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Sound Factory Closed Again...!!!

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Yo, if Sound Factory (and Exit) kept their hours realistic, they wouldn't have these problems, well not as many problems. Back in the day when JP was good (like 4,5 years ago), SF was open until around 10am on Sunday and that was a sick, sick night!!!! JP would start ripping it around 4am when everyone got there. Now he doesn't even do his first bump until 10am on Sunday. And the "good" part of the party doesn't start until then. And now every weekend that place is open until Sunday night. Same with Exit. Does anyone else notice that the cops are busting the only major "afterhours" clubs in NYC. If they weren't staying open until Sunday evening and being greedy, the cops wouldn't come down on them as hard.

And as for JP going to Limelight as I have heard on here, I hope you guys are wrong. Honestly I think Junior will be there if Exit goes down. He might even go if it doesn't close. And don't forget, if you can deal with the gay people, Junior INVENTED house music and he continues to do so. And the energy that flows through his music is insane! JP can't even come close with his little sound effects machine, lol.

Sorry to tell you guys but Sound Factory is going to end up like Twilo, a memory. But who cares, the last good memories I have from that place are from a loooooong time ago. Jonathan Peters and SF are just stepping stones in the club world and it seems like alot of you guys are stuck on that stone. MOVE ON, he doesn't spin that good anymore!!!!! lol, sorry

Also, drugs are everywhere and the cops know that. What they don't like, is clubs like SF and Exit rubbing it in their faces by staying open until Sunday evening promoting major drug abuse.

That's just my opinion, what do you think???


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would suck if factory closed yet i hvent been there in a long time.

i do agre w bus about doing drug anywhere. shit i can remember me and someone friends were a bit mangled in church once. does that mean the Feds should close all catholic churches.

Liquid if you are happy they close factory for drugs what wil you do if they close your beloved metro. im sure no one ever does drugs in there.

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thats a poor attitude too...its like ok you used it and now you dont so its ok to close I was there in 98 when it was awesome and yeah its young now because you and i have gotten older but you know what ...there were crackheads there then too just as bad it just has evolved to something you arent into or not about or not liking ... that doesnt mean its wrong or that it means less to the people who are going through what you went through when it was your time .... Its not your time to enjoy the place anymore nor is it mine but ..............it is someone elses

i absolutely agree. if u think there is too many kids in there that means u r too fukin old. its not ur scene nemore it doesnt belong to u. it belongs to the next generation now so stop complainin and fuk off. go find urself a new place. :blown:

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

would suck if factory closed yet i hvent been there in a long time.

i do agre w bus about doing drug anywhere. shit i can remember me and someone friends were a bit mangled in church once. does that mean the Feds should close all catholic churches.

Liquid if you are happy they close factory for drugs what wil you do if they close your beloved metro. im sure no one ever does drugs in there.

if anyone didnt get it

maybe i just didnt make it clear eough

(sorry if this sounds like im mad or something)

im just mentioning SF and other places like it since obviously out of control

metro of corse i know about -

hell i even know whos got what- but as many times as someppl ask me- ill just tell them the same thing i tell everyone else

" sorry bro, i dont know where to get any";)

thats the only way i can think of that excludes me from perpetuationg the actions-

but im not going to even TRY to abolish it

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Originally posted by misk

...the fruit was a lovely touch!....

...yea....couldn't care less...let it die........i mean....it has been proven over and over that the old days will never return....even when the old crowd comes out for nights like classics....they are ruined by silly little crack babies who have no concern but finding their next pill and proclaiming how this is the best pill ever! blah blah! lol........what the fuck am i talking about now.......factory::give me old school or give me death......looks like it's gonna be death kiddies!

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I take everything I said before back. I am sitting here on the computer listening to old house music reading about SF on here. AND I WANT TO GO BACK!!! I miss it now that it might be gone, lol. I want to go out and drop ten hits and kill 3 jars. Preferably a retro night... ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!! But I probably wouldn't make it past the dogs outside or the bouncers. Ah fuck it, close her down.

What I really want is Tunnel to re-open!!!

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Well my friend was at 30 Flavors Ice Cream Shop last night, and she said that her friend knows this guy who was working with a girl that has a cousin in St Louis who's brother was in town last night and saw Jonathan Peter's at a local coffee shop talking about moving his gig to a new place in the village....

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i talked to someone the other day who said they knew someone who was at factory on sunday left at noon and it was open when did they get shut down ???

It never got shut down, people got arrested, but that was earlier

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