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Euro Lounge Review...........

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Well I hope the owner is reading this.... He should thank his Door Guy for the bullshit he pulled... And how the fuck do you give your guest DJ a hard time at the door... Thats what I heard I dont know if it is true....

True bro,

The bouncer told Richie that he doesn't care who he is, his girl needs to show ID......

In such a classy place i don't know how they can let someone with no class work.

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Originally posted by carguy19

True bro,

The bouncer told Richie that he doesn't care who he is, his girl needs to show ID......

In such a classy place i don't know how they can let someone with no class work.

What a cocksucker how do you say that to a guest DJ at your place whatever that place is going nowhere... I wouldnt bash this place if it wasnt for the way that door guy treated people. Bobby wasnt the only one it was other people I talked to at Joeys

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Originally posted by carguy19

True bro,

The bouncer told Richie that he doesn't care who he is, his girl needs to show ID......

In such a classy place i don't know how they can let someone with no class work.

Well it is what it is...but that just out of this world. I'm coming out next week when JOEY MARTINEZ will be back there with my crew....It's gonna be my first time there and I'm actually looking foward to it. I heard the place is nice and there is a good vibe So this will be my test. If i get a bad vibe as soon as I walk up (As Prime said) Why even waste my night, time and money there. Can't have B.S at the door....That won't fly too many other hot Thurs night parties that we can attend nd get no B.S. I hope all the problems are resolved by NEXT week.:eek:

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Originally posted by carguy19

it's either him or me and my guy that promotes with me bottom line......

I know that they'll choose the door guy though cause he's a friend of the owner......

their loss

well i am friendly with the owner as well and i will make comment to the problem...if it doesnt do anything then thats on him....but i do know that if i worked there i would bring in a differnet person to do the door....Deals are deals...business is business...if he wants to have his guy there to check id's thats fine...but my guy will welcome people....maybe try that....see if that helps...it may cost a few more dollars...but will eliminate the hostile additude at the door...jsut let him(Euro Secrity ) look @ id's...thats all... just an idea...

bad additude and treating people in the industry bad is not cool...

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I dont really wanna post my opinion but you guys just gotta lighten up

I love Bobby, always have, nicest person i have known for years but if you cant wear a hat, you can't wear a hat.

The door guy has always been good to me and my friends

My friend wore a hat one of the nights and even though the door guy and him had actually worked together at another place, he still said take it off and out of respect, my friend took off his hat.

Why make a big deal over nothing??????

I think the place is gorgeous, needs some work with running a club, but really everyone is WAYYYYYYYY to critical over corny shit.

Everytime I have been there the staff as been more then nice to me and my friends.

Yeah it needs time to work out the bugs, but thats with every place.

Anyways, i know nothing so my opinion doesnt count :D

Food is awesome there though

Sound system is incredible.........the way the speakers keep the main bass of the music in the middle of the dance floor makes it a place everyone can enjoy..........clubbers or lounge goers

lights, NICE JOB! very good, its actually a really good set up just the place is to loungy for club lighting affects

my only issue with the place is the floors are wayyyyyyyy to slippery. i almost busted my ass a few times

oh btw did you guys forget its a lounge not a club???

hey sorry if i sound bitchy, but i had to do it...............i still love you all :kiss2:

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what i wanna know is, how can they bring ina big time dj such as richie santana and not promote the shit out of the party!?!? :confused:

i mean, the only time i hear about euro, is on CP.. i never ever see flyers or hear people talking about the place.... people, its called Pro-mo-ting.. it may help! :D give it a try!! ;)

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...and that is why places go under.....you shell out big cash one night and never set yourself up to make it back over the next couple weeks via repeat business from the people who now know about your club.

I am not taking sides on this "door guy" thing ....... but maybe someone can clear something up for me ....... it is the door guy's job is to check ID's ....enforce a dress code ....... if he addresses everyone equal...... in my opinion THAT is a good door guy.

