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London chick wants ukgarage/2step/rnb/pop/hiphop clubs

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Hi everyone,

I am a 20-year old girl, coming over to LA in April, and cannot wait to hit the clubs. In london, where i live, I go to Clubs that play UK garage, with a bit of RnB and Hip Hop - the more commercial ends!

We are looking for similar clubs in LA, wondered if you could recommend any. I dont mind poppy clubs i suppose, as long as its the 18-25 sort of age range clientele,with gorgeous boys in attendance...

...and a few celebrities....

...and not a dive....

...asking too much am i?! PS this site is great isnt it?


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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi, yeah kind of....

I have a mental list of the kind of places that sound appealing including, Ivar The Lounge, Sunset Room, Century Club, Garden of Eden, Gabah, Furbar ...according to what i listed in my post, so hopefully theyll keep me amused!

Was wondering about guestlists, If u get urself on one a week in advance, and turn up on the night, providing ur id/dress code etc is ok ur in? What are the purpose of the guestlists?

Thanx, for any tips - i have no idea, ive never been clubbing in the USA before...:idea:

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Originally posted by utilitychick

...What are the purpose of the guestlists?...

guestlists have two purposes: faster and/or cheaper admission. while some claim guaranteed admission, nothing is ever guaranteed!

lalate and alex90028 both have loads of lists on their sites :aright: :



i mostly go to red and spundae, and they have lists on their sites. red, for instance, is usually $20, but if you sign up on their site at least a night in advance, you get in for $10 (before 10pm), and wait in a shorter line :D .

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Thanks a lot Weyes :D In London, the really rich/famous don't mix with the likes of normal people at all, so there is little in the way of guestlists anywhere, its either places u can get in if ur reasonably early, or membership only, completely dont bother, at all, places.

Alex's site is very good!

:bounce: so much info to take in.....soooo many clubs!

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