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Well i wasnt at WEBSTERHALL in 96 but thats the time my cuz stop goin so it mustve been bad or somethign at ht time i was sneakng into CLUB EXPO,LOL. anyway Rick started spinningthere in 1998 bt first he played TRANCE but thank good now he plays house and no commercial crap. He just came back 3 weeks ago he hsnt been there since oct. Im a HUGE fan of DANNY TENAGLIA and trust me he plays similar no need to lie to you im not a promoter. What do you have to lose, if you want come on down this sat and hear himand when its 430am and your still feeling his sounds come up to me i iwll still be on the dancefloor it aint ard to spot me and say cool hesnot as bad as you thouht. Now the crwd is another topic entirely. I wish websterhall sat nights had a BE YOURSELF CROWD then forget it. But i doesnt yet but it should if ya come to hear RICK and forget about the crowd.

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That makes it sound better. I am a huge Danny fan. N ow the only other thing that would get me to go is if they let me have the be yourself dress code. Tell me how you dance dressed up? I love it :laugh: when I see girls in high heels at a club. This is no fashion show.

"People standing on the wall were show you to the from door, cause if you HAVENT DANCE YET WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU COME FOR."

Twin Hype "For those who like to Groove"

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Well i wear A black shirt cotton, long sleeve casue its cold nothing fancy somtimes i hve my brooklyn shirt. And pants from not dressy or jeans dont knw how to expain it. And fohoes sometimes CAMPERS or GBX sneaker looking things. The door people are cool with me and dont give me problems i guess. I v been a vetaren or 4 yrs nowat that place.. COme check it out on a sat opens at 10 until like 530 6am. Just use your ears man enjoy then like i said swing y somplace else if your not happy by 4ish. Be safe and see ya sooon. AND If anybody is going to the winter music conference RICK CORBO will be spinnin at "THE BEACH" its right by SPACE. In 3 weeks on a friday.

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Originally posted by silverbull

Ignorant people seem to be the majority of people on this board. And young as well. YO vizualbyte where your from, IM FROM BROOKLYN its part of nyc and so are the rest of my friends. Does it really matter if i cant spell d you think igive a shit abotmy grammar in this bard with ya. PLease. Nothin better to do todayhuh guys. aNd when did you go last to websterhall. HOUSEDOG i dont care.

Webster hall is for suckers

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then why waste your time reading this thread vizual. I willbe at arc for dannys bday from openin till closin dancing my ass off . Then i will go home and sleep and wake up and go to websterhall for RICK CORBO from opening till closin. So i guess i wont have to put up with you anymore. Thanx for the good itmes.

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First of all, Vizualbyte - you need to chill. Not everyone is as talented as you think you are. Let everyone be themselves. I'm sure your acquaintances can pick out your faults, but maybe they're a little more mature re one's feelings.

Secondly, re Jaysea - no one is comparing one to the other. However, pay attention to a talent that has the promise of following in DT's amazing footsteps. And I mean AMAZING! Go to Webster - no one is glorifying the club - just go check out Rick and you'll understand why he has had 3000 people partying til 6:00 a.m. It's all good..... As I see it, people start their night off with Ricky and then go to see JP or JV - for afterhours. It's not that bad a combo.

I'd like to believe that we all come together during the weekend to enjoy the pleasures of life - people, music, art, food... The

work week is killer for most of us.

PEACE - we need more of it in this world. Let's not fuck up the club scene with more shit. We already have enough to worry about with the threat of WAR looming over us. :)

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Originally posted by vizualbyte

Holy shit.. i just lost 350 brain cells reading this shit. damn

Hooked on phonics bro

And webster hall really sux, the one time i went there. never again.

Websterhall = non-new yorkers

I usually do not post on this board but I couldn't resist....Vizualbyte ...I'm just curious are you a native New Yorker (and by that I mean New York City not anywhere in the State of NY). The reason I ask is because I can remember when the bridge and tunnel crowd were considered "non-New York").

Beside that, exactly what does non-New York mean? I find it amusing that saying a venue is "touristy" leaves such a bad taste in some clug goers mouths. Meanwhile some of the tracks deemed hot by most of the people on this board are primarily IMPORTS. Do you guys remember Twilo on fridays....I have to speculate and say that the "tourists" which frequented that venue contributed a great deal to the vibe. The diversity of the crowd added depth, color and culture to the night. Isn't that what New York is all about....The Big Melting Pot. Think of how many friends you have or people you've met that moved to New York to make a better life. If that is'nt New York than what is?

