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does anyone think about death...


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what's going to happen when you die? do you want a nice funeral? do you want to pay for a $5,000 pine coffin with custom engraving and steel panels? do you want people to pine and cry for you after you leave...

i just don't get why people make funerals expensive...you're DEAD. who gives a fuck what you're buried in? i want to be buried in one of those white cloths that disintegrate or just a simple pine box...what's the point of getting anything else...you're DEAD. maggots are going to eat you up....nothing will be left....why??? if anything, i'd blow money maybe on food and coffee for people....and maybe some flowers...but that's it....

these funeral homes are huge rip offs....

oh yeah...what happens after death? well,i guess no one could really answer this because they're not dead (yet)....

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Originally posted by sassa

what's going to happen when you die? do you want a nice funeral? do you want to pay for a $5,000 pine coffin with custom engraving and steel panels? do you want people to pine and cry for you after you leave...

i just don't get why people make funerals expensive...you're DEAD. who gives a fuck what you're buried in? i want to be buried in one of those white cloths that disintegrate or just a simple pine box...what's the point of getting anything else...you're DEAD. maggots are going to eat you up....nothing will be left....why??? if anything, i'd blow money maybe on food and coffee for people....and maybe some flowers...but that's it....

these funeral homes are huge rip offs....

oh yeah...what happens after death? well,i guess no one could really answer this because they're not dead (yet)....

Not much to think about... When I die. My nephews get alot of money and my funeral and other things are all paid for.

As for why people care about how expensive there funeral is and all. It is your final resting place. It should be really nice. I dont want to lay down in something uncomfortable for eternity. :mad:

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I'm scared of death....probably because this past year, someone in my immediate family passed away....it was a horrible thing to go through....:(

But as for getting buried in an expensive casket, etc.... I'm not into that... The thought of my dead body just decaying away buried underground kinda grosses me out...

I'd much rather be cremated and have my ashes someplace special...After all, our body is just a temporary container (for lack of a better word) where we reside in, and after our bodies "die" I believe (and hope) our souls continue on someplace better

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i agree with you mystify....but not you elementx, ok yes it is your final resting place, but are you seriously going to shit a shit where your body is when you die? that's my point. YOU'RE DEAD. you are soulless. you can't hear or see or feel or think or anything when you're dead. so, does it really matter? i don't care how i'm buried as long as my head is facing a certain way and they put a stone near it so people will know not to step there...other than that, i don't want an elaborate ceremony, or a tombstone, or a wake. that is all bullshit. bury me and then celebrate my life, then go home. that's it.

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Originally posted by sassa

i agree with you mystify....but not you elementx, ok yes it is your final resting place, but are you seriously going to shit a shit where your body is when you die? that's my point. YOU'RE DEAD. you are soulless. you can't hear or see or feel or think or anything when you're dead. so, does it really matter? i don't care how i'm buried as long as my head is facing a certain way and they put a stone near it so people will know not to step there...other than that, i don't want an elaborate ceremony, or a tombstone, or a wake. that is all bullshit. bury me and then celebrate my life, then go home. that's it.

Have you been on the other side... How would you know if you know where you are sleeping for eternity. You have not a clue.

SO :tongue:

Anyway. I love a comfy bed. So I would like a comfy casket weather I know I am there or not. I ask my family just make sure I am comfy.

Myst. - I want to be in a wall. Or cremated. I do not want to be burried. So I am kinda with you there.

But as far as expensive caskets... I don't know if you guys know or not. But it is just as expensive to be cremated as it is to be burried in a casket. You still need to buy a casket for your body to be laid out for the wake. And then you are cremated. And Urns are expensive. :( So cost wise it is around the same.

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As far as my opinion, Id have to say I agree with bits and pieces of all three of you guys...

You gals are right, dead is dead, why bother packing an air-freshner in the coffin you know..

But then again the same time, tradition and culture sort of brainwashes everyone as a whole of what is what and how things are supposed to be.

If you take that standpoint to the extreme you might as well open up the can of beans...like why do we usually eat certain times a day instead of once midday...etc etc...

As far as death... I can honestly say Im scared of it. Granted, dont misread me, I mean I do not go 120mph on 287 in the snow (only 85) and I also dont prefer to die super painfully and long and torturous..

But I know its set that its going to happen and also know that its very very very freakin upredictable.

That song, only the good die young...lol makes me want to be more bad to live longer...anyways..this is turning into a novel so Ill stop now...:hat:

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i really don't like to think about death and everything that goes along with it because its such a sad and depressing thought, i think its something that we just have to leave up to our personal beliefs, we will actually never know what happens after we die so why waste thought on it and get all sad. i hope though that when we die we all go to a better place and be surrounded by all the people that we have loved and have passed on before us. i hope that everyone one of us and our loved ones will finally have a peace that we all are searching for now.

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Originally posted by sassa

what's going to happen when you die? do you want a nice funeral? do you want to pay for a $5,000 pine coffin with custom engraving and steel panels? do you want people to pine and cry for you after you leave...

i just don't get why people make funerals expensive...you're DEAD. who gives a fuck what you're buried in? i want to be buried in one of those white cloths that disintegrate or just a simple pine box...what's the point of getting anything else...you're DEAD. maggots are going to eat you up....nothing will be left....why??? if anything, i'd blow money maybe on food and coffee for people....and maybe some flowers...but that's it....

these funeral homes are huge rip offs....

oh yeah...what happens after death? well,i guess no one could really answer this because they're not dead (yet)....

I think im going to go to heaven when I die, Although im not afraid of death I just think its a waste to learn all of this and then to die and not do anything with it... I would want my wife and children to grieve for a bit, and maybe if our love is really strong she will not be with anyone else but me, then I know I was a good husband and to see my children amount to something... I would want the cheapest casket only cause I would want my body to be eaten by the ground quickly.. and I would want to have a cheap funeral!!! As quick and painless for all as possible!!! Minimal Grieving!!!

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I hate to say this but even after being embalmed(sp) there are still enough parasite left in your body that you get eatin' from the inside out. So it doesn't matter where your burried.

I don't care what I am burried in, the body itself isn't really what's important. It is just a shell that carries your sole, your being, your meaning. When we pass on, so does your sole. I also that belive that in the end we will all be together........ put me anywhere.

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Originally posted by eccentricmofo

But then again the same time, tradition and culture sort of brainwashes everyone as a whole of what is what and how things are supposed to be.

I wouldn't say "brainwashes". Tradition is based on what worked in the past, and long held beliefs that unite families together with a common bond.

Granted, sometimes those beliefs change over time, and i for one would like to be cremated, and have my ashes thrown out in the ocean.

As far as "death" itself, i believe that there is some other form of "existence" after our physical being gives in. I don't like to think of "dying", but the transition and afterlife intrigues me ~

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I want to be cremated and be an organ donor

I dont want my loved ones sitting around at a funeral being on their best behavior and talking about how theres too much makeup on me etc. I dont want them crying, i want them to be the way they were as if i was alive...crazy, laughing and reminissing(sp?) and not having their last memory of me in a casket in a hole in the ground

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Originally posted by Destiny

I want to be cremated and be an organ donor

I dont want my loved ones sitting around at a funeral being on their best behavior and talking about how theres too much makeup on me etc. I dont want them crying, i want them to be the way they were as if i was alive...crazy, laughing and reminissing(sp?) and not having their last memory of me in a casket in a hole in the ground

It depends on the person,cuz that's not the thing I think of when I think of people who passed. The first thing that comes to mind is them lauhing and a good time. FOr me anyways

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