and you have to lead and have responsibility.

you know i´m not pessimistic and i no way a misoginist, just gotta look at it the way it is, no one is perfect :)!


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Originally posted by tommyarmani

The girl that I'm currently with (lucky as she is JK) had a boyfriend when I met her & wound up breaking up with him. Of course lots of people tell me that she will do the same thing to me etc. etc..... BUT I say that situations are different & a person reacts according to the situation they are in. Am I foolish for thinking that??? I tend to be an honest, loyal, & trustworthy person & assume that most are like me. THANKS..

P.S. has anyone ever met someone or dumped someone for someone else & had a positive experience???

okay heres a hypothetical... things are going well and what not when suddenly Todd (random name) appears in the picture... now Todd is her coworker/friend from school/friend of a friend/girlfriends friend whatever. It all seems kinda innocent, "oh Todd was telling me about this bullshit blah blah blah" the conversation is unimportant, what is important however is the seed of doubt... suddenly that name is in ur head... TODDDDDDD, TODDDDDD... Todd isnt just her coworker/friend from school/friend of a friend/girlfriends friend he is now your competition... but no your current girlfriend would never do that to you... ehhhhh!!! news flash she already did... now the seed germinates into roots, a stem and a big ol fucking thorn but no pretty flower... next thing you know she comes to you with a sob story about how things arent working out and that she met someone else... TODDDDDD, TODDDDD the innocent coworker/friend from school/friend of a friend/girlfriends friend... see the picture?

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Originally posted by tommyarmani

The girl that I'm currently with (lucky as she is JK) had a boyfriend when I met her & wound up breaking up with him. Of course lots of people tell me that she will do the same thing to me etc. etc..... BUT I say that situations are different & a person reacts according to the situation they are in. Am I foolish for thinking that??? I tend to be an honest, loyal, & trustworthy person & assume that most are like me. THANKS..

P.S. has anyone ever met someone or dumped someone for someone else & had a positive experience???

The best advice I can give you is to not think about it, if she does it she does it. You will know better as to get into a relationship with a girl under those kinds of terms. Women can/and will surprise you. Every girl is different and she might or might not run after the next hottie she meets. Take it slow, and if by any chance she might do something foolish prepare yourself in your own head. Think about what you would do if that situation did occur. You already took the first step and had the thought "what if", now just come up with a conclusion and answer to that question! :idea: Anyway thats my two cents! Good Luck!

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