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The obligatory 'what are you doing this weekend' thread


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Originally posted by kaydup

What's up with St. Patty's in RI?

The ENTIRE city of Newport is wasted by 11am. Every year it's the same. It's so great. Bars open by 9am, and they're all PACKED by noon. We usually have a quality crew of 10-20, and just pub crawl all over. If you're standing by 5pm, you are inhuman.

St. Patrick's Day in Newport has never disappointed, and this year will be no different.

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Just found out Harpoonfest is this weekend... that's always a possibility.

We were so spoiled having St. Patrick's Day on the weekend the past two years. First year we threw a huge kegs & eggs bash when I had my appartment on Comm Ave. We started drinking at 9 and didn't stop all day long. Probably one of the funnest days I've had in Boston.

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Just found out Harpoonfest is this weekend... that's always a possibility.

We were so spoiled having St. Patrick's Day on the weekend the past two years. First year we threw a huge kegs & eggs bash when I had my appartment on Comm Ave. We started drinking at 9 and didn't stop all day long. Probably one of the funnest days I've had in Boston.

i passed out underneath the air hockey table that night!!!

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Originally posted by kaydup

Yeah I heard the Harpoon thingy is this weekend. I have always wanted to go. Is it tonight????

Yup, tonight and tomorrow night. Which makes lots of sense seeing as St Patrick's Day is next weekend.

They're a lot of fun, I've never had a bad time at one... well, except that once. That was an awful time... but it was a fluke. Honestly.

It's basically just a lot of people getting as drunk as fast as possible while drinking good beer. It's kind of a rip-off though ($10 cover, $4 beers), and it closes down at 11 - 11:30, so you have to get there EARLY. Come to think of it, Harpoonfest SUCKS.

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haha, my girl and i want to go on a harpoon tour one of these days...form you description i tihnk i'd rather buy a 12 pack and have my own _____-fest...

only plans are the violation house party tomorrow w/deklab and about 50 other dj's :P...[if anyone is interested in driving out to the 'burbs, toss me an email (i don't have directions yet, but whatever)]

other than that, dres has to record his proton show, that's always a good time, and catching up on some sleep yo

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Originally posted by groovefire

A fistfull of NOTHING. Still a bit sick, and on major meds, and nothing good, just stupid ole 'alcohol prohibited' antibiotics.

Next weekend, St. Paddy's Day in Newport, ain't nothing better I tell you. And then, well, there's Miami. :D

hey are you still spinning tomorrow night, here?

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Originally posted by kaydup

Is the Newport St Pattys day parties on the weekend or that Monday?

Saturday the 15th, my friend. Festivities begin bright and early. Anyone interested is more than welcome to join us. It's a total free-for-all. I can't even explain it. Example, 2 years ago, my buddy got laid three time. I'm serious. We were out at one bar, he met a check, they left. He came back, we went somewhere else, he met another chick, they left. He came back, we went somewhere else, he met yet another chick, who went home with him at the end of the night. hat trick achieved.

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Originally posted by nycchic24

hey are you still spinning tomorrow night, here?

Oh, no, I forgot to change my sig. Chateau has some private party tomorrow night, so they asked us to forego this month of our residency. Kind of lame, but what can you do. We're back there on April 12th.

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Originally posted by groovefire

Oh, no, I forgot to change my sig. Chateau has some private party tomorrow night, so they asked us to forego this month of our residency. Kind of lame, but what can you do. We're back there on April 12th.

ok.. :) actually i have some friends from boston coming into town tonight... was trying to think of ideas,places, etc?

maybe next time :cool:

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Originally posted by nyis4meatheads

Yup, tonight and tomorrow night. Which makes lots of sense seeing as St Patrick's Day is next weekend.

They're a lot of fun, I've never had a bad time at one... well, except that once. That was an awful time... but it was a fluke. Honestly.

It's basically just a lot of people getting as drunk as fast as possible while drinking good beer. It's kind of a rip-off though ($10 cover, $4 beers), and it closes down at 11 - 11:30, so you have to get there EARLY. Come to think of it, Harpoonfest SUCKS.

I might be down to grabbing a few beers there tonight.

And if anyone wants some nasty Harpoon brewery stories, that will make ya think twice about drinking it, just ask me, we wired the place

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