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Q's for those who voted for bush

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If you voted for bush in 99, i was wondering if you could answer some questions for me. This is not a personal attack, nor is this research for a paper. I'm just curious, that's all.

Please do not use this as a forum for personal attacks or political mudslinging. All i want is some honest answers from people who voted for bush.

So, if you were a bush supporter in 2000:

1) why did you vote for him?

2) do you think he's following through on the promises made in his campaign?

3) are you happy with the job he is doing as president with respect to:

- the economy

- corporate accountability

- campaign finance reform

- protecting the environment

4) would you vote for him again in 2004?

Again, please keep this civil!!!!!!



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1) why did you vote for him?

because the other guy was a complete fucking pansy. It was either texas ranger or someone who still has their mom take the shit stains out of their underwear.

2) do you think he's following through on the promises made in his campaign?

He made promises? Well he's kicking Terrorist Ass. He is pushing through with tax cuts and medicare. Whether or not that's helping or hurting the country is another story.

3) are you happy with the job he is doing as president with respect to:

- the economy: He's doing all he can. Economy will help itself.

- corporate accountability: He's a republican. Of course not.

- campaign finance reform: dont know, don't care.

- protecting the environment: No, but then again i'm not a big environmental buff. Environmentalists are pissed though.

4) would you vote for him again in 2004?

not if i had alternatives. For crisis management, he's okay but he's very hardheaded and a simpleton and other countries are using that to predict and manipulate our standing in the world.

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Originally posted by dialectics

1) why did you vote for him?

i can't remember which state i'm registered to vote in, so i didn't

2) do you think he's following through on the promises made in his campaign?

didn't follow the campaign that much

3) are you happy with the job he is doing as president with respect to:

- the economy

yes, i think he's doing the best he can with what he was dealt

- corporate accountability

yes, i see more of this in the papers than i did a few years ago

- campaign finance reform

haven't followed this issue much

- protecting the environment

haven't followed this much either, but i doubt he's done much on this issue

4) would you vote for him again in 2004?

if i can figure out where i'm registered to vote, it's a strong possibility

I think alot of the problem is a hand he was just dealt. Everyone saw Clinton as this great guy because everyone was making money. When Bush took over, the dotcoms were at the point where they realized they couldn't maintain their business plans and they started going out of business and unemployment went up. I don't believe any President could have maintained that fantasy-world that alot of people lived in when the Internet took off, but I think Bush is doing the best he can with it. I don't think the President is able to inspire consumers and investors... stable and progressive businesses do that. We just need for some Americans to develop the next technological breakthrough that'll make other countries look up to us again and Americans willing to invest, expand businesses, and hire more employees.

On that note, I am unhappy with this forthcoming war and the willingness of our govt to spend billions of dollars rebuiding Iraq when there are issues closer to home that they should be more concerned about.

And I also recently read this article where our govt is going to be fronting the majority of the cost for the new design of a coal-energy facility that will reduce harmful emissions greatly, but of course, will put out less energy than the current coal facilities and will cost more.

Finacial efficiency + hundreds of careless politicians = lots of debt disguised as supposed progress...

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