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Miami mayor wants to cancel ULTRA5...


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The fact that you said yous, sounds like you grew up in Iowa, The fact that you side with the mayor , sounds like you are a Miami hater. Who gives a fuck if people are on drugs, what are we going to shut down every club and every party that comes in town. Don't be a hater!

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Originally posted by sobeton

the mayor is an idiot. Bayfront Park is managed by The City Of Miami, which means they signed a written contract with the promoters, before advertising began on the event. if the city cancels the event, they can be sued for millions of dollars. not to mention the loss of extra income, the city gets from a percentage of vender sales, parking, etc. assumptions about what may occur, does not give one legal precedence, to cancel an event. as long as the promoters are exercising, reasonable care in preventing illegal things from occurring, and are operating within the confides of the law. the Mayor has no legal right to cancel the event. further if the city cancels the event, don’t be surprised if the promoters go into court to seek an injunction. IGNORANCE is not a valid legal argument. :mad:

They should have kept Ultra on The Beach! ;)

You are correct about City of Miami will be in major lawsuit. Not only that the people from Ultra might be able to have granted their favor an injunction. Especially if the article is correct that they have received so many letters of how well the previous events have gone. What ever the agenda that the Mayor of Miami this obviously is the agenda of someone who wants to do away with the festival. Don't be surprised that next year this event will not take place in Miami or in the state of Florida for that matter. I wonder how‘s his popularity rating at this moment. That would be interesting to see. This might be what he needs to make his rating go up. :idea: Which completely wrong of him. That's my 2 cents.

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Originally posted by hotliquid25

The fact that you said yous, sounds like you grew up in Iowa, The fact that you side with the mayor , sounds like you are a Miami hater. Who gives a fuck if people are on drugs, what are we going to shut down every club and every party that comes in town. Don't be a hater!

Go back in the thread and double-check...I'm pro-ultra and hardcore pro-miami...I reflect what I'm telling you now on my earlier posts on this thread...I think you got me confused for someone else.



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Originally posted by hotliquid25

The fact that you said yous, sounds like you grew up in Iowa, The fact that you side with the mayor , sounds like you are a Miami hater. Who gives a fuck if people are on drugs, what are we going to shut down every club and every party that comes in town. Don't be a hater!

:laugh: you got the "The Funkmeister" as I call him:) mixed up with saleen. :blank: yous crazy ! :tongue::D
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RNN(Ravah N3ws Netw0rk)

Todays top story, showdown ULTRA. Mayor Diaz has asked Ultra to dis-

arm...er...dis-drug. Ultra refuses to disdrug stating "once all my

drugs are gone, my mind is open to gov politics" Ultra is standing

ground strong at its HQ in MIAMI. More news as it come.

This Is DiscJockyJoeyP...RNN news. Back to you dick. (o_O)

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by hotliquid25

The fact that you said yous, sounds like you grew up in Iowa, The fact that you side with the mayor , sounds like you are a Miami hater. Who gives a fuck if people are on drugs, what are we going to shut down every club and every party that comes in town. Don't be a hater!

from NJ you fucking idiot....... and those drugs are the reason why our scene sucks now....

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by koky

:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes:






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Drugs are in every music scene. Rock concerts have weed, coke, and LSD, among other things.

It's interesting how a bloody Phish show or a Matchbox 20 concert can go on uninhibited, but a big festival like Ultra, which helps out downtown so much gets flack.

There's a serious double standard here...

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Yo guys fuck that ! ! ! you guys are like f*cking limiting the good stuff to those under-agers that are really into the music, I know many of them, and Im considered one of them ( 18 ). I was once 16 and once 17.. I was as hooked up to the music, and I think more then anyone in here. I care less about the drugs. Yes, I know that this little ravers-wannabee's mess it all up, but remember not to place everyone on the same bucket. I know 16 year old peeps that are alot more sober then probably any one in hear, and more dedicated to the music as well. Jeezz.. IM so f*cking mad by just not been able to get into the venues for this WMC, I understand many of you guys that are complaining about US or whatever.. but jsut stop fucking generalizing jeez.. every single one of those RAVER WANNABEES got Fake Id's also.. they like the illegal stuff so if anything there's no way to get away from them.. jeez.. and setting a 18+ for Ultra.. mmmm I'll just place my shoes when I was 17 years old and I'll be bitching for those that really want to go...

