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A Big Weekend Ceeotter Review

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I know most are in South Beach but the review must still go on.

Ok so I am a day late but it was a big weekend for me.

Sat 11 am leave for my shift at XS. Get into SSH and damn parking situation is a mess,freaking snow. Get to XS parade has started, (wow there actually is a parade...always thought it was a myth. Always heard about never actually seen it, must be the alcohol. So next I must go through band hell. However Big Orange Cone and Screaming Brocoli put on fabulous performances, but I want to here bassssssssss. Abo0ut 9 pm my dreams finally came true. Anthony Acid stepped up to tthe turntables. nice, nice, and nice. Through out the day I saw lots of cp'ers Spygirl, hope you have finally gotten some sleep, Sweetie, nice to meet you, Notallthere, charming as always, Viptech, whataboutme, cgm, 007pourer and of course the Parade MVP COSMICGATE, I have never seen someone drink that much and hang on til the end of the night! Now as for my partner cody05 it was his 30th birthday and yes he did do 30 shots and 1 extra for good luck. And of course I couldn't let him drink alone so I joined him for 30:laugh:

NOW on to the crazy art of my weekend. SUNDAY I got up at 9:30 & I joined 2300 people as we jumped into the ocean at Jenkinson's for the Special Olympics. The answer to your next question ...was it cold...ummm yes 39 degrees cold! To my amazement I saw lots of people from the SSH parade up and back to drinking. I saw lots of strange things on Sunday let me tell you. Grown men w/ bras on their head jumping in the ocean, men wearing mermaid cotumes, grand poo ba hats, painted, glittered, peirced. You name it I saw it! Thanks you to those of you who sponsored my jump.

Ok that's it I must try to nurse my liver back to health. Thanks everyone it was a great weekend!!!!!:hat:

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Originally posted by ceeotter

and of course the Parade MVP COSMICGATE, I have never seen someone drink that much and hang on til the end of the night!

Wow I get my first MVP. Its a good thing in ran into Notallthere,Spygirl(the best) and Reeni before 6PM. And whats up with Rubas????? What the hell type of get up were you wearing ?? LOL It took our crew about 15 minutes to reliese that it was you doing shots with us, but always good to see you my friend. Otter and Cody thanks for a great time and the NUMEROUS SHOTS!!!
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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

Wow I get my first MVP. Its a good thing in ran into Notallthere,Spygirl(the best) and Reeni before 6PM. And whats up with Rubas????? What the hell type of get up were you wearing ?? LOL It took our crew about 15 minutes to reliese that it was you doing shots with us, but always good to see you my friend. Otter and Cody thanks for a great time and the NUMEROUS SHOTS!!!

Cosmicgate out and about for the parade....good to see!!!! Couldn't have been as good as last year since I was not there hanging out...ha ha ha!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by cigs

Cosmicgate out and about for the parade....good to see!!!! Couldn't have been as good as last year since I was not there hanging out...ha ha ha!!!!!!!

Bro, i think last year we reached new levels of being wasted!! LOL. This year was just about the same, except without you guys of course
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Lori, I feel your pain, I was at work at 11 got to bed by 5 am, Iwas at Jenks from 1:30 to 8:30, I didnt see you though, I wasnt about to jump in the water though.

Thanks to all the CPers that stopped into Merge and did shots and chilled.

Cosmicgate, you sold me out, you couldnt come check your boy?

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Originally posted by prettyricky

Lori, I feel your pain, I was at work at 11 got to bed by 5 am, Iwas at Jenks from 1:30 to 8:30, I didnt see you though, I wasnt about to jump in the water though.

Thanks to all the CPers that stopped into Merge and did shots and chilled.

Cosmicgate, you sold me out, you couldnt come check your boy?

Sorry about that my brother. From what im being told i missed alot of people on Saturday.That means a special trip to see you and Rolls out at Platinum very soon.
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Originally posted by cosmicgate22

And whats up with Rubas????? What the hell type of get up were you wearing ?? LOL It took our crew about 15 minutes to reliese that it was you doing shots with us, but always good to see you my friend.

Whats that about--A guy can't wear a skull cap and sun glasses w/o getting made fun of. Actually, it was a great time I think. However, just so you know I was a trooper and made it to Deko and a late nite afterwards--Thats why Im still dying now!!!

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ummm Rubas the point of the SSH parade is to stay at the parade all day and night, not go drive an hour north ya clown, that skull cap must have been too tight:laugh:

Cosmic yes your MVP but don't let it get to your head,,me and tempkid have the summer mvp all wrapped up but you can always give a good try to take my crown. I say you and me go to Platinum to visit pretty boy together. I owe him a trip too:)

Prettyricki how did I not find you @ Jenks I was w/ Palidino and Co and Maffei and Jody ect ect @ Jamie's bar:confused: Proably better off we missed each other I would have never made it to work Monday.

Reeni I am so sorry I thought spygirl said sweetie....then again she had no voice left!

Cigs a party is never quite the same w/o you but we did lots of shots to try to forget you weren't there...I think it worked!

and where the hell was JBR!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by whataboutme

Whats that about--A guy can't wear a skull cap and sun glasses w/o getting made fun of. Actually, it was a great time I think. However, just so you know I was a trooper and made it to Deko and a late nite afterwards--Thats why Im still dying now!!!

Bro, you are a better man then me. From what i can recall, i remember Anthony Acid dropping a song called "so much love to give" and the rest of the night until the next afternoon around 3 is a blur. Otter JBR was at spicy when we went back the first time and he worked till close. Also that trip sounds good to me let me know when
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Originally posted by ceeotter

oh shit cosmic i almost let you slide......WHERE THE HELL ARE MY CD'S???????????:mad:

Ummm....ahh... ohh.. Oh yea here they are. PLease dont take back the MVP LOL.. Otter, i wonder if our "special Friend" is reading this today?? You know how he loves when we talk about stuff!!speaking of which, how was the bamboo??? anyone go over there??
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oh shit anthony left us to go inside we were at that bar right in the middle w/ the entrance exit on either side of it!!!

You were w/ those guys??? Yea I definelty did need to find you guys. Did you see the clown w/ the big blue grand pooh ba hat on??????

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