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so, who IS this danny howells character?


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ok, cody, i want a full-on essay answering this.

what makes danny howells someone we should know and to whom we should listen? where did he get his start, where did he start to really make it big, and what is big, to this man? and what, exactly, is it that he does, literally and figuratively?

and, finally, what is his effect on you, codica3 :D .

i was trying to decide whether or not to go to his 3/14 gig, and after hearing some of a live set i downloaded (on my headphones right now), i have chosen to go :aright: . i wanna know not only why this was the right decision, but why i will have the time of my life, from his most loyal worshipper :D .

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Originally posted by weyes

ok, cody, i want a full-on essay answering this.

what makes danny howells someone we should know and to whom we should listen? where did he get his start, where did he start to really make it big, and what is big, to this man? and what, exactly, is it that he does, literally and figuratively?

and, finally, what is his effect on you, codica3 :D .

i was trying to decide whether or not to go to his 3/14 gig, and after hearing some of a live set i downloaded (on my headphones right now), i have chosen to go :aright: . i wanna know not only why this was the right decision, but why i will have the time of my life, from his most loyal worshipper :D .

:laugh: Cody is a Danny Howells WHORE....

But my only other 2 sense is that he is sure to please!!! I saw him once live and had a very good time. I am sure Cody can give you more info. ;)

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Originally posted by weyes

ok, cody, i want a full-on essay answering this.

what makes danny howells someone we should know and to whom we should listen? where did he get his start, where did he start to really make it big, and what is big, to this man? and what, exactly, is it that he does, literally and figuratively?

and, finally, what is his effect on you, codica3 :D .

i was trying to decide whether or not to go to his 3/14 gig, and after hearing some of a live set i downloaded (on my headphones right now), i have chosen to go :aright: . i wanna know not only why this was the right decision, but why i will have the time of my life, from his most loyal worshipper :D .

:laugh: :laugh:

Ok.. so.. Danny Howells..

First off: http://www.dannyhowells.com/home :D

Anyways.. Danny Howells is a DJ from UK, he's been spinning about 10 years now.. he's really big overseas and he's had a profound effect on the US club scene within the recent years.

I think one of his biggest blowouts was NYE last year (2002) when he destroyed Vinyl.. it was the old Vinyl then, not Arc. People STILL talk about that nite to this day, a whole year later. I, unfortunately, missed that nite so I can't really give you any exact details.

Danny's sets consists of a larger variety, he mixes it up, and he does a wonderful job of it. He's known, for the most part, for his sexy, futuristic, funky deep house.. that's what he usually starts out the nite with and ends the nite with (although at the end of the nite it's the white label tracks that he drops).. he'll go into a little bit of housey-type tribal for a little while after his house (but not a lot of it, maybe a few tracks) and then he'll get into a little faster house (not as funky).. he'll build up the house and then eventually he'll get into harder progressive house.. after the prog he starts laying down the tech.. after that you'll usually get some more prog house before he lays down the breaks.. after the breaks he'll take you back around the circle to the house music (but like I said before, it's the white labels.. *YUMMY*). I'd say, in general, it follows a pattern similar to what I explained above, although with Danny, he'll change it up here and there and he'll adjust to the crowds vibes (i.e. if they're going crazy to the tech, he might play a little more of it, etc..)

Which set did you DL? I just recently received about 3 of his newest sets, one from mid-January, one from Avalon (last Friday) and one from Rome (which was a set he did a few nites ago).. all absolute crazy! :D

That's just the music.

But I can't really put into adequate words the VIBE that Danny creates. He's a "clubbers' DJ" so to speak.. Danny interacts with the crowd like no other. Sure you got the DJs like Tiesto and AVB who are hyped and jumping around the booth from the energy of the music. But Danny seems to just be on a more personalized level (I guess that's the best way to describe it) with everyone. When I was at Danny last Saturday at Vinyl, he was asking the crowd who wanted a cigarette. He handed out cigarettes to some of us (who, of course, were front and center in front of the booth).. he actually handed his pack out to some people to take one and then gave us his lighter to light them. Then about an hour later, I saw Danny go over to the side of the booth, and he picked up about 4 Red Bulls and asked his crowd who wanted them. He just handed out Red Bulls and water bottles to the crowd. Crowd interaction.. he's such a good guy. :) He claps with us, he waves to us, he screams with us, he bounces up and down in the booth with us.. there's always a smile on his face.. the guy LOVES his job, loves his music and loves his crowd.

I can't really explain it.. those are all just incidents of how Danny creates his vibe, but you'll never know what I'm talking about until you actually experience it all at the same time.

I dunno how he acts at other venues and whether his crowd is as dedicated elsewhere, this is all from what I've seen month after month at Vinyl.. however, from reviews I read of other venues and people, it seems he pretty much carries the same vibe all over the world.

Like I said before, I highly recommend checking him out. Not only will you be in for a nite of good music (guaranteed), the vibe when he spins is something I think every clubber should experience, even if they don't particularily like the music style. It's so nice to go out and hear him and feel a vibe like that.. with all the shitty clubs and shitty parties and shitty vibes in clubs nowadays, it's a nice reminder of what club life SHOULD be like. It also gives me my once-a-month reminder that I shouldn't have to settle for the idea that the club scene is "dying" because Danny Howells nites are anything BUT dead.

Well.. I could rattle on and on.. if you have any specific questions then lemme know, but other than that, you have have my 100% backing on going to hear Mr. Howells.

(send him my love) :love:;)

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I feel danny is underrated. The man can move a room like you can't believe, yet you don't hear too much about him. In a way, it's good because the room isn't too packed when he plays at arc. This man deserves respect and truely shows respect back to his fans.

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:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

thanks so much, cody!!! a very detailed, factual, and emotional essay. nicely done! i feel like i know much more about him. i wonder why i assumed he was american...

but, as i said, i've already bought my ticket; i'm just hoping i can get my closer friends to go (i only know one friend who is).

thanks again :D !

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Originally posted by weyes

:clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

thanks so much, cody!!! a very detailed, factual, and emotional essay. nicely done! i feel like i know much more about him. i wonder why i assumed he was american...

but, as i said, i've already bought my ticket; i'm just hoping i can get my closer friends to go (i only know one friend who is).

thanks again :D !

No problem hun. ;)

Don't forget to let me know how you like him. :D

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