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Miami mayor wants to cancel ULTRA5...


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Originally posted by ogmiami

Here's a simple solution...

If you go to Ultra, (and you should go at least to see Underworld), dance, listen, have fun, and don't carry drugs in with you. Ultra is an amazing event and is fighting to stay alive because of what their customers do or have done, not because they have done anything wrong. Nobody ever said that if you buy the ticket you have the right to do illegal drugs without fear of being busted.

I happen to believe that the under 21 crowd is important to the development of our scene. That said, there is nothing more harmful to the scene than some underage kid ODing at a dance party. If I had a 14 year old kid, I would not want him/her at an all day dance party.

And to you 18 year olds that are "pissed" that you can't get into clubs during conference...TOO BAD...we all went through it...it's called growing up.

I completely agree with you this.


As a mother I have many issues with sending an under age kid to events such as these. I was 14, 15, & even 18 once and believe me I kept myself in a straight line. At that age having fun is great (no cares in world), but what's better is to have the education and the opportunities that only appear for you then.

Concentrate on those things and stop whining about how unfair these rules are and why they do not allow underage minors into clubs. Those rules are the for a reason!

Don't take it as if they are trying to hold you down because not. One day when you look back you will say the samething. This I tell you from experience, I too once whined about how unfair these rules were for the underaged.

I worked at Ultra for the first 3 years and I saw many things and understand the concerns regarding minors attending the event. This should also apply to other events as well not just Ultra all across the board. All events should be treated the equally and fairly. The people at Ultra strive to make sure the event is safe as possible and even though I haven't been the mixing with the people in Ultra for a long time. I can be sure that they still are doing their best.

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Originally posted by ogmiami

Here's a simple solution...

If you go to Ultra, (and you should go at least to see Underworld), dance, listen, have fun, and don't carry drugs in with you. Ultra is an amazing event and is fighting to stay alive because of what their customers do or have done, not because they have done anything wrong. Nobody ever said that if you buy the ticket you have the right to do illegal drugs without fear of being busted.

I happen to believe that the under 21 crowd is important to the development of our scene. That said, there is nothing more harmful to the scene than some underage kid ODing at a dance party. If I had a 14 year old kid, I would not want him/her at an all day dance party.

And to you 18 year olds that are "pissed" that you can't get into clubs during conference...TOO BAD...we all went through it...it's called growing up.

Well I agree with you, and disagree as well.. it would seem rather unjust, to be grouping the youth of today into a single category. I grew up in a new york, where you can experience clubs at an early age. there are many youths out there, who are as passionate about the music as we are. I have been to Candyland and a host of other raves, and festivals mixed with people of all ages and had a blast. Kids where not passed out all over the place, in fact they for the most part where having a blast. is this an exception?? Possibly.. but who has been to enough these events, to really make a factual case?? I remember talking to one of kids at Candyland, and this was his direct quote " I’m not old enough to get into clubs, and I really love this music. events like this are cool ". what has happen is the media in the US and the government. have taken the word "Rave", and " Electronic music " and made these words sound like cuss words. then taken random drug use and made it the focal point. why is it events like Love Parade, Reading Festival, Glastonbury Festival, Creamfields, etc can take place, with seemingly no negative press?? granted these events are overseas, however they are all age events. if I where a parent..I would be just as concerned, sending my child to school everyday, as I would allowing them go to an all ages or 18 and over music festival. the elements of drugs, sex, etc are constant things the youth of today must deal with. you need not look any further, then your typical network television programming, to find these elements. so what’s the answer, I’m not quite sure. imo if a parent does their job well; arming their children with as much real world knowledge as possible, and keep the lines of communication open. then at least their kids have a fighting chance, at survival in the real world. we cannot filter the elements, which surround the youth of today! we can try, but in reality it is rather futile. We as adults should be setting an exmaple, by our own actions..

I think as adults today we sometimes forget, what it is like to be a teenager. the youth of today have more problems to deal with (blatant sexual imagery, drugs, war, terrorism, etc), then at any time in this country’s history. to group them all together, cast them aside and penalize them for the behavior of a certain segment would seem rather unfair. just my two pennies..


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Originally posted by liquidx

- I never said that you guys arent into the music, I said probably Im more into the music then most.. not all. I mean, this forum is a prty forum, and I see people here that go just to have fun and drink and so on, and follow the trend on whats the best club to go to, there's even some fights about which club its better.

You never did say we weren't, but by your statement, you insinuate that most of us are not. People on this board usually go where the DJs are, and are not loyal to a specific club, and I consider that being "about the music". As for following the trend, that's not bloody likely either. You'll see a CP gathering in the slimiest of joints on the 600 block, if a DJ that the crowd likes is playing, or you'll see a CP gathering at the poshest club on the beach, if a DJ that the crowd likes is playing.

I was underage once, I hung out at home pretty much, my friends would set up a sound system, someone would buy some beer, we'd have our fun, and that was that. There was 18 and up venues back then, but they were all filled with trashy J-lo wannabe whores and guys who thought Tupac Shakur was a good role model...the 21 and up places were still the quality venues with the best DJs...occasionally a DJ would try to play an 18+ venue, but the night was usually a disaster. Sure, I got into 21+ venues before I was 21, but by then I had started doing what I am doing today (photography), and sometimes I was required to go...never abused the privilege though...as OGMiami said, "it's called growing up!"

I applaud your responsibility, but the amount of hardcore drug use by people your age is increasing...dealing too, most of the street dealers nowadays are usually 16-17 year olds. Instead of insulting people on here, you should be telling your friends to settle down, as they have ruined the scene with their recent behaviors.

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Originally posted by pod

You never did say we weren't, but by your statement, you

I applaud your responsibility, but the amount of hardcore drug use by people your age is increasing...dealing too, most of the street dealers nowadays are usually 16-17 year olds. Instead of insulting people on here, you should be telling your friends to settle down, as they have ruined the scene with their recent behaviors.

- Can you stop calling them my FRIENDS??? As if my friends are all druggies.. crap you see, you prove and show me what kind of mind you have tours ME basically, as Ig I hanged out with druggies.. this is the third time I say it.. my friends are all respecable when it comes to those values and music wise. I hate those that just go to get drugged, drunk and fuckedup.. And in no way IM insulting people in here. I just speak on the truth, it may not reflect on you, but maybe on some other X person ... I could name Saleen.. but I dont want to just name people ya know. Its what I see.. and if it offends YOU from what I see, then sorry.

And yes Im 18, thats why IM planning for this summer's festivals in Europe and so on.. they are 18 and up. Great deal. I can say that they are more educated on consuming then how they are here...

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Originally posted by liquidx

- Can you stop calling them my FRIENDS??? As if my friends are all druggies.. crap you see, you prove and show me what kind of mind you have tours ME basically, as Ig I hanged out with druggies.. this is the third time I say it.. my friends are all respecable when it comes to those values and music wise. I hate those that just go to get drugged, drunk and fuckedup.. And in no way IM insulting people in here. I just speak on the truth, it may not reflect on you, but maybe on some other X person ... I could name Saleen.. but I dont want to just name people ya know. Its what I see.. and if it offends YOU from what I see, then sorry.

And yes Im 18, thats why IM planning for this summer's festivals in Europe and so on.. they are 18 and up. Great deal. I can say that they are more educated on consuming then how they are here...


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