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Please Save Vinyl (arc)

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Originally posted by ivehadit

Phonk, don't ever compare my brilliance to your sorry, dopey ass ever again. Now go back to jerking it about Julie k, trying to get board ass, figuring out which smily face puncuates your assinine thoughts perfectly and then punch yourself in the face while trying to find where the 'new wicked fresh basement rave is'.


Nigga Please!!, try again..

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Originally posted by embodiedhate

Nigga Please!!, try again..

Phonk, that is the single worst comeback I've ever seen and you even logged out and logged back in to do it. If you REALLY need to twiddle those sausages you call fingers, then please give joeg the prostate massage he so desperately needs and wants.



julieK:...loafy is a POS...:(

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The competition is different....in the last year, clubs have opened that took away a lot of Be Yourself's business, whereas a lot of other nights closed down that filtered a lot of people over there. Whether or not it's a bad thing is a matter of personal perspective. Other than the dealing bit, it's just as good for the owners as long as they still have people coming in, no matter who they are.

And Oly: Don't you think Shelter's opening is part of the reason the Be Yourself vibe has changed??

However, that is one point about the misguided attack at clubs lately. Authorities don't seem to recognize that those people will be there no matter what. If you shut down Exit, club dealers aren't just going to say "Gosh darn, the club closed, guess I'm out of business"....no they'll move other places. It's more of a vicious cycle than anything else. I'm just waiting for clubs to start checking pupil dilation at the door....

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I love the Vinyl heads that think they and their club are so high and mighty. You have an under 21 club that stays open till 10am.

There's no alcohal being served and it's not rocket science to figure out that not everybody is a red bull freak.

However, in their defense, I do sympathize and agree with their gripes. I never went that often, but the times I had gone back in the days, I noticed it seemed very "clean". No blatant using or selling.

The last few times I'd been recently, I've been asked if I needed hits or jars, and saw plenty of people doing bumps. That's whats gonna kill the place.

The club scene now is like musical chairs and the chair's are slowly dissapearing causing people to go to the next best place.

You're getting the bad element that blew it for Exit and SF coming to Vinyl, being just as stupid as they had been before.

People forget that drugs are illegal. Being in a club doesn't give you amnesty. If you're gonna do it, at least be descreet about it!!

As far as DT goes, I never was that big a fan or him or Be Yourself Fridays. I'm not knockin, just my opinion.

For me, it's all about Danny Howells on a Sat Night!

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