Think about it, that's what he is getting paid for. Say for example the place gets busted for underage drinking, who would you immediately blame? The door guy for letting them in.

He is doing his job exactly how it should be. Now if the OWNER was to tell him to be more flexible, well then, the liability is on the owner now...... not the door guy.....and now he can be

laisez-faire about it. A good club needs a "strict" door guy to cut down on some of the liability that owning a club already has.

Not taking sides.... never been to Euro (want to try it soon) but unless he was rude or had a shitty personality doing it ..... he is doing his job.

Much like airport security ...... until 9/11....everyone would complain about being in line to go thru security (can't tell you how many times I would hear F*** people cry and complain over a 5 MINUTE wait on business trips) ..... once the sad major catastrophe happened.....everyone now "understands" WHY you have to wait and now the same people now sit in line for 45 and keep their F*** mouth shut.

In summary my point is that a doorguy is there for a reason, if you are going to have one that does enforce the rules, why have one at all?...... Just a point of view on something that I was not involved in.

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The bottom line is this:

That fat fuck at the door has some type of low self esteem issue and some mental problems (which might explain why his fat ass looks like Fester from the Adams Falmily driving around in a hertz). His weight, lack of getting ass and other day to day problems are all projected out to every single patron that walks through the door, except for the 2-3 of you that claim he's cool to you. I worked with his fat ass the past 4 weeks and he was nothing but a overweight negative slob of shit.

The place has some potential but first things first, fatty needs to go, or keep his lip ring shut. The guy checking id's does not have to talk to every single person walking in there and giving his two cents about life, music and the way people should dress. His beached whale ass couldn't even fuckin shave before he came there.

Second, you don't have to be a friggin meterologist to realize it has snowed or rained or been completely shitty out every fuckin Thurs nite, for the past month.

Third, it takes time to build a party. Yah, the weather was a thorn in the ass, but even if it was 80 degrees and sunny every thurs, you still need time to get the word around and get people to see a place, especially a place in east bumble fuck that nobody has ever heard of. Thurs nite is also not a easy night to promote. Most of America works on Friday, so to get normal people to come out on Thurs is like pulling teeth.

On with Taste! At least they treat their customers and employees like royalty, not peasants.

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i really dont know what you people are talking about....... i find the door guy to be doing his job and yes there is a lil talking, but its called being FRIENDLY.

He never gave me his 2 cents on life or whatever bullshit you are talking about.............who knows maybe you asked for it.......

I totally agree with 3rdflfactoria & jerrycxtacy

as for Yanni, ummmm where do you get off putting someone down for how they look????? are you perfect?

i am not sticking up for the door guy cause i really dont know him all that well just checks my id and lets me in.........plain and simple

he seems to work through respect, you give what you get, maybe you people were rude to him thats why he was a dick back.......i know how people in the club business tend to think they are celebrities and deserve special treatment........

ok i think i am done..........maybe not.......:tongue:

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Originally posted by yannidub

Second, you don't have to be a friggin meterologist to realize it has snowed or rained or been completely shitty out every fuckin Thurs nite, for the past month.

trust me i know..

Originally posted by yannidub

The bottom line is this:

Thurs nite is also not a easy night to promote. Most of America works on Friday, so to get normal people to come out on Thurs is like pulling teeth.

its not really that hard.. but good luck

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Originally posted by djprime

well i am friendly with the owner as well and i will make comment to the problem...if it doesnt do anything then thats on him....but i do know that if i worked there i would bring in a differnet person to do the door....Deals are deals...business is business...if he wants to have his guy there to check id's thats fine...but my guy will welcome people....maybe try that....see if that helps...it may cost a few more dollars...but will eliminate the hostile additude at the door...jsut let him(Euro Secrity ) look @ id's...thats all... just an idea...

bad additude and treating people in the industry bad is not cool...

Whats going on Prime I was by your job earlier today....

Anyways the guy at the door already fucked up with his shitty attitude. I know everyone I chill with wont even step a foot in that place ever again.....

