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i havent given anywhere the review im about to in a long, long time . . .

friends of mine work there, one is the bottle host who was off last nite, a bunch are waitresses, and i know the promoters (im sorry im shitting on your place if you read this) so i promised them i would go over and check it out, i hadnt been there since they had changed it over from saci . . . so i booked a table thru my friend, everything seemed fine.

i decide to take a couple of my heavy-hitting clients along to check it out, we walk in with our seemingly-pleasant host . . . to a not-so-good crowd, and it was pretty empty . . . wasn't impressed with the new layout at all, the stage is overbearing, but it's better than the old saci, definitely.

the guys are already displeased with the way everyone and everything looks - they're very pangea-rehab-downtown types - so im like if you're unhappy, lets get the credit card and shit back and leave . . . so i go to the bathroom . . . come back to hear the hostest telling my clients they're "fucking cheap" and that puffy has half the club rented out and she doesnt NEED them . . . the one offers to let her charge bottles on the credit card anyway for the inconvienence . . . and shes like NO - the only reason you got in here - you're a 3 guys and 1 girl - is because you bought the table, only the girl can stay, you three put on your coats you have to leave IMMEDIATELY, im going to escort you out.

the whole point of getting the CC back was BECAUSE we wanted to leave, you silly ass . . . but whatever. and the whole reason they got in is cause i took them there and let the regular host know in advance that i had a group that was mainly guys.

so im like, sweetie im sorry about this, but you really dont have to physically remove them from the premises, we WANT to leave and not even bottles of alcohol will help the situation, so you can just calm down.

shes like YOU HAVE TO LEAVE NOW . . . and proceeds to tell my clients again that they're cheap and that puffy has half the tables in the place reserved for he and his crew and that she doesnt NEED them.

so after she walks us out the door . . . like . . . escorts us, she even grabbed one of the guys arms to get him moving to begin with . . . shes giving everyone dirty looks . . . and calls over to security to let them know about my problem-child clients that she's throwing out. :rolleyes:

it irritates me to no end because i work in the same position that she does at another place and if i had done that to customers i would have been thrown out on my ass by the owners after they heard about it . . . how DARE you call people cheap, especially when they're regular table/bottle buyers which is why i brought them out to begin with - like i said, one even offered to let them charge the card anyway for a couple bottles . . .

so fucking rude . . . really.

~ brandie

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Originally posted by crystalmethod

Lets 86 her.

What a biatch.

well you of all people know my clientele certainly isnt CHEAP nor to they need to be physically removed from the place . . . i already spoke w. one person about her last nite, i would have told the manager except the guys were walkin down the street bitching so i thought it would be better to console them and apologize profusely . . .

~ brandie

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im glad bottle service or the way other people look are not a part of what i consider a good night out. i dont think i'd ever have fun.

but yes, that girl was fucked up for treating potential customers like that

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