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What were some of your favorite toys as a child...


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OMG here we go......

Rainbow Brite, Lady Lovely Locks, Jem!, He-Man, She-Ra, Thunder Cats, The Snorkles, Fraggle Rock, my Barbie Hot Wheels three-wheeler, Cabage Patch Kids (dolls and cards...and later on Garbage Pail Kids!!!)

Playing Dress-up, house and school!!!!!

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i was a huge lego fan :D

barbie's (naturally)... i was wayyy obsessed, i had like 25 dolls and numerous accessories... then i went through my 'i hate barbie' phase around age 8 and gave 'em all to my neighbor... grrr i'm still mad that i did that

my little pony


cabbage patch dolls

pound puppies

kid sister

roller skates

sit-n-spin (haha that was an evil way of making lil kids throw up... i held my own tho :D )

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Originally posted by jessie739

wow, I forgot like all of those...i loved them all too....except sit-n-spin but i always tried my hardest on the pogo stick! LOL


I am convinced Sit - N - Spin was designed as a torture device... I can't count how many times I busted my ass after getting off that thing and trying to walk across the room while my parents laughed at me... :nono::cuss: those fuckers... The things we did as children... :laugh::rolleyes:

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Originally posted by elementx

I am convinced Sit - N - Spin was designed as a torture device... I can't count how many times I busted my ass after getting off that thing and trying to walk across the room while my parents laughed at me... :nono::cuss: those fuckers... The things we did as children... :laugh::rolleyes:

:laugh: aww but that was the fun part!! i was such a bruised up lil kid, all self-inflicted... i may have been girly but i was a tomboy at heart, climbing trees, playing tag and manhunt, racing bikes, fighting with boys... haha oh wait i still do that last one :D:tongue:

i forgot about rainbow bright... i remember making my dad search all over toys r us for the exact one i wanted... hehe i was such a brat

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Originally posted by mssabina

:laugh: i was gonna say... this thread started out innocently enough about childhood toys... and now look what we did :grin3:


I need a sex theropist... :(

How the hell did I forget ATARI, COMADORE 64, NINTENDO Etc... Etc...

Although they were the downfall to children everywhere. I still loved them. But they ruined kids of today. You don't see kids outside playing games like they used to. Hense the reason of so much obesity in the world... :rolleyes:

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i never had nintendo but i somehow ended up playing it constantly... i was (and still am) a pro at super mario 3... zelda, ninja turtles and the addams family game were my thing too...

i was an outdoors child tho... if i had to be stuck inside for more than an hour i'd get destructive... lucky my block had about 30 kids on it...

anyone remember those pogo ball things? they looked like saturn, a ball with a ring around it and u stood on it and bounced around... those were so cool

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Originally posted by mssabina

i never had nintendo but i somehow ended up playing it constantly... i was (and still am) a pro at super mario 3... zelda, ninja turtles and the addams family game were my thing too...

i was an outdoors child tho... if i had to be stuck inside for more than an hour i'd get destructive... lucky my block had about 30 kids on it...

anyone remember those pogo ball things? they looked like saturn, a ball with a ring around it and u stood on it and bounced around... those were so cool

Yup busted my ass on the pogo ball as well... I like outside also... Huge manhunt games around my neighborhood during the summer nights... Kickball, Dodge ball, Stick Ball etc... etc...

Anyway... Good night all... Time for me to leave work and go home and relax...

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