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this is stupid and childish...freedom fries...please...


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Au revoir to French food names

Politics of culinary nomenclature captivate U.S. House


WASHINGTON, March 11 — Show the flag and pass the ketchup was the order of the day in House cafeterias Tuesday. Lawmakers struck a lunchtime blow against the French and put “freedom fries” on the menu. And for breakfast they’ll now have “freedom toast.”

THE NAME changes follow similar actions by restaurants around the country protesting French opposition to the administration’s Iraq war plans.

“Update. Now Serving in All House Office Buildings, ‘Freedom Fries,”’ read a sign that Republican Reps. Bob Ney of Ohio and Walter Jones of North Carolina placed at the register in the Longworth Office Building food court.

Jones said he was inspired by Cubbie’s restaurant in Beaufort, N.C., in his district, one of the first to put “freedom fries” on the menu instead of french fries.


“This action today is a small but symbolic effort to show the strong displeasure of many on Capitol Hill with the actions of our so-called ally, France,” said Ney, chairman of the House Administration Committee.

Ney, whose panel oversees House operations, ordered the menu changes.

The French Embassy in Washington had no immediate comment, except to say that french fries actually come from Belgium.

Ney said he was of French descent and “once the French government comes around we can get back to talking about french fries.”

On a more serious note, Republican Jim Saxton of New Jersey has proposed a ban on Pentagon participation in this year’s Paris Air Show and restrictions on French participation in any postwar construction projects in Iraq.

But House Majority Leader Tom DeLay, R-Texas, said at a news conference that applying legislative sanctions to France was not necessary. “I don’t think we have to retaliate against France. They’ve isolated themselves pretty well,” he said.

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first of all, their cafeterias serve mediocre, overpriced food...

second, this is really stupid...even the english language has traces of the french culture in it...where do the words mutton, liberty, and revolution come from? that's right...these french "fucks"....

if this is how they're showing their patriotism now...:blown::laugh:

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Originally posted by mrmhs

Chirac is going to get slapped very soon...

1st- diplomatically

2nd- economically

And he better hope we don't fiind anything incriminating

in Iraq or France is next....

That you can bank on!!!!

yes ..im sure ull find a ton of countries to join ur coalition against france...

algiers..guyana...maybe u can even get the corsicans to join the fight!

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

US invading France, will never happen...but Iraq and N. Korea are very possible...

Who would want to invade that shit hole, all they have is a bunch of french fags and hairy women.....

Fuck le' French

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Originally posted by mrmhs

Chirac is in bed with Sadam. If you can't see this then that's you smoking rock in your sig..

And why would we need anyone's help IF we went to war with France??It's like me and my freinds jumping my baby brother...

:laugh: ...ur serious right? god damn thats some funny shit...goin to war with France...HEY FUCKO..DO U KNOW THAT IF IT WASNT FOR FRANCE THERE'D BE NO "U.S OF A" as u refer to it??

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

or Salad tossing...ooopppsss...wrong forum...:tongue:

[sarcasm]Salad tossing. How about "freedom salad dressing" instead of French salad dressing?[/sarcasm]

"In war against Afghanistan, it was the French who flew more combat air support missions than any other country except the U.S. The French were with us in Kosovo, they were with us in our revolution against Great Britain.

They have been great allies to us for 200 years. And only George W. Bush could drive them into the arms of the enemy. Shame on him."

- Paul Begala

"The French Embassy in Washington had no immediate comment, except to say that french fries actually come from Belgium.

Ney said he was of French descent and “once the French government comes around we can get back to talking about french fries.â€

This shows just how stupid this is. French fries are Belgian, you morons!

You know, this is the same kind of thing that happened to German foods during World War 1. 'Sauerkraut' (sp?) became 'liberty cabbage' and hamburgers became 'liberty meat', or something along those lines. I read it in my 10th grade history book in my high school days while living in Pennsylvania at the time.

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Originally posted by ghhhhhost

:laugh: ...ur serious right? god damn thats some funny shit...goin to war with France...HEY FUCKO..DO U KNOW THAT IF IT WASNT FOR FRANCE THERE'D BE NO "U.S OF A" as u refer to it??


Instead of calling names why don't you get your head out of your ass and up with modern day. But if you you want to harp on the past.. They were our ally 200 years ago to overthrow the British because we had a common enemy. The times have changed and time and time again the French stuck a knife in our back starting in 91 with the first Gulf war ... The U.S. OF A has paid it's debt to the french 10x over from bailing those pussies out in WWII to providing crucial financial assistance in the 60's. The french are playing a very dangerous diplomatic game to appease their people. The french are resentful because the American way works and the socialistic society they follow is crap.. I will tell you this they need us more then we need them period... The objection to a new resolution was a deliberate jab to humiliate us in front of the world and they should pay through their noses for it.. Boycott everything from wine to fucking EZ wider paper those pricks don't deserve shit... The French are washed up and this blocking of the new resolution is a desperate attempt to put that shit hole country back on the map... so you and the FRENCH can go Fuck yourself....

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Originally posted by mrmhs

The times have changed and time and time again the French stuck a knife in our back starting in 91 with the first Gulf war ...

Actually, even before GWI, the French refused to let the US (Pres. Regan) use their AIR SPACE to bomb Lybia. All we needed was to fly over thier country and they said NO.

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This is another reason this is so stoopid!!

Even the word fries was derived from the french, you idiots!!!


fries ( P ) Pronunciation Key (frz)


Third person singular present tense of fry1.


Plural of fry1.


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

[buy it]

fry2 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fr)


Small fish, especially young, recently hatched fish.

The young of certain other animals.

Individuals, especially young or insignificant persons: “These pampered public school boys... had managed to evade the long prison sentences that lesser fry were serving†(Noel Annan).


[Middle English fri, probably from Anglo-Norman frie, from frier, to rub, from Latin fricre.]


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

[buy it]

fry1 ( P ) Pronunciation Key (fr)

v. fried, (frd) fry·ing, fries (frz)

v. tr.

To cook over direct heat in hot oil or fat.

Slang. To destroy (electronic circuitry) with excessive heat or current: “a power surge to the computer that fried a number of sensitive electronic components†(Erik Sandberg-Diment).

v. intr.

To be cooked in a pan over direct heat in hot oil or fat.

Slang. To undergo execution in an electric chair.

n. pl. fries (frz)

A French fry. Often used in the plural.

A dish of a fried food.

A social gathering at which food is fried and eaten: a fish fry.


[Middle English frien, from Old French frire, from Latin frgere.]


Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

Copyright © 2000 by Houghton Mifflin Company.

Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved.

[buy it]


n : strips of potato fried in deep fat [syn: french fries, french-fried potatoes]

Source: WordNet ® 1.6, © 1997 Princeton University

fries, VA (town, FIPS 29920)

Location: 36.71541 N, 80.97605 W

Population (1990): 690 (328 housing units)

Area: 1.7 sq km (land), 0.4 sq km (water)

Zip code(s): 24330


Source: U.S. Gazetteer, U.S. Census Bureau


FRIES: in Acronym Finder

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