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Attn: Vicman

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

nice :D:laugh: :laugh:

what'choo looking in here for anyway? Your name isn't Vicman! Unless... you are one in the same??? OMG! Its like Michael & Latoya! :eek:

Oh you know it's a rampant epidemic: everyone looks in the ATTN! threads. ;)

I like how this thread is all our own btw. *mwah*

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

heheh... its a Tiny & Cookie thread disquised as a Vicman thread.... i like it!

:bounce: :bounce:


i was DL a PvD set from this year when my connection went down yesterday in the morning. got it running last night, i'll check if its this set the one i was DL, if not, i'll look for it. :D

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Originally posted by shadygroovedc

So does that mean you think of yourself as a hot girl? :confused: I always suspected you might hang out with Dorothy.

Cookie - this reminds me... did you ever go see Mr. Rogers' sweater at the Smithsonian? I saw Dorothy's ruby slippers! Hehehe

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Cookie - this reminds me... did you ever go see Mr. Rogers' sweater at the Smithsonian? I saw Dorothy's ruby slippers! Hehehe

I actually didn't - took the 'rents to Arlington Cemetery, the Vietnam wall (yeah it was a depressing morning) - then a late lunch on the Hill and the Natural History museum. No Mr. Rogers. :(

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oh! we should go. The American History museum has tons of cool things. My fave is the Air & Space though....

Cookie & I are geeks. We saw Star Wars Ep II in IMAX at the Natural History Museum. :bounce:

They cut scenes but it totally made the movie go quicker... nothing like seeing Yoda kick some ass on a HUGE screen *lol*

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

oh! we should go. The American History museum has tons of cool things. My fave is the Air & Space though....

Cookie & I are geeks. We saw Star Wars Ep II in IMAX at the Natural History Museum. :bounce:

They cut scenes but it totally made the movie go quicker... nothing like seeing Yoda kick some ass on a HUGE screen *lol*

the air and space museum is the best of the lot, imo

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Originally posted by nourishment

Yuck. I hate the Air & Space Musem. I like the American History one. Last time I was there, I was *ahem :spin2:* It was a fun. heh heh heh

LOL!!! I once went shopping while still :rofl: it was in Miami actually.

I bought some pretty interesting clothing :D

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

Paul van Dyk - (XXL Clubnight) (3-1-03)

I want! I want! :D Can you do a little SS magic for me pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!?!?!?!

Down with the dial up! :(

p.s. yes I just saw Gaaf's review *lol*

i just saw the link on EZ. its on dj2k, so chances are not many people have it yet, and probably isnt on SS yet...some people are pretty darn lazy putting their stuff on SS. its 3hrs of PvD goodness but only 80min is available for the time being on their webpage.

i'll DL that part and see if I can find the other 100 min on SS or just wait until it comes up on their page. Gorecki is there.

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Originally posted by tinybutterfli

LOL!!! I once went shopping while still :rofl: it was in Miami actually.

I bought some pretty interesting clothing :D

I :rofl:ed in a casino in Atlantic City one time. It was fucking awesome. Except I lost 500 that night while smiling the whole time. :(

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