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ATTN: brickhouse RAVERS

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hey brickhouse, I love your signature pic :laugh::laugh: ----looks like my ex-boyfriend. :D

You know what's ironic? Is that it's fucked up that ravers get such a depiction while concert-goers smoke a j and get fucked up all the f-time and it's not touched on.

But you know another thing I have to add, is that--yeeeeeeea--people USE to wear gas masks at underground parties. ....and despite the disagreement from a certain someone, dirty pants worned down on the bottom WERE cool b/c it showed that you danced hard in them. ..come on!! everyone's clothes would turn black b/c everyone TORE the dancefloor apart...." 'kickin' the dirt "

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Rave Kitsch has always been quite a bit more colorful and entertaining that your standard issue concert goer.. I have a feeling that all the uproar is just because lawmakers seem to have a special hatred for day-gloâ„¢ colors.. I agree about the unfair bias wholeheartedly..I've seen just as much sheeot going around at concerts as in clubs and parties...

I kinda miss the gasmask days from time to time tho..

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Originally posted by phuturephunk

I have a feeling that all the uproar is just because lawmakers seem to have a special hatred for day-gloâ„¢ colors..

LOL--I don't know whether to laugh or to seriously agree.

You know what it is? These fucked-up law enforcers have watched too many Footloose re-runs..

I kinda miss the gasmask days from time to time tho..

:paint: :balloon:

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Originally posted by davidstone

I don't know about you, but If I want to see iridescent colors I'll either swallow a sheet of acid or clean my niece's diaper shit. Leave the gas masks and hand-grenades at home man. Stop brigning missile-shell lunch boxes to work - we know your friends at the library think its cool but just chill. Just chill.

There are a couple of billion other dicks on the planet, why don't you try to go ride one of the other ones?

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Originally posted by DANCEdeep


You know what's ironic? Is that it's fucked up that ravers get such a depiction while concert-goers smoke a j and get fucked up all the f-time and it's not touched on.

That was kind of my point there. I was doing some research for my paper and came across a DEA website about club drug strategy, and this was the picture on it to show what a raver was. Because that's evidently what they all look like....

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ivehadit this link: http://www.i-mockery.com/antirave/idiots.asp was too much!!!!! Really funny but kind of pissed me off...the author obviously is a biased mf who prob doesn't even know what they're talking about.

yo, brickhouse I CANNNNNNNNNNN't believe an a-c-t-u-a-l DEA website used this picture raver.jpg to "show" what a raver is...OMG :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: !! Give me a break, I can just imagine it now..a bunch of pigs playing it undercover and searching the crowds for kids w/gas masks :rolleyes:

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