Everyone I talk to hate that door guy and wont ever go back

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

i really dont know what you people are talking about....... i find the door guy to be doing his job and yes there is a lil talking, but its called being FRIENDLY.

He never gave me his 2 cents on life or whatever bullshit you are talking about.............who knows maybe you asked for it.......

I totally agree with 3rdflfactoria & jerrycxtacy

as for Yanni, ummmm where do you get off putting someone down for how they look????? are you perfect?

i am not sticking up for the door guy cause i really dont know him all that well just checks my id and lets me in.........plain and simple

he seems to work through respect, you give what you get, maybe you people were rude to him thats why he was a dick back.......i know how people in the club business tend to think they are celebrities and deserve special treatment........

ok i think i am done..........maybe not.......:tongue:

Christiner sweetie, please dont tell me you are dating this door guy..... You know me and Bobby are the last people to cause Drama.... But lets get something straight why is it a girl that night can wear a Kangol and Bobby CANT!!!!

Fuck that they way he treated us was ducked up all he had to do is say no hats..... Not be a jerkoff and make a scene.....

Doesnt matter I wont ever go there again!!!!!!!

Staff SUCKS!!!! Staff is BEAT!!!!! BEAT.COM

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Originally posted by FrOsTyFiNgAz

its not really that hard.. but good luck

let me guess, your probably a promoter at joey's or metro lounge?? a club that has been established and has a reputation in North Jersey for how many years...

and you got the nerve to say it's not that hard?

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

Christiner sweetie, please dont tell me you are dating this door guy..... You know me and Bobby are the last people to cause Drama.... But lets get something straight why is it a girl that night can wear a Kangol and Bobby CANT!!!!

Fuck that they way he treated us was ducked up all he had to do is say no hats..... Not be a jerkoff and make a scene.....

Doesnt matter I wont ever go there again!!!!!!!

Staff SUCKS!!!! Staff is BEAT!!!!! BEAT.COM

eww no sorry but the lip ring is a big turn off :laugh:

but in any club where the rules are no hats for guys, girls can wear them.......not just Euro

Girls and hats go way back into history so you cant deny us that right :D

Well euro has alot of things to work out but they just opened, i say give it a chance, or how about this, WHY DONT YOU APPROACH THE OWNER AND START YOUR OWN NIGHT THERE

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

what i wanna know is, how can they bring ina big time dj such as richie santana and not promote the shit out of the party!?!? :confused:

i mean, the only time i hear about euro, is on CP.. i never ever see flyers or hear people talking about the place.... people, its called Pro-mo-ting.. it may help! :D give it a try!! ;)

IMO jerry

as i see the way Euro is running

and how they like to have the party;;;

they dont want to PACK in the place-

i mean its an upscale place and its important to keep it COMFORTABLE

not only on the dance floor but also

at the bar-

who wants to smell bodies in the winter clothes at a resturant/club?

i like the # of ppl that go there-

i have snuc in a few times w/o manny knowing

and often call ahead to see how its running-

then just show up later anyway for LATE dinner

and music--

point: keeoing it comfortable

more like a clic kparty where you have oportunity to meet ppl and still have room to chill with all your friends

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Sorry you didnt get the flyer Jerry....

I was very shocked with the turnout as well.....


dont think its because of the flyers bro....

The place is kinda out of the way for most of the peeps I know....

Its too bad.. the place really is set up nice..

I think most of the problem is the owner's and thier attitude...

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Originally posted by crackaa55cece

eww no sorry but the lip ring is a big turn off :laugh:

but in any club where the rules are no hats for guys, girls can wear them.......not just Euro

Girls and hats go way back into history so you cant deny us that right :D

Well euro has alot of things to work out but they just opened, i say give it a chance, or how about this, WHY DONT YOU APPROACH THE OWNER AND START YOUR OWN NIGHT THERE

there is a better chance heel freezes over :D

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