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Attn: Digital7!!!


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Wow, I remember taking a power nap about 6pm, waking up at midnight, getting ready, getting to the beach around 2am, finding good parking and going in to the mix by 3:30am....

then leaving the mix at 10 am. going home to change and pickup the jet ski's and going back to the beach for the 18st beach parties till 5 or 6 pm....

thats a party!

People Talk shit about David Padilla now, be we all know that if you went to the Mix After Hours, he's ingraved in to you brain!


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Originally posted by stogiey2k2

I know a lot of Peeps that started their crazy partying

days both at the MIX and at KITKAT..

Those times were epic...I have memories of amazing sets by Padilla that couldn't possibly be matched today by anyone...it was different back then...you felt as if you were part of something that was bigger than just a night at a club...I used to go to my friend's house at about 1am and take things easy until it was time to hit The Mix...people were mad passionate about music and dance...they would just let the good times roll...literally!


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Originally posted by funketeer

Those times were epic...I have memories of amazing sets by Padilla that couldn't possibly be matched today by anyone...it was different back then...you felt as if you were part of something that was bigger than just a night at a club...I used to go to my friend's house at about 1am and take things easy until it was time to hit The Mix...people were mad passionate about music and dance...they would just let the good times roll...literally!


I remember meeting Wynonna Judd there once...I thought to myself...damn, she looks heavier in person...oh well :blank:


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between shadow the mix and the edge....u had really good times.

and yes it was about the music back then but the rollie pollie (scooby snacks!!!!) is what drove it all...it wa so refreshing back then...u could do anything without having to look over ur shoulder.

and the music was cutting edge back then...and those were the good old days when the beach was open 24/7....imagine if the beach were to stay open all the time now....oh my!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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24/7 south beach today??? Hum...it would be cool, but, another thing to consider is the flow of people of today's south beach compared to yesterday's south beach...it was ridiculous how intimate it was and how free-spirited everything was back then...no posing, no velvet rope b.s....etc... we owned the friggin' joint...I used to drive up to the The Mix and park right in front of it...no traffic, no big mess...and eventual Madonna sighting here and there...maybe Mikey Rourke would be also at hand right around the corner...ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh the good old times, everything was better back then...cough, cough!


Tomorrow, I will tell you about how the west was won and where it got us. ;)

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