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Got a ticket for a "rolling stop through a stop sign"


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I was following a truck with mad exhaust fumes by Venice Beach this past weekend... I seriously couldn't see far ahead of me, and the truck was going SO DAMN SLOW. After I passed him, there were flashing lights behind me...

The cop pulled me over for a "rolling stop" through a stop sign. He gave me a ticket and told me to make a court date... I asked around, and some people told me it would be $271!!!!! TWO HUNDRED SEVENTY ONE DOLLARS!!!!! Is that true? Has anyone been in a similar situation?

I really can't afford that right now, and I sure as heck can't afford the insurance hike. Does anyone know what the best way would be to go about handling something like this?


~kitten >/.\<

P.S. In club-related news, I went to the 3 of Spades, the Beauty Bar, and Club A.D. last weekend. Club A.D. was celebrity-packed, bumped into Jessica Simpson in the bathroom... she was really cute, wearing a black fishnet top and purple bra.

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hmmm - wait - are you saying it was a 2-lane-in-your-direction street? i'm a little dense in getting that part :confused: ... i think you're saying that you passed him on a one-lane street, then didn't "come to a complete stop." do i have that right, first of all :confused: ? help me out on what kinda street it was...

the only time i've ever heard of the infamous "$271" ticket (i've heard about it because people talk about how the one-dollar at the end is just extra precious :rolleyes: ) being given is when a solo driver drives in the car pool lane.

but when tickets without set dollar amounts at the time are given, isn't the penalty negotiable - like traffic school/community service instead? (that's not based on fact, just an idea that comes up in my head as a lovely possibility.)

give me some more info, kittn, on the street, and an update, too :D . (and is that a sad kitty face?)

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Heh... it is a sad kitty face, weyes.

There was only one lane in the direction I was going... I didn't pass him, I was behind him the whole time. Does that make sense?

Maybe people were throwing the $271 to scare me... I mean, anything under $100 I would pay, but $271 is sooooooo much money. :(

Is community service an option? Because I would DEFINITELY go for that... and possibly traffic school as well, if necessary.

Thanks for the info!

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HAha...Sorry. I'm laughing because I'm not the only one to get a ridiculous ticket like this. Same thing happened to me some years ago. Ofcourse back then my fine was for Failing to stop at Stop sign. Granted I was doing one of my rolling stop routines and got caught (damn cop was hiding behind the bushes). :mad:

But sounds to me like you got a case. I'm afraid a trip to the court house is inevitable though. If you explaine the situation to the judge, throw in some pouting, and some of that sad kitty face, I'm sure the judge will lighten the sentence or maybe clear it all together. Remember - if the glove doesn't fit, you must acquit!

Originally posted by happykittn

Heh... it is a sad kitty face, weyes.

There was only one lane in the direction I was going... I didn't pass him, I was behind him the whole time. Does that make sense?

Maybe people were throwing the $271 to scare me... I mean, anything under $100 I would pay, but $271 is sooooooo much money. :(

Is community service an option? Because I would DEFINITELY go for that... and possibly traffic school as well, if necessary.

Thanks for the info!

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Originally posted by sassa

how about getting a $75 jaywalking ticket because i crossed the street when there were no cars or people in sight...still don't understand that one....

i know!!! that's cray-see!!! i have a friend who got a jaywalking ticket, but he did it right in front of the west hollywood police station doh2.gif . he thinks it's so ridiculous that he refuses to pay it, and the penalty has now increased to over $500. ignoring this is not a smart move on my friend's part, i don't think.

but i generally don't jaywalk, just for that reason. and i especially don't on that corner by circus/arena with traffic lights that don't make sense and make pedestrians wait, even when cars aren't moving; not only is it better safe than sorry all around, but there are always cops hanging out by those clubs.

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