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i have been doing some thinking...about certain people on this board and their views...and i have a question to ask the board...What would u classify Normalnoises and Sassa as????? Liberal or Anti-American?? b/c u can be liberal and agree with certain things that the US does...but these two think anything and everything the US does is just evil...and i am not talking about Foreign Policy...i am talking about everything....what are ur opinions....try to keep it civil...but i doubt that will happen

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Only your views and the ones you agree on count and the ones you oppose don't, I take it matas!! Shows how much you respect the opinions of others, even if it's the opposite view.

You are an ignorant self-centered fool whose consideration benefits yourself and the ignorance you wallow in.

Thank you for showing me your stupidity in making this thread. Since when in the CP policy does it say you can debate on posters?

This is CURRENT EVENTS! It is a FORUM where people debate on CURRENT POLITICAL ISSUES that effect everyday lives. But obviously you don't have the brain capacity to understand that. Congratulations, you just won the imbecile award.

Maybe I should take the moderatorship of this forum because YOU ARE NOT DESERVING OF MODERATORSHIP.

Consider yourself lucky I'm not an admin here. Your faggot ass would've been wiped off the face of this board instantly for making a thread like this.

Too bad the boat your mother paddled here didn't sink, then we wouldn't have the likes of you and your ignorance on this earth.

Now shut your cunt and suck your mother's dick.

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Originally posted by igloo

I do not think anyone should be put in the same sentence as normalnoises.....

I do not think you should be put in the same sentence as high intelligence because you are obviously inept in that area. Now crawl back up Matas asshole and stuff your mother up there with you.

Shut your fucking cunt!

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Originally posted by normalnoises

I do not think you should be put in the same sentence as high intelligence because you are obviously inept in that area. Now crawl back up Matas asshole and stuff your mother up there with you.

Shut your fucking cunt!

Simmer down BITCHBOY you are starting to agitate me... The type of responses you give to current events are demostrated in your sig...Blame America first and forget about the promblem at hand.. You are a hippie revolutionary that has been deepLy distorted from TOO many conspiracy theory novels. I understand that you sometimes get attacked for your views but you bring it upon yourself.

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Intellegently put... :rolleyes:

You sit there and preach about "ignorance" and those who are "self-centered" yet you use the hate phrase "faggot" in nearly all of your posts.

I'm very sad to see my hard earned tax dollars going to support anti-American welfare recipients like yourself...


Originally posted by normalnoises

Only your views and the ones you agree on count and the ones you oppose don't, I take it matas!! Shows how much you respect the opinions of others, even if it's the opposite view.

You are an ignorant self-centered fool whose consideration benefits yourself and the ignorance you wallow in.

Thank you for showing me your stupidity in making this thread. Since when in the CP policy does it say you can debate on posters?

This is CURRENT EVENTS! It is a FORUM where people debate on CURRENT POLITICAL ISSUES that effect everyday lives. But obviously you don't have the brain capacity to understand that. Congratulations, you just won the imbecile award.

Maybe I should take the moderatorship of this forum because YOU ARE NOT DESERVING OF MODERATORSHIP.

Consider yourself lucky I'm not an admin here. Your faggot ass would've been wiped off the face of this board instantly for making a thread like this.

Too bad the boat your mother paddled here didn't sink, then we wouldn't have the likes of you and your ignorance on this earth.

Now shut your cunt and suck your mother's dick.

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Originally posted by reddog4063

Intellegently put... :rolleyes:

You sit there and preach about "ignorance" and those who are "self-centered" yet you use the hate phrase "faggot" in nearly all of your posts.

I'm very sad to see my hard earned tax dollars going to support anti-American welfare recipients like yourself...


Fuck off and die maggot

And girly... Shut your fucking cunt ho!

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Originally posted by girly

oh please, you hurt my feewings:(

GO flip over cars and cause some chaos somewhere

LOL ..........:laugh:

Just don't be crossing the same street I'm driving on. I may be liable to mistake the gas pedal for the brake.

And if I do go flipping cars, I hope you wind up under one of them.


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Originally posted by normalnoises

Just don't be crossing the same street I'm driving on. I may be liable to mistake the gas pedal for the brake.

And if I do go flipping cars, I hope you wind up under one of them.


wow here here very bitter... calm yourself down its ok..And i'm a bitch not a cunt, get it straight:blank:

now go back to flipping over cars

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Originally posted by girly

wow here here very bitter... calm yourself down its ok..And i'm a bitch not a cunt, get it straight:blank:

now go back to flipping over cars

You're a cunt until I decide you are a bitch. Get it straight CUNT!!

Now shut your fucking hole and I hope the next car I flip lands on you.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

You're a cunt until I decide you are a bitch. Get it straight CUNT!!

Now shut your fucking hole and I hope the next car I flip lands on you.

and your a fucking piece of shit whos opinions mean crap, especially when u talk like this CUNTMOUTH....

now go strap a bomb to your self up and blow up.....:blown:

:cool: :cool:

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Originally posted by normalnoises

^^Wow! another immature racist.

You need help CUNT!!

Funny how you throw around the term "racist" when you called someone a spic the other day.

Oh, and look in the mirror to find out who needs help. You're in your mid-forties and argue with people half your age on a clubbing messageboard. Get a fucking life you tool.

By the way, I've seen you've taken a liking to the term "cunt". Is that because your piece of shit daughter's falls into the same category? May she marry a man that beats her silly.

Kill yourself old man, and spare your daughter the misery of having to grow up with a moronic shithead like you as a father.

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