As far as Webster Hall is concerned...it is definately not my favorite venue but with all due respect they have been in business for quite a long time and the fact that many tourist frequent there tells me that they are Internationally recognized (for better or for worse). From what I have gathered it's a totally different place than it was years ago. Do you guys even know what DJ's are spinning there....FYI ...Mike Rizzo (he's all over KTU and has remixed some of the biggest names in Dance and pop), DJ Moody (from Moody & Mada..remember their track "Blackout") and Rick Corbo (He's kind of new but definately raising some eyebrows and definately up and coming). This new kid may not be a superstar International DJ but he's true to his style and if you actually speak to him he's one of the nicest DJ's you'll ever meet. He is definately not a Danny T. (there's only one DT) and probably won't be anywhere near that level for some years but in all honesty his sound reminded me of Deep Dish.

Well anyway absolutely no disrespect to anyone or any club. just calling it the way I see it. This is a pretty harsh board so I hope I don't get cursed out if I offended anyone..I'm just glad I can spell (lol). Just in case anyone is wondering I'm a straight up latino house head (I remember house before it had LOOPs) and my fav. venues are Arc (DT RULES) and any where there's a Subliminal party (Eric Morillo, Harry "Choo Choo" Romero, Lord G., Roger Sanchez and too many more too name). the new old skool baby.



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CellarDweller - I couldn't agree with you more. I grew up in the middle of Manhattan. 25 and 9. That was me. The diversity in New York City is like none other. I remember David and his brother at the LOFT; when the Garage was the place to be.... More need not be said.

Thank you for supporting Rick and actually knowing the kind of person he is. ;)

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It amazes me how so many people try SO HARD to be underground that they would disregard and/or ignore any venue just because it's in a club that they don't appreciate. :laugh:

It's all about the music FIRST and nothing else. This goes WAY beyond the fact that it's either Arc, Webster Hall, Sound Factory or whatever. Rick Corbo at Webster Saturdays plays great music! It may not be as trendy as Centro-Fly, underground as Arc, or as crazy as Roxy or Sound Factory... the people may not all be characters that you would want to hang out with, but there's never a place you can go that you would like everyone (except your own home). If you're REALLY going out for the music and nothing superficial such as "being seen" or "getting laid", then Saturdays at Webster is a great choice!

Originally posted by vizualbyte

Holy shit.. i just lost 350 brain cells reading this shit. damn

Hooked on phonics bro

And webster hall really sux, the one time i went there. never again.

Websterhall = non-new yorkers

Someone already stated this before, but EVERY club has its share of non-new yorkers. Even Arc, my favorite Friday Night club in NYC, has a large share of out of towners that go to hear DT. Good music attracts people from ALL over the place, and that shouldn't be a problem with ANYONE. Every good club will have people willing to travel from other cities and states to go to it, such as the ORIGINAL Sound Factory. People used to fly in from overseas just to check out the madness of the club. Some music producers actually made music INSPIRED from their trips to New York and the SF. Being a non-new yorker doesn't make any person's view or opinion regarding a club and its music invalid... being closed minded, however, REALLY does.

You've been to Webster once and hated it... fine. Saturday nights are banging now, and if you're still unwilling to give it a shot in the present than it is your loss. But PLEASE don't act like you're something bigger than you really are just because you currently reside in New York. When it all boils down to it, we're ALL clubgoers that want to go hear great music. Some are willing to let good music be their only guide and will travel to any club that provides it... whereas other people need "additional enhancements" to help them focus on the real subject matter.

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Its all about the music. hear ricks music. And if hearing ricks name and websterhall in the same sentece with arc and danny geez you really must think your funny and know everything. But anyway its true Rick aint danny but dontsleepon him ha him out and see how he compares toyour other FAVES DJS.

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Shut the fuck up!!

its just wrong to say it together,........ LOL

and iv been doing this shit, since u were still a fucking itch in your dads fucking dick,

so i can hate on a club all i want.....

u wanna hang out wit kids n tourists

Then FUCK!!

Webster hall is DA BOMB!!

