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Do you believe in God ?......

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The other day I had a discussion w/ friends about this..& the death thread made me think about this as well.....Most of us were taught there is a God & Jesus died on the cross for us etc etc.....

My thing is....There are so many different types of beliefs & religions out there.....Who is to say who is right & who is wrong ? If a group of people worshipped a rock as their god, who can say they are wrong for having their beliefs if that's all they know & they TRUELY believe that rock is their god....This is why I don't think I believe in God.....What some religions call a "sin" others glorify or practice....There's too much variety w/in religion....So how can any one religion be the "right" one ?? Another thing...I was raised Catholic....Now in the Catholic religion It is a sin to question your faith or God ? That's bullshit how can we NOT question something if we don't know if it's definetally there......& another thing who knows who REALLY wrote the Bible & how accurate it is.....It's like a game of telephone.....A story passed down & def. changed a little bit

My take on it all is......Religion is just here to scare us...It's here to form some sort of stability & order in our lives....or is it ??? EEhh this is such a confusing topic :blank: .......How do you all feel ?? What are your thoughts on religion ???

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Originally posted by Codica3

I 100% believe in God.

And it could take me a lifetime to sit here and ponder thoughts about it.

ya i totally agree with you, i do believe but i as cody said it would take forever to think about it

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Originally posted by sweetie029

The other day I had a discussion w/ friends about this..& the death thread made me think about this as well.....Most of us were taught there is a God & Jesus died on the cross for us etc etc.....

My thing is....There are so many different types of beliefs & religions out there.....Who is to say who is right & who is wrong ? If a group of people worshipped a rock as their god, who can say they are wrong for having their beliefs if that's all they know & they TRUELY believe that rock is their god....This is why I don't think I believe in God.....What some religions call a "sin" others glorify or practice....There's too much variety w/in religion....So how can any one religion be the "right" one ?? Another thing...I was raised Catholic....Now in the Catholic religion It is a sin to question your faith or God ? That's bullshit how can we NOT question something if we don't know if it's definetally there......& another thing who knows who REALLY wrote the Bible & how accurate it is.....It's like a game of telephone.....A story passed down & def. changed a little bit

My take on it all is......Religion is just here to scare us...It's here to form some sort of stability & order in our lives....or is it ??? EEhh this is such a confusing topic :blank: .......How do you all feel ?? What are your thoughts on religion ???

born and raised catholic, however i am agnostic now... i dont believe in much anymore...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

born and raised catholic, however i am agnostic now... i dont believe in much anymore...

Same here :)

But i do believe that there is a higher force or prescence that exists. Otherwise, how else did the universe come out?

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i do believe that it's important to raise children with a religion in mind.

Speaking for myself, i had a lot of fun portraying religious themes in play's. And the Bible is filled with life's stories that can relate to our time even today.

Plus, religion proclaims a certain unity or community, and i think that's important growing up for kids. Otherwise, what else would you substitute it for?

And i can see that, growing up and maturing, one may lose a use or meaning for religion, but i still find it somewhat comforting to believe in something ;)

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I believe in something....what it is I'm not sure. An energy force or something like that. Lately although I was raised Catholic, certain Eastern beliefs such as Daoism interest me....there beliefs are less about what is up above and more about what is going on here....

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I am Cathloic so of course I believe in God. I have seen so many good things happen due to the power of Prayer and the Church. Although I dont agree with all the rules of the Cathloic faith, I would never turn my back on my religion. I also believe sometimes that what is written in the bible is greatly misinterpreted by people.

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well maybe the question should be reversed... does IT (GOD) believe in us??? seems as if s/he is nowhere to be found when we need IT the most... seems as if s/he lost faith in us, just walked up, feels that us a collective unit (general civilization) isnt going to work out... back in the days seems as if there were signs and communications left and right... now whats the closest we had??? david koresh? heavens gate cult? etc... eh... we dont even have an updated version of our rules/guidelines, or even any tweaks to the old one... the newest version came out over two thousand years ago... call me crazy but even though that seems like a lil amount of time, us as humans us as civilizations has progressed and evolved in quantum leaps... so these old guidelines are a bit antiquated and seems as if nobody follows them anymore (let alone could ramble off all ten off the top of their head)... for those of you who said you "believe" in GOD, i ask this... WHY?! (stupid question, but i am sure half will not have an answer) more importantly believing is only a fraction of the entire equation... if you believe in GOD, however worship false gods, do not keep holy the sabbath day, covet ish, kill, adulterise, steal, commit mortal and venial sins... thats worse than not believing... its almost like slapping GOD in the face... blah blah blah long post short, for those of you who said you Believe in GOD, I ask WHY, and more importantly I ask what do you do to keep up the faith???

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Originally posted by dgmodel

so nobody knows why they believe???

That's what FAITH is. ;)

I could go on and on about why.. but it wouldn't make much of a difference because God is not a concrete thing that you can grasp.. so it wouldn't prove anything at all.

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Originally posted by dgmodel

"That's what FAITH is. " faith is not knowing what you believe in just believing???


Faith in God is unlike the word "faith" that we're used to. It's the belief in a higher being that is all loving and omniscient.

I have faith, but it can only come about by "unknowing" many things you have already learned.

This isn't easy to explain, but to have Faith, you believe in something that is not apparent in everyday terms. Kinda like a spirit within each of us (the Holy spirit).

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Originally posted by tastyt

No, you know what you believe in, you just don't need "proof" or any kind of justification for it.

i understand that... i went to religion for my entire childhood... i am not asking for proof, or asking what you believe thats already been stated... i am asking you WHY do you believe in what you do... WHY is the question not who what where and when... but WHY...

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So i have peace of mind knowing that im not living this life in vain.

So that when i die, i know im not just going underground.

So that i might be able to see my friends and relatives that have passed before me again.

So that I can live with morality and a way to see things that values life and freedom.

so far, that's what ive got

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Originally posted by dgmodel

if you wish, however i am only concerened with why...

It's really hard to explain why.. but I guess I'd have to say that it's just because of something I feel inside me that makes me believe it's true..

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