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This is just to frustrating!!!!! O.k. so ultra is on again, but u know what i have a feeling there gonna make it so uncomfortable to be there , that its gonna ruin everyones time....youll see everytime u put ur hand in ur pocket there will be someone watching...and as soon as u do put ur hand in ur pocket theyll be all up in ur buisness...like what r u doing why did u put ur hands in ur pocket, uknow...there just gonna be annoying....the drug thing is just an excuse and a way to waste r tax dollars...the war on drugs is just a p.r. move politicians use, and i dont know why ...cuz theres not one person i know that doesnt use something...damn religious basis this world has been brain washed by...but alas we have the final say....for all of us who can vote remember this day to exercise our civic duties, and next time the mayoral election comes around we gotta show up in numbers and stick it to him.

Its time to bring the voice of the next(trance, techno, house, breaks, electronis music)generation

Keep the GOOD TIMES rolling

Much love to all of u

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Liquidx is right...let's not generalize on blaming the younger crowd for drug use...let's not be cynical...on a related story, we've seen trouble coming for a couple of weeks now...first it was Space...then that P.Diddy shindig that never even happened...then it was Nikki's dancefloor block-off incident...now the Ultra Scare...do you see what I see??? Oviously, authorities have shifted their interest in the past weeks to clubs, clubbing, clubbers...etc...you have to understand that it is a "hip subject" for this politician guys to get invloved with...it gives them a messianic-trip of "I'm going to save Miami's youth from the burden of drugs and will be remembered for doing so"

I don't want to tut the pessimist horn...but, expect high levels of security at this W.M.C...it's kinda weird because with the state of things worldwide, I have mixed feeling about this...you see? I don't know if to be mad or be thankful...it's all too weird...we, the people...will never really know the motivations behind the attention now being paid to our scene...don't forget we almost got Ultra cancelled today...call it what you will...I'll call it a way-too-close-call.


Funk :cool:

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Originally posted by liquidx

Yo guys fuck that ! ! ! you guys are like f*cking limiting the good stuff to those under-agers that are really into the music, I know many of them, and Im considered one of them ( 18 ). I was once 16 and once 17.. I was as hooked up to the music, and I think more then anyone in here.

Tooting your own horn, are we? That's a bold statement to make that you are "hooked up to the music and I think more than anyone in here". On this board alone are accomplished DJs, promoters, club owners, and general scenesters who were going out while you were still shitting in your Huggies and watching PBS.

There's no way of screening out people who do too many drugs at any event, it just so happens that many of your contemporaries happen to be the prime culprits. Sure I see drunk or coked up 40 year olds out and about, but for the most part on the beach and elsewhere, the majority of the people who cannot handle their liquor usually are under 21, or worse yet, under 18. Just today while waiting for the C bus back to the mainland, I was bothered at a bus stop by some sixteen year old who made a pathetic attempt to mug me. He was drunk as a fucking skunk, so I told him to fuck off and leave me alone...incoherent as he was he lurched off bitching about god knows what. I laughed, more out of disgust than humour...

Back to my original point though, it is largely people in your age group getting wasted from a bottle of cheap drugstore hooch, or taking too many drugs, that are causing the problems. Maybe you're the exception, if you are, that's great, maybe you should tell your friends to shape the fuck up before they ruin the scene even more.

If you can't handle your drugs, don't bother doing them! I'm not the cleanest person in the world, but when I have done something, it's in moderation. I can handle what I drink or consume. If I know I can't, I don't. I can handle 4 beers over the course of an hour or so. You won't see me do any more than that, since I know I can't handle it. No one thinks these people are special for downing 10 bottles of Amstel in a sitting, or popping ten pills, or smoking an acre of weed...these people are looked upon as just plain stupid.

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Originally posted by pod

Tooting your own horn, are we? That's a bold statement to make that you are "hooked up to the music and I think more than anyone in here". On this board alone are accomplished DJs, promoters, club owners, and general scenesters who were going out while you were still shitting in your Huggies and watching PBS.

There's no way of screening out people who do too many drugs at any event, it just so happens that many of your contemporaries happen to be the prime culprits. Sure I see drunk or coked up 40 year olds out and about, but for the most part on the beach and elsewhere, the majority of the people who cannot handle their liquor usually are under 21, or worse yet, under 18. Just today while waiting for the C bus back to the mainland, I was bothered at a bus stop by some sixteen year old who made a pathetic attempt to mug me. He was drunk as a fucking skunk, so I told him to fuck off and leave me alone...incoherent as he was he lurched off bitching about god knows what. I laughed, more out of disgust than humour...

Back to my original point though, it is largely people in your age group getting wasted from a bottle of cheap drugstore hooch, or taking too many drugs, that are causing the problems. Maybe you're the exception, if you are, that's great, maybe you should tell your friends to shape the fuck up before they ruin the scene even more.

If you can't handle your drugs, don't bother doing them! I'm not the cleanest person in the world, but when I have done something, it's in moderation. I can handle what I drink or consume. If I know I can't, I don't. I can handle 4 beers over the course of an hour or so. You won't see me do any more than that, since I know I can't handle it. No one thinks these people are special for downing 10 bottles of Amstel in a sitting, or popping ten pills, or smoking an acre of weed...these people are looked upon as just plain stupid.

- I never said that you guys arent into the music, I said probably Im more into the music then most.. not all. I mean, this forum is a prty forum, and I see people here that go just to have fun and drink and so on, and follow the trend on whats the best club to go to, there's even some fights about which club its better. My opinion on that its where the music is that, and as longest you got what you like playing I mean.. enjoy. Maybe I did mistake on the matter of saying that you guys arent, then sorry. My point was that some here are just trendy, ya know what I mean? I mean.. its like trance a few years back, everyone liked it, then everyone shifted to House.. ya know? while If I like something I wont change to other sound from one day to another and BS about the sound I liked. I hope you understand what I mean...

And see, I thankfully dont have those kinda friends that are fucking up the scene.. and I have never done a pill so.. thats my position. Why do drugs if you like the music?? To me the music takes me to that higher level. And I know that people around my age are fuckheads.. but, there's also people your age that are just as that. So why blame it all on to the YOUNGS! besides, people your age are the ones selling it.. eemm?? You were once 18, maybe you werent hooked on this music, I dont know, and laws back then were flexible tours our age.. so I dont know how I can get you to understand though.

- I do understand your point though..

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Originally posted by fliptoniaaa

...youll see everytime u put ur hand in ur pocket there will be someone watching...and as soon as u do put ur hand in ur pocket theyll be all up in ur buisness...like what r u doing why did u put ur hands in ur pocket, uknow...there just gonna be annoying....

Not to get 2 personal w/ you, but do you play a lot of POCKET POOL? :laugh:

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Originally posted by pod

I was bothered at a bus stop by some sixteen year old who made a pathetic attempt to mug me. He was drunk as a fucking skunk, so I told him to fuck off and leave me alone...

u should have mugged him....show that little shyte a lesson;)

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Here's a simple solution...

If you go to Ultra, (and you should go at least to see Underworld), dance, listen, have fun, and don't carry drugs in with you. Ultra is an amazing event and is fighting to stay alive because of what their customers do or have done, not because they have done anything wrong. Nobody ever said that if you buy the ticket you have the right to do illegal drugs without fear of being busted.

I happen to believe that the under 21 crowd is important to the development of our scene. That said, there is nothing more harmful to the scene than some underage kid ODing at a dance party. If I had a 14 year old kid, I would not want him/her at an all day dance party.

And to you 18 year olds that are "pissed" that you can't get into clubs during conference...TOO BAD...we all went through it...it's called growing up.

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If Manny Diaz prevents Ultra 5 from happening, he is violating our constitutional rights, specifically FREEDOM OF EXPRESSION!

1960s -- massive congregations, light shows, rock music

1980s -- massive congregations, light shows, rap music

2000s -- massive congregations, light shows, electronic music

In all scenarios, there was always one politician who tried to submerge a concert or two, but eventually failed.

Manny wasn't even born in this country -- he and his brother Lincoln Diaz-Balart (channel 4 news anchor turned legislative wanna be) are Cuban! Nothing against Cubans, but he needs a better understanding of America's laws before he tries to enforce them.

Someone please call the American Civil Liberties Union....

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