Rick Slick Shit hasent proved shit....

i dont like his style, i dont like his sound....

hes not breaking any ground....

and thats my personal belief.....

BUT, i will go and hear him again...

maybe i am missing something?




<<< OLYMPIA!!!

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Originally posted by CellarDweller

I usually do not post on this board but I couldn't resist....Vizualbyte ...I'm just curious are you a native New Yorker (and by that I mean New York City not anywhere in the State of NY). The reason I ask is because I can remember when the bridge and tunnel crowd were considered "non-New York").

Beside that, exactly what does non-New York mean? I find it amusing that saying a venue is "touristy" leaves such a bad taste in some clug goers mouths. Meanwhile some of the tracks deemed hot by most of the people on this board are primarily IMPORTS. Do you guys remember Twilo on fridays....I have to speculate and say that the "tourists" which frequented that venue contributed a great deal to the vibe. The diversity of the crowd added depth, color and culture to the night. Isn't that what New York is all about....The Big Melting Pot. Think of how many friends you have or people you've met that moved to New York to make a better life. If that is'nt New York than what is?

As far as Webster Hall is concerned...it is definately not my favorite venue but with all due respect they have been in business for quite a long time and the fact that many tourist frequent there tells me that they are Internationally recognized (for better or for worse). From what I have gathered it's a totally different place than it was years ago. Do you guys even know what DJ's are spinning there....FYI ...Mike Rizzo (he's all over KTU and has remixed some of the biggest names in Dance and pop), DJ Moody (from Moody & Mada..remember their track "Blackout") and Rick Corbo (He's kind of new but definately raising some eyebrows and definately up and coming). This new kid may not be a superstar International DJ but he's true to his style and if you actually speak to him he's one of the nicest DJ's you'll ever meet. He is definately not a Danny T. (there's only one DT) and probably won't be anywhere near that level for some years but in all honesty his sound reminded me of Deep Dish.

Well anyway absolutely no disrespect to anyone or any club. just calling it the way I see it. This is a pretty harsh board so I hope I don't get cursed out if I offended anyone..I'm just glad I can spell (lol). Just in case anyone is wondering I'm a straight up latino house head (I remember house before it had LOOPs) and my fav. venues are Arc (DT RULES) and any where there's a Subliminal party (Eric Morillo, Harry "Choo Choo" Romero, Lord G., Roger Sanchez and too many more too name). the new old skool baby.



First off, I am a native new yorker residing in queens. Secondly, i posted that statement off because it was really painful to read that post. That was just about one of the messiest posts ive read so far. That was the reason i posted. hopefully the person would slow down and maybe proof alittle.

When i wrote Websterhall= non-newyorkers, i just meant tourists. In this THREAD, i associate tourists generally as "musically clueless" and goto a club they heard about through radio or whatever because its a cool thing to do while your in nyc weekend, therefore killing "the vibe". on hindsight, i shouldnt have wrote it that way, my bad.

I went to webster hall once to see what the fuss was all about a year back. This was the ONLY big club I havent visited in nyc. I went there and had a terrible time. So excuse me if i seem biased on my opinions. Its tough to change your views once u have a bad experience. hee hee, i also got carried away when i said it was for suckers.:rolleyes::rolleyes:

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Oh, Jaysea - you shouldn't have. I just love TOOL BOXES!

Come down to the hall on Sat. I'll get there just about 1:00 a.m.

I'll buy you a drink. I'll even wear something special. I'll be with the Silver guy. LMAO


Vizualbyte - As I said to you earlier - If you go to the Hall - go straight to the ballroom. NO WHERE ELSE... and Just look and listen. You'll see! God Bless.

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hEy wusup chelsea girl, ONCE AGAIN im a music lover know the music know thehistory ive been around HOUSE MUSIC and djs for the last 11 to 12 yrs. IM not a "TOURIST" as you say. Also i all about the ballroom it doesnt have the greatest vibe YET. The music that rick SPINS is awesome you just have to judge it. And please be real the thousands of people that are in that club arent all tourists. In the ballroom you will find some serious music lovers not much but they are around me andmy frineds included. So just come on down and hear the music and dance to it. And the more people become aware of the sound the more people will ignore the crowd and then b4 you know it websterhall sat nights with RICK CORBO willhave that "vibe" that ya talk about